Chapter 20

Mindy, who had fallen asleep in a daze, suddenly woke up from a nightmare.

She had dreamt of her father's death.

But soon, the scene in her dream shifted again, turning into a hellish image of Su Chen slaughtering people.

"Su Chen…"

Mindy's expression changed.

But in front of her, the safe house was empty, with no sign of Su Chen.

She suddenly remembered the hurtful words she had said in her emotional outburst. As her rationality returned, she realized she had lost her composure. After all, the root cause and fault did not lie with Su Chen.

He was also a victim. Her words were like swords piercing his heart.

Abruptly, she turned towards the TV. The screen was broadcasting the live press conference, but no one had expected that the teenager, just declared a global fugitive, was now hovering in the sky above the building.

"Su Chen…"

For a moment, Mindy's delicate face was filled with shock as she watched.

Su Chen, please don't do anything foolish.

Mindy knew how much pain and injustice Su Chen had endured beneath his cold exterior, how much anger and resentment he had been holding back.

She had seen some of the background information and knew that Su Chen was a survivor of a lab experiment, not some heinous criminal.

But once he attacked a landmark building in front of the world's eyes, there would be no turning back.



Turning back?

Su Chen, who was utterly disillusioned with the world, never even considered that term.

From this moment on, he only wanted the world to feel the pain he had endured.

A nuclear explosion.

It was these people who had bestowed it upon him.

Few could imagine that a person's body could instantly contain the power of a nuclear explosion.

External energy is like water, and the body is like a barrel.

To bear such a vast amount of energy in an instant naturally required an extraordinarily strong body.

Su Chen's body, having withstood the nuclear explosion and regenerated, had developed new resistances, perfectly adapting to the terrifying energy impact. His muscle strength had reached a new level.

That's why he could walk through the city with an immense amount of energy without issue.

"It's time to give it all back to you!"

Su Chen couldn't hear the panic of the people below.

The energy surging within him caused the air around him to become increasingly turbulent, like a typhoon ravaging the earth.


The energy began to seep out from within him, gushing out continuously.

At that moment, Su Chen, glowing all over, was like a rising sun. The blazing white light instantly enveloped everything in sight, and the energy carried by the light destroyed everything in its path.



The personnel on the ground scattered in all directions, never imagining that the figure climbing in the air would start to self-destruct.

And the energy burst was like a crushing sun, causing the magnificent building to evaporate like a snowman under the summer sun.


The figures running on the ground, as well as the curious journalists, couldn't escape this catastrophe either.

Their bodies evaporated in an instant.


The mushroom cloud that emerged from the explosion perfectly covered the entire building, annihilating all soldiers and staff inside.

From afar, one could see a vast, spectacular mushroom cloud rising from the ground.

No one expected that this building, which the military had pinned their hopes on to mock criminals, would meet such a fate.

"Oh my god, what is that?"

"Heavens, isn't that boy self-destructing?"

"Damn, I didn't see wrong. That fugitive turned into a sun, releasing blinding light…"

The viewers in front of the TV were also completely stunned.

At this moment, the screen lost satellite signal and couldn't connect to the live scene.

Even the most foolish people vaguely understood that the light released from the boy's body seemed to have turned into a terrifying explosion that struck the entire landmark building.

Of course, the citizens of the capital city saw this scene very clearly.

A chilling mushroom cloud rose from the distant ground.

"Oh my god, did our country just get nuked?"


Someone used their phone to capture the image of the mushroom cloud and uploaded it to social media.

[Shocking! Stark-designed building got nuked! The military got slapped in the face! This scene is too spectacular.]

In no time.

The clicks skyrocketed, and as the videos got shared, more and more people learned about the attack on Washington D.C., the so-called capital city.

"Wait, this has to be a joke, right?"

In Manhattan, inside Stark Tower, Tony Stark nearly spat out his water upon hearing the news.

"The so-called safest facility in the world, absolutely escape-proof, got nuked before it was even operational?"

This made Tony feel utterly humiliated.

Looking at the various shared videos, Tony, now Iron Man, felt an immense sense of curiosity.


"Yes, sir."

The AI butler Jarvis immediately understood his master's intent. Using the near-Earth orbit satellites, Jarvis quickly calculated the nuclear yield.

"Suspected energy-absorbing mutant ability, allowing this global fugitive to store an immense nuclear yield within his body. But given the scale of the self-detonation, this boy couldn't possibly survive."

"Yeah, that's quite obvious."

Tony Stark mocked.

No need for calculations; anyone with a brain could see that the boy had self-destructed and died.

"No, sir. There's a very distinct life sign in the nuclear blast area."

In less than a second, Jarvis delivered a brutal truth that slapped Tony in the face.


At that moment, even the usually calm Tony Stark stood up in shock.


In the eyes of the onlookers at the scene, from the mushroom cloud emerged a slender figure, surrounded by an invisible force, walking out of the nuclear explosion unscathed.

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