Chapter 21: The Next Level

It was a big blow to Mr. Lesley to see his precious daughter on the entertainment news headlines in a very embarrassing and terrible form.

Out of politeness, maybe I should go forward and comfort a few words but I was afraid that as soon as I opened my mouth, I would say, "In fact, it's not just the entertainment news headlines, because on Wall Street, the financial section will also squeeze out a small space to visit your daughter and my ex-husband's intimate photos."

So that was why I said I was nothing like my mother. I would use such methods to vent my dissatisfaction. It was all Leo's fault. He kept taking from me, yet was stingy with emotional value, not even a bit.

He also chose betrayal. From blocking me on Instagram to the Gala on my birthday, from behind the scenes to in the open, he trampled me thoroughly inside and out.