Chapter 21


A terrifying mushroom cloud rose above the ground, completely obliterating the grand building that once symbolized formidable military achievements. The shadow of death loomed over the area.

Everything was silent.

But amid the deathly silence, from the horrifying nuclear haze and explosion flames, a figure enveloped in an invisible aura slowly walked out. No one could have imagined that a tall and lean figure would emerge unscathed from the center of a nuclear explosion.

Wearing a black hood, with black bangs covering his forehead, his cold eyes were clear and emotionless, his face devoid of any emotion.

"It's him!"

"Oh my god, the globally wanted criminal who self-destructed is completely unharmed!"

Terrified by the nuclear haze and radiation, the citizens in the nearby area had already fled in panic. However, a fearless journalist, seeking first-hand information, took a ride on an armed helicopter, bringing live coverage to the world.

He had struck gold.

The journalist, intending to shoot close-up footage of the nuclear explosion site, was astonished to see a living figure emerging from the explosion.

It was him! The Chinese boy Su Chen, who was declared an S-level global wanted criminal and an extremist mutant member by the national defense spokesperson that very morning.

He orchestrated this nuclear explosion and now emerged unscathed. This was both shocking and horrifying.

"According to reports, this Chinese boy Su Chen had just killed General Ross and his special forces in Central Park, Manhattan, earlier this morning."

"And now..."

"This boy is utterly lawless, showing complete disregard for the law, having leveled a building in some bizarre manner in broad daylight."

The news anchor spoke into the microphone.

The cameraman, carrying a camera, zoomed in from the helicopter, capturing Su Chen's cold and emotionless figure.


In less than a second, the cameraman clearly saw through his lens the boy who had walked out of the nuclear explosion lifting his head, looking at them with cold, merciless eyes.


The blackened Su Chen heard the distant voice clearly.


Without any moral or legal constraints.

These harsh words only strengthened Su Chen's resolve for revenge.

Didn't they accuse him of being an extremist mutant member?

Then so be it!


Su Chen raised his right hand, and a beam of light flickered at his fingertip. In an instant, the light expanded, transforming into a thick beam that shot towards the sky.


The helicopter, far above, didn't have time to evade.

The speed of the beam was too fast.


The helicopter's rotor was instantly damaged by the beam, losing its lifting force. The entire helicopter plummeted straight to the ground like a meteor.


Soon, an orange-red flame rose from the distant ground.

In such a crash, there was no chance of survival for the helicopter crew.

Meanwhile, more and more military vehicles arrived at the scene.

But the soldiers, who had come to secure the area, never imagined that a survivor would walk out of the nuclear explosion, let alone the instigator of it all.

"Attention all units, open fire immediately!!"

The first batch of biochemical troops didn't bother to secure the scene.

Their enemy had appeared, and with cold sweat streaming down their faces, they pointed their guns at the lone figure.

"Raise your hands..."

The commander instinctively uttered a warning.

His face reddened. Facing such a lawless, extremist mutant who had caused a nuclear disaster, this warning was meaningless.

"Open fire!!"


The disjointed gunfire echoed, revealing everyone's nervousness.

Many felt their scalps tingling, bodies trembling uncontrollably.

No wonder!!

This was a monster who walked out of a nuclear explosion unscathed!

What use were bullets?

But the soldiers, who had come to secure the scene and maintain order, were helpless. Faced with this terrifying situation, they could only continue shooting at the advancing figure under their commander's orders.


Bullets pierced through the air, aiming at the figure.

An invisible telekinetic wave enveloped him, blocking all the bullets. With a thought, the bullets accelerated, flying back towards the hurriedly forming ranks of soldiers.


The sound of bullets piercing flesh echoed.

The soldiers fell quickly.

Suddenly, long-barreled artillery shells roared in, crashing around Su Chen with enormous force.

"Cover the area with barrages!!"


Shells, capable of demolishing buildings, exploded around Su Chen in succession.

Blazing flames, immense heat waves, and metal shards erupted around him.

Under normal circumstances, Su Chen could have avoided it all with his telekinesis.

But now, having exhausted all his nuclear energy, he needed external energy to replenish himself.

For a moment, the invisible wave around him absorbed all the heat and kinetic energy from the surroundings, even distorting the light.

[Energy Utilization +5]

[Energy Utilization +5]


The system quickly reflected his rising abilities.

"They're here."

A glint appeared in Su Chen's eyes.

He raised both hands, and two energy cannons formed in his palms.

In the next moment.


The radiant energy cannons, filled with terrifying energy, carved a gash in the ground, engulfing and destroying the distant artillery and soldiers.

In a short time, the first batch of troops that arrived to maintain order were completely annihilated.

Meanwhile, satellite equipment in space captured the scene.

As a result, the nation's alert level was raised to the highest.

"Deploy S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately!"

"Send out all special forces."

"I don't care how you do it, but by the end of today, I want to see this extremist mutant crying in repentance on this land. I want him dead without a place for burial!"

The president angrily issued the latest orders.

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