Chapter 2- The Beginning


Chen Heng's head was rumbling


his body violently jerked before falling to the ground 

"Am I dead" his mind was chaotic when he suddenly had a flashback 


Chen Heng came to his room after talking with his teacher for some time, about research 

Despite the late hour, his mind was sharp, driven by the urgent need to finalize their research.

His teacher's stern words from earlier in the day still echoed in his mind, 

"I know you want to save me from here, but there is not much you can do, so please don't do anything foolish in your anger, lest you lose your life for the dying old man"

"you, are still young and you do not have much experience in life, and I have lived my life enough" 

"do, you understand Chen"

Chen Heng clenched his fists at the memory

then he remembered the words of the government official

"So, I don't care, I want to publish research as soon as possible. If you can't do it, I can find someone else to do the work. Do you understand?"

How dare that man talk to his teacher like that? The very teacher who had discovered the equation that could change the world. Yet, here they were, confined and pressured, their life's work reduced to a demand from an impatient bureaucrat.

calming the anger, Chen Heng focused on his duty today

 although his teacher had found the equation, the groundbreaking formula that could convert mass to energy,

But, proving it required extensive observation and analysis of nuclear reactions.

Tonight, Chen Heng decided to watch the nuclear reaction test.

and, his teacher had retired for the night, leaving Chen Heng to take the lead on the night shift at the nuclear power plant's observation deck.

after nodding to himself,

Chen Heng gathered his notes and headed out.

The path to the observation deck of the nuclear power plant was familiar, each step echoing with his footsteps.

He slipped through the security gate, as his clearance allowed him access to the restricted areas.

The small nuclear reactor loomed ahead, it was formed by the government's most advanced technology for their research 

As he settled into his station, the console in front of him flickered to life.

Data streams and graphs danced across the screen, a symphony of information that Chen Heng had learned to interpret with ease.

He initiated the sequence to start the reaction, his fingers moving deftly over the controls,

The reactor core began to glow, a pulsating heart of energy.

Chen Heng's eyes were glued to the readouts on the screen, his mind racing to keep up with the rapid fluctuations.

Everything seemed normal at first, but then, without warning, the readings spiked

"What's going on?" he muttered, adjusting the settings in an attempt to stabilize the reaction

But, instead of calming down the reactor core's glow intensified, becoming a blinding white light that seemed to pierce through reality itself

Suddenly, a gap in space-time opened before him, a rift of unimaginable power.

The room was bathed in an otherworldly blinding dark light, and Chen Heng felt an overwhelming force pulling him towards it. He tried to resist, but the light was relentless

In that moment, Chen Heng's world changed forever.

The light-filled his vision, and his senses were overwhelmed by its intensity

He felt a strange sensation as if he was being stretched and compressed all at once


it was now the current situation of Chen Heng

slowly pain faded away,

Chen Heng tried to open his eyes as much as possible, trying to figure out what was going around him

but, to no avail his body was no longer in his control,

Chen Heng has entered a state-like coma

soon, his condition was reported to his teacher,

Days turned into weeks, and Chen Heng's condition remained unchanged.

His teacher stayed by his side, wracked with guilt and worry.

The hospital room was filled with the steady beeping of machines, a constant reminder of Chen Heng's life and death

But, this situation confused everyone, because when they saw from CCTV recording, they didn't witness any light like Chen Heng they only saw, the nuclear reaction going out of control

after which Chen Heng tried to maintain stability, after which the nuclear reaction became stable

and they saw Chen Heng staring into empty space with horrified eyes before falling to the ground, therefore even the government was trying to save Chen Heng to know what was going on that night

because, even after several attempts they couldn't find out why or how did reactor became unstable

his teacher who has kept Chen Heng like his own child, was sitting beside him in hospital 

"Chen, if you can hear me," he whispered, his voice trembling,

"I'm so sorry. I never wanted this for you. You have so much potential and so much to offer the world. Please, come back to us."

The room was silent except for the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor.

Outside, the world continued on, oblivious to the extraordinary events that had unfolded within the walls of the nuclear power plant.

As the weeks passed, the research team continued their work under the government's watchful eye. 

But for Chen Heng's teacher, none of it mattered as much as seeing his student awake and healthy again.

He spent every waking moment by Chen Heng's side, hoping and praying for a miracle.