Chapter 27

The super-strong and resilient Fatty had fallen. Previously, this stout guy had always served as the meat shield of this special team. Even fortress-penetrating shells and precise bullets would bounce off his fat-laden skin. Even the strongest punch from the world's most famous boxing champion would be absorbed by his fat.

But now, he was down, his body riddled with holes as if struck by countless arrows. The thin man with the power to disintegrate atoms met a similar fate.

"Impressive abilities," Su Chen genuinely praised. After experiencing a nuclear explosion, he couldn't think of any external stimuli that could further enhance his physique, but this man had managed it.


An invisible telekinetic wave condensed in Su Chen's right hand. With his telekinesis now able to plastify, he conjured a barely visible spear out of thin air.

"Damn, how did you do that?" the man lying on the ground clenched his fists, furious. In their encounter, Su Chen remained unscathed. The ability to disintegrate anything into atoms should be unstoppable, yet it was ineffective against this boy. In contrast, his own mortal body couldn't withstand a single punch from this monster, rendering him immobile.

A monster, truly a monster...

Ignoring the disgruntled man, Su Chen's eyes fixed on his neck, where surgical scars extended from the nape to the back of his head.

An experimental subject!

Su Chen realized where these unfortunate individuals came from. He couldn't understand why they served such a despicable person, which made him both puzzled and furious.


He thrust the spear through the man's head.

"Your existence disgusts me."

With a powerful stomp, Su Chen shot forward like an arrow.

"Watch out!"

The special team members panicked. A tall, burly man, seemingly able to transform like a beast, faced Su Chen first. He resembled a giant bear.


But he couldn't withstand the impact from a thirteen-year-old boy. Like being hit by a speeding train, he was sent flying over a hundred meters.


Screams echoed as Banshee's sonic attack created visible ripples in the air. Yet Su Chen, the primary target, remained unaffected.

"Do something!"

"I'm trying!" Mind Taker yelled, panicked.

[Sonic Immunity +1]

[Psychic Barrier +10]

Su Chen calmly stood amidst their attacks. His sharp eyes caught a spatial fluctuation as someone tried to teleport behind him.

With a thought, a giant invisible hand materialized and seized the teleporting figure. The flawless anticipation stunned everyone.

"Another teleporter," Su Chen muttered, a cold glint in his eyes. It couldn't be mere coincidence to encounter two teleporters in succession.

"Let me go..." the captured figure struggled, feet dangling in the air. He attempted to teleport away, but the overwhelming telekinetic force twisted his body, breaking all his bones.

"You're not natural mutants," Su Chen noted, seeing the surgical scar on the bald head of the other assassin. These were artificially created superhumans, products of some lab.

"So, you're all working for General Stryker."

Only someone like the notorious Stryker would mass-produce mutants with such proficiency.


Su Chen's anger flared. In his rage, altering reality felt as natural as breathing.


With his command, a mysterious force sealed their fate.


All the nearby enemies exploded simultaneously. A bloody mist filled the air, but Su Chen's telekinetic shield kept the blood away.

"So, you all work for Stryker?" Su Chen's gaze shifted to the approaching reinforcements. In the sealed-off area, hundreds of elite soldiers were arriving. Learning from previous failures, most were exceptionally skilled.


The ruthless Su Chen had no intention of reasoning with them. Without visible effort or energy waves, he made their hearts burst.


One by one, the elite soldiers clutched their hearts and collapsed, their faces etched with confusion and fear. Until their last moments, they had no idea what had happened. The terrifying power of reality alteration manifested before the world, mercilessly..

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