Chapter 19

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"…one of the suspect's accomplices was shot dead while attempting to flee."

As this broadcast aired, a photo of Big Daddy appeared prominently on the screen.

At that moment, Mindy could no longer contain her sorrow. The tears that had been welling up in her eyes suddenly flowed uncontrollably, as if a dam had burst. She collapsed to the floor, kneeling and sobbing loudly, her entire body wracked with grief.

In her teenage years, as she grew more rebellious, Hit-Girl Mindy had harbored some resentment and frustration toward her father, Big Daddy Damon. While other girls played with Barbie dolls, her toys were all forms of guns. While other girls enjoyed carefree childhoods, hers was filled with rigorous training to become a top-tier assassin.

As she grew older, she came to understand that she was merely a tool for her father's revenge—a killing machine forged to avenge her mother's death. Sometimes, she wondered just how much her father actually loved her. Perhaps, in Big Daddy's heart, his desire to reclaim his wife outweighed his love for his daughter.

In her rebellious phase, Mindy had resisted her father's ways. She longed to return to school and experience a normal student life. But now…

Now, because of a single careless act of taking a photo and a reckless internet search, a terrible tragedy had unfolded. At the root of it all was the boy standing beside her.

"This is all your fault! All your fault…"

"If it weren't for you, none of this would have happened."

"I hate you!"

Hit-Girl, consumed by rage, lashed out at Su Chen, hitting him repeatedly with her fists. Su Chen remained silent, his head hanging low, his face clouded with gloom as he stood there, lost in thought.

He wanted to comfort her, but seeing her anger and resentment toward him, he realized their friendship was likely over. They might even become enemies in the future. With this realization, the hands he had intended to use to hug her fell back to his sides.

Tears soaked through his black hoodie. Her fists, which had been pounding on him, gradually stopped. The once lively and energetic assassin girl was now utterly helpless and pitiable.

In that moment, Su Chen was reminded of his own sister. After their mother's death, Susan had cried just as heartbreakingly.

Mindy lay against Su Chen's chest, weeping until she eventually fell asleep, exhausted from her grief.

"Sleeping is probably for the best…"

Su Chen glanced at the clock on the wall. There wasn't much time left until the scheduled press conference. The Dome, located in the capital city, was quite a distance from Manhattan. Even by car, it would take several hours to get there.

At that moment, Su Chen's face was devoid of any emotion, seemingly broken by the relentless onslaught of reality. But no… Inside, a storm of emotions raged, like a turbulent ocean in a stormy night, waves crashing uncontrollably. His mind was filled with boundless hatred, like a deep abyss emanating a malevolent, despairing aura.

A global fugitive!

An innocent lab subject turned into a member of a terrorist organization overnight.

His relentless enemies were giving him no room to breathe. The peaceful life he yearned for was becoming an unattainable dream. Even the only person in Manhattan who had shown him kindness was now suffering because of their connection to him.

Why me?

Why is it always me who suffers?

His mother dead, his sister missing—series of tragedies that seemed to be tormenting him endlessly.

Su Chen didn't understand why, and at thirteen, he didn't care to understand. All he wanted now was revenge and to kill!

To make all those who had caused him despair, all those who stood in his way, suffer and perish.

At this desperate moment, Su Chen's slightly delicate and handsome face gradually lost its boyish innocence, replaced by a cold, merciless resolve. He no longer wanted to retreat.

"I will make them pay for what they've done to us…"

Looking at the sleeping Mindy, he quietly left the safe house.

His target: The Dome.

If Su Chen simply rushed there by normal means, he would miss the press conference. However, in his current state of extreme emotional turmoil, his mind recalled how he had teleported from the snowy plains to Manhattan. With sudden clarity, an invisible ripple of power emanated from around his body. A force that could alter reality opened a portal before him. Stepping through it, Su Chen found himself instantly transported to the distant capital city.

Gazing at the grand, sword-like structure of the Dome in the distance, Su Chen's cold expression showed no emotion. He walked forward, determined.


His footsteps echoed on the ground.

He pulled up his black hood, his drooping bangs unable to conceal the cold, murderous intent in his eyes.

Soon, the sound of his footsteps faded. He continued walking, but now each step seemed to land on air. An invisible staircase appeared before him, allowing him to ascend into the sky as if he were walking on solid ground.

"Oh my God, look! What is that?"

"Dear Lord, that boy is walking in the air…"

"This is incredible."

Outside the national defense headquarters, numerous reporters had already gathered. They watched in astonishment as a mysterious figure ascended into the sky.

"Damn, isn't that the terrorist suspect?"

"My God, you guys are really slow—this is the same boy from the morning news!"

One remark jolted everyone awake!

Recognizing the boy, the reporters became even more excited, their cameras flashing wildly.

Unlike the excited reporters, the guards outside the building turned pale. They quickly unlocked their safeties and aimed their guns at the figure in the sky.

"Damn it, the suspect is attacking!"

No one had expected the globally wanted fugitive Su Chen to appear so boldly in broad daylight, utilizing his mysterious power to ascend into the sky before everyone's eyes.

Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out as bullets were fired into the air.

Su Chen paid no heed. An invisible barrier of telekinetic force surrounded him, deflecting all bullets away. He continued his ascent, step by step, until he reached the sky, looking down upon the building and the land below.

"Now, it's time for you to feel the pain I've endured."

A bright light began to emanate from within him, a terrifying and powerful energy building up, like a volcano on the verge of eruption.

No one knew where the nuclear explosion from the large experimental base had gone. In reality, it hadn't disappeared—it had been absorbed into Su Chen's body.

For the past few days, he had been a walking human weapon in Manhattan.

He had been too merciful before.

This time, he decided to go all out.

It was time to let them experience the agony of a nuclear explosion!