Unmasked emotions

A few weeks later, Tae Ho comes into the office with a report on the dirt found near the body.

 "Look at this," he says, handing the report to So Hee. "The dirt has traces of alcohol. It's a lead."So Hee examines the report. "Fine, let's go check it out."

As So Hee and Tae Ho are about to leave the office to follow up on the lead from the dirt report, the tension between them boils over.

So Hee says, "We need to check every possible source of this alcohol. Rushing in without thinking could jeopardize everything."

Tae Ho replies, "You always want to overanalyze things, So Hee. Sometimes you just have to make a decisive move."

"Overanalyze?" So Hee retorts. "At least I consider all the facts before acting. You're so impulsive, it's a wonder we get anything done."

Tae Ho snaps back, "Impulsive? I call it being proactive. You waste too much time doubting every step."

"Maybe if you had a bit more patience, we wouldn't be running in circles all the time," So Hee counters.

"And maybe if you trusted me a little more, we could actually solve this case instead of bickering constantly," Tae Ho shoots back.

Their argument echoes through the office, the intensity of their words matching the frustration they've been feeling. The disagreement leaves a palpable tension in the air as they head out to continue their investigation, each determined to prove the other wrong. 

"we should go to the bars and clubs around the 3rd block. They usually keep these kinds of alcohols. ", so hee says while reading the report.

Tae ho while driving the car smirks, "you know a lot about drinks. Of Course u would, u are a carefree person with no goal in ur life."

"at least I got a life except for cases unlike you Mr. Lonely wolf." So hee laughs sarcastically.

They eventually discover a club where the alcohol in the dirt is sold. Checking the CCTV footage, they spot a man in a distinctive fabric, similar to the one they found. When they ask the club staff about him, they find out he comes every Friday. "We need to get in there," So Hee says.

Back at the office,they decide that one of them will go to the club to investigate but who. As they were arguing, ahan si woo enters, overhearing their convo he replies, "why don't u both go? its a couple's club anyways."

So Hee and Tae Ho look at each other, exchanging side-eye glances of disgust.

So Hee snaps, "I would never ever go with this jerk to a place like that."

Tae Ho retorts, "Believe me, the feelings mutual. We can't even pretend to be a couple."

So Hee replies, "Exactly. Can you imagine us trying to act all lovey-dovey? I'd rather get shot."

Tae Ho smirks, "Well, I'd rather be run over by a truck than hold your hand."

So Hee scoffs, "And don't get me started on your lack of basic manners. I'd rather date a cactus."

Tae Ho shoots back, "Oh, and you think you're a prize? I've seen friendlier grizzly bears."

Ahan Si Woo chuckles, "You two are made for this. It'll be fun watching you pretend to like each other."

So Hee and Tae Ho glare at him but realize they have no other choice.

So Hee sighs, "Fine. Let's just get this over with."

Tae Ho nods reluctantly, "Yeah, let's go. But no funny business."

Their reluctant agreement echoes through the office, setting the stage for their undercover mission, both determined to prove the other wrong while trying to keep the situation under control.

They both headed to the club but as they were about to enter, tae ho sees so hee's clothes

"I thought u were used to of going to clubs, u really think they will let u enter like that", tae ho remarks while laughing.

So hee replies, "so what should I do, stitch a new dress while sitting here."

"oh god, there is a store nearby, we can buy clothes from there. Tae ho started the car.

They reached to the shop, it was actually his relatives shop.

"hello darlinggg, long time no see. Wow- u look even hotter than the last time", his relative was very jolly.

"hi, sorry for asking you to open the store this late"tae ho said.

"Oh no problem! But who is this lady! She is stunning", he said in amazement.

"oh she is just a friend, she need to get some clothes" tae ho remarked.

So Hee and Tae Ho are inside a boutique, searching for outfits to blend into the club. Tae Ho sits on a plush chair, looking disinterested and sleepy as So Hee tries on different dresses.

So Hee steps out in a red dress. Tae Ho glances up and mutters, "No, too flashy."

She tries a blue dress next. "Too plain," Tae Ho says with a yawn.

So Hee rolls her eyes and tries a green dress. "No, it's just... not right," Tae Ho dismisses, rubbing his eyes.

Frustrated, So Hee goes back into the dressing room. A few moments later, she steps out in a stunning black dress. Tae Ho's eyes widen in surprise as he sees her. For a moment, he's completely taken aback by her beauty, his sleepy demeanor replaced with awe.

The shop owner, a relative who's been watching the whole time, exclaims, "Oh. My. God. That waist is holy!"

Tae Ho, snapping out of his trance, quickly stands up. "Okay, this is good. Let's go," he says, trying to sound indifferent but failing to hide his initial reaction.

So Hee smirks, knowing she's made an impression, and they head to the counter to complete their purchase, ready for their undercover mission.