Flashing lights

They both have entered the bar. The pulsing beat of music filled the air, the club's lights flashing in rhythm as Taeho and Sohee stood near the bar, their eyes scanning the crowded dance floor.

"You seem right at home here, Sohee," Taeho remarked, leaning in slightly, his voice barely audible over the music. "Is this where you spend your nights hunting for prey?"

Sohee smirked, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Oh please, Taeho. Don't tell me you've never stepped foot in a place like this. Or are you too busy brooding in your office all day?"

"Unlike you, I have better things to do than waste my time in places like these," Taeho retorted, raising an eyebrow.

Sohee laughed mockingly, taking a sip of her drink. "Oh, I'm sure you do. Like plotting how to sabotage my projects, perhaps?"

"If only your projects were worth sabotaging," Taeho shot back, narrowing his eyes.

Always the bitter rival, aren't you?" Sohee remarked with a smirk. "It's almost impressive how committed you are to hating me."

Likewise," Taeho replied with a smirk of his own. "It's almost impressive how you manage to annoy me every single time we cross paths."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sohee said, leaning closer with her voice lowering. "I find our exchanges quite entertaining, actually."

"Is that so?" Taeho leaned in, mirroring her tone. "Maybe because you secretly enjoy the challenge of keeping up with me."

"Please, don't flatter yourself too much," Sohee retorted, raising an eyebrow. "You're not that interesting."

"You're just saying that because you can't handle how interesting I am," Taeho chuckled.

Sohee rolled her eyes again. "Keep dreaming, Taeho."

"Speaking of dreams, any idea who could have leaked those sensitive documents last week?" Taeho asked, glancing around the club.

"I wish I knew," Sohee sighed. "But if I had to guess, it's probably someone who's just as tired of your arrogance as I am."

Taeho grinned. "Ah, so you're finally admitting that someone else might have a reason to take me down."

"Or maybe they just wanted to see you squirm for once," Sohee shrugged casually.

"Well played, Sohee. Well played," Taeho said, raising his glass in mock salute.

With a moment of begrudging respect underlying their banter, they both smirked at each other. Their rivalry momentarily forgotten in their shared determination, they turned back to the crowd, their minds focused on uncovering the truth amidst the chaos of the club.

The pounding bass of the club reverberates through the air as Taeho and Sohee stand near the bar, scanning the dance floor with sharp eyes. Suddenly, the elevator doors leading to the gambling area slide open, revealing a fleeting figure disappearing into the depths.

"He's heading downstairs," Taeho noted.

"I'm going after him," Sohee declared.

"No, you're not. This is my lead," Taeho insisted, grabbing her arm forcefully.

"I don't take orders from you, Taeho. Stay out of my way," Sohee retorted, jerking her arm away.

So hee went to the basement and started her car and chased the culprit. So Hee, dressed in a sleek black dress, drove with unwavering focus as she chased the culprit in her stylish car. Her hair moved gracefully with the wind, and her intense gaze was fixed on the road ahead. She handled the car with ease, her movements precise and confident. The way she navigated through the streets, seamlessly blending determination with effortless elegance, made her presence undeniably captivating.

Suddenly, amidst the darkness, a bullet came straight towards So Hee. For a split second, her life flashed before her eyes. But to her amazement, the bullet struck something and shattered into pieces. She quickly looked behind to see who was responsible.

There he was—Tae Ho, riding his bike with effortless precision. Him in his sleek black suit that perfectly fit his toned physique, cutting through the darkness like a shadow. His eyes were intense, and his jawline sharp, as he drifted his bike right in front of her car with perfect control. The combination of his daring move and his striking appearance made it impossible for anyone to look away. Tae ho drifted his bike infront of her car and removing his helmet to see his black hair flow with the wind

Tae Ho Smirks. "Don't worry, no one is going to kill you before I do.

"So Hee can't help but smile a little, despite everything. "You're such a jerk."

"And you're impossible," Tae Ho replies, but there's a hint of warmth in his voice