Chapter 26

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The assassin, even in death, couldn't understand how his opponent predicted his teleportation location. He died confused and baffled, descending into the underworld.

"Jarvis, did you notice what just happened?"

"Sir, I couldn't detect it immediately."

Tony Stark, hovering in the sky, frowned. He had a vague realization: the boy on the ground seemed to be constantly learning and evolving during combat. This idea was absurd, but considering the wanted boy's sudden proficiency in killing the teleporting assassin, Tony felt a chill. This enemy might be more troublesome than expected.

With General Stryker's team arriving, Tony could only wait in the air.

"The enemy is peculiar. Be cautious, everyone."

The black-armored soldiers from the armored vehicles quickly assumed a defensive stance.

"No worries, I'll turn him into mincemeat soon."

A fat man, as rotund as a barrel, laughed grimly. Without any pleasantries, he and a thin man charged towards Su Chen. Meanwhile, an unseen psychic force invaded Su Chen's mind.


Su Chen frowned. A piercing psychic wave, like needles, attacked his brain. Simultaneously, a sharp sonic attack assaulted his ears. However, he had already developed immunity to such sonic attacks from a previous encounter with General Ross. As for the psychic attack...

Within a second, his infinitely evolving genes generated a countermeasure.

[Awakening: Psychic Barrier]

The needle-like pain in his head vanished. The psychic waves attempting to alter his will were blocked by an invisible barrier in his mind.

"You have many abilities," Su Chen remarked with a hint of interest. He enjoyed fighting against ability users the most.

"Damn it!"

Banshee and the Mind Taker exchanged disbelieving looks. Their combined attack was ineffective, but Su Chen's momentary pain seemed real...

The Mind Taker frowned.


The ground trembled as the barrel-shaped fat man approached.

"Stay down, kid," the man, codenamed Fatty, sneered, extending his fat hand. Despite realizing the Mind Taker's failure, he didn't halt his attack. Instantly, his body swelled, becoming a towering giant several meters tall.

Fatty's power was super endurance, known for withstanding immense damage.

Meanwhile, a thin figure lunged from the side. Unlike Fatty, Su Chen's battle instincts sensed danger from this person's unknown ability.

"Get lost!"

With a thought, Su Chen unleashed a torrent of telekinetic force, striking the giant. Fatty's blubber rippled, dispersing the force. The telekinetic blast, capable of crushing a tank, merely pushed him back a few meters.

[Telekinesis evolving...]

Ignoring the fat man, Su Chen focused on the thin attacker, whose arm radiated a disintegrating force. The Disintegration Master could break down any matter into molecules and atoms.

Su Chen, unafraid, charged forward, enveloped in telekinetic energy. He punched the thin man, sending him flying like a broken doll.


However, Su Chen's fist also cracked, blood seeping from the fine fractures. His body, tempered by nuclear blasts, was extraordinary. Without the telekinesis and energy shielding, the disintegration force would have caused significant harm.

[Body cells evolving...]

[Body strength increasing...]

Su Chen's genes developed resistance to the disintegration ability, enhancing his molecular density and overall strength. His fist healed almost instantly.

Meanwhile, his telekinesis completed its evolution.

[Awakening: Telekinetic Plastification]

The system clearly conveyed the new gene information to Su Chen.

"End this."

He unleashed another telekinetic wave. Fatty, undeterred, charged with a sneer. This time, the telekinetic force materialized into sharp spikes, piercing Fatty's body.


Blood spurted as Fatty was skewered by countless spikes.

The transformative nature of Su Chen's telekinesis was beyond imagination.

"Something's wrong..."

Watching the evolving boy, Fatty realized something.

"Damn! This can't be human!"

With that, his mutilated body collapsed.

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