Chapter 1- Start

Om Shree Ganeshay Namah

"What is the status of research"

"It's almost complete, but we will need more time to fully analyze and observe the nuclear reaction before publishing anything....."

The man sitting on a chair interjected

"So, I don't care, I want to publish research as soon as possible, if you can't do it. I can find someone else to do the work"

"Do you understand" 

The scientist standing in front of man, could only node his head in helplessness

Looking at the interaction between the man and his teacher Chen Heng could only clench his fist tightly

as they exited the room, after walking some distance

"Who does he think he is, it was you who founded the equation"

looking at his teacher with moist eyes, Chen Heng spoke in a somewhat angry tone


Life was not easy for Chen Heng, who was Orphane, Struggling daily on the street so he could eat food two times a day,

it was his teacher who changed his life completely

He clearly remembers the day when he first encountered his teacher

It was a rainy day, Chen heng used to polish shoes on the street but, on that day almost no customer came to him to polish the shoes 

He thought he would have to spend his night without any food,

when suddenly a man in a long black suit came to him running in the water, 

"How much for a pair?" he asks, eyeing the boots with a mixture of desperation and hope

"Only two dollars, sir," Chen Heng replied with a friendly smile. "They'll keep your feet nice and dry."

Living on the street Chen Heng learned one thing, if you don't speak warmly to customers they will not come to you next time,

therefore even if his mood is sore he has to hide that feeling in his heart and speak with a smile on his face.

Man hands him a pair of shoes 

and, Chen Heng skillfully polishes his worn-out shoes, 

"Thanks, kid. Keep the change." The man hands him a dollar bill and left

looking at five dollars in his hand 

"Sigh, at least I won't have to spend the night hungry today"

as Chen Heng pockets the money in his hand

A sleek black car sped from the side, its tires slicing through a large puddle. The water splashes violently, drenching Chen Heng from head to toe

"Shit, I have to spend the night in the cold today," Chen Heng says in frustration

It was not the first time, something like this had happened on the street, it had happened to many people like Chen Heng

but, something was different this time

after, going some front, the black car stops abruptly a few feet away and a well-dressed man steps out.

He holds an elegant umbrella and looks around, His gaze falls on Chen Heng, and he walks over.

"I'm so sorry about that! Are you okay?" the elegant man asks looking genuinely concerned

Chen Heng still dripping wet, looks up at the man. Despite his frustration, he forces a smile,

he knew the rules of the street "Don't offend someone who is far above your league" 

Chen Heng had seen many people on the street being destroyed completely because they offended someone they shouldn't have

and, that is the last thing Chen Heng wanted, as that is far worse than death

"It's alright, sir. Just water."

The man walks over, offering his umbrella to shield him from the rain

"Please, let me make it up to you. I didn't see the puddle. Here, take this.

He hands Chen Heng a crisp hundred-dollar bill. Chen Heng's eyes widen in disbelief.

"Thank you, sir, but, This is too much."

another, rule of the street is don't take money if someone offers you too much of it

Chen Heng had seen many of his fellows discussing, how some street vendor lost his life because he took money from a loan shark

and, he confused that with this situation, 


Remembering the day, Chen Heng thanked god, that he didn't take that money, if he took that money he would never have been with his teacher

after, noticing Chen Heng's moist eye, the man patted his head,

it's alright Chen, "Life is like this, sometimes smooth and some time like this"

Chen Heng teacher is a noble Prize winner, and recently he discovered something that humanity has never thought they would achieve, even in their dream

The Creator equation, he had discovered an equation that converts mass to energy 


but, to prove his theory he needs a large number of funds, to show the world what he has discovered

therefore, he collaborated with the government

and, whoever said the government is impartial is the stupidest person alive,

because after, discovering the possibility of power that the equation holds,

the government has confined his teacher in complete house arrest and forced him to work like a slave for them

and, for Chen Heng and other students of the professor, the government put in two offers, either leave or stay in confinement with their teacher

Other, students who come from rich families left, Only he and another friend who just like him was taken in by the teacher had stayed behind

Helping the teacher, prove his equation

and, the arrogant man who was ordering his teacher like a slave was a government agent who was tasked to look over the teacher and his student's

"Hai" Chen Heng couldn't help but sigh looking at his teacher's current situation

honestly speaking, he was very excited when he came to know his teacher had discovered the "secret of the creator" 

who, doesn't have desires

he also desired to be remembered by the side of his teacher in history books as an assistant who supported the creation of the "creator equation" 

but, the situation has changed, now confined behind the walls of a so-called home, not knowing if their teacher will live or die the next day after he has proven the research 

fortunately, his teacher has convinced a government agent to let his students live the rest of their lives without any worries 

but, this is not enough for Chen Heng, who considers his teacher a father, how could a child leave his father in a time of problem 

'but, what can Chen Heng do, the world's rule on an iron fist those who have power have the last say'

and, even if Chen Heng rescues his teacher from the confine of the government, what is the possibility they will not be hunted down by the government,

and even if Chen Heng somehow connects to another country, what is the possibility that their government will not use them like this one 

with this thought, Chen heng sat in his room