Chasing shadows

Tae ho and Si Woo are examining the crime scene thoroughly. They continue their conversation while working.

While inspecting the scene, Tae ho notices a small, unusual mark on the floor near the victim.

"Hey, check this out. There's a strange mark here. It looks like a footprint, but it's different," Taeho says, kneeling down.

Si Woo comes closer, "Let me see. Hmm, it's definitely not a regular shoe print. Could be from a custom sole or something."

"Exactly. And look at the dirt in the treads. This could help us identify where the suspect came from," Tae ho says excitedly.

"Nice catch, Tae ho. This could be the break we need," Si Woo says, impressed.

Tae ho carefully collects the evidence, ensuring it's preserved properly. "Let's get this to the lab. If we can trace the origin of this dirt, we might find our suspect's location."

Back at the office, both teams present their findings to the chief. Tae ho steps forward confidently.

"Chief, we found this unique footprint at the scene. The dirt in the treads might help us pinpoint the suspect's location. We're sending it to the lab now," Tae ho says.

The chief nods, "Good work, Tae ho. This could be crucial."

Si Woo grins, "Looks like Tae ho's on a roll, as usual."

The chief addresses both teams, "Alright, based on this new evidence, Tae ho's team will take the lead on this case. But ahan si woo ur team will be on stand by. Understood?"

Si woo and tae ho in one voice, "yes sir."

They both exited the chief's room and as they were heading outside they encountered So hee.

"Do u know your amazing team partner solved the case",Si woo told her.

So hee laughed sarcastically. "he can only do one thing, am i not right Mr. Lonely wolf?", So hee says while facing Tae Ho.

Si woo laughed while Tae ho stared her, "its better to be good at something than nothing at all," and they both walked away.

Later Taeho and So hee were examining the evidences and saw something unusual in the autopsy report. The report said that there are no visible signs or marks of bleeding but at the crime scene there was blood. Tae ho was perplexed but So hee said, "it could be that it wasn't the blood of the victim and maybe two bodies were killed that day,"

Tae ho replied, "but their weren't any signs of another body."

So hee replied, "Mr. Sherlock Holmes, it isn't necessary to always find a evidence left at the crime scene. It's usually a sign."

Tae ho remarked, "No need to act smart with me, I have done this for a long time so don't teach me."

Tae ho left but So hee was determined to find a clue so she left in her car to the crime scene. There she asked for the footage and by the help of a few people around, she got the access to the ships for investigation. After some while she saw a mark that was most likely caused by the yacht where the victim was killed. After searching she saw some dust and some blood on the floor. She collected it, after searching for a while, she noticed a white powder on the railing. She collected it as well. She sent it all to the lab.

The next day when the results were out, everything was crystal clear. She reported everything to Tae ho and he got angry, "Why did u go to the crime scene alone".

So hee replied, "Because I have the right to investigate too? and I would rather die than trust you."

Tae ho couldn't do anything, so he gritted his teeth and left.

After examining the case, it was clear that two bodies were killed but where was the second body?

Tae ho and So hee left for the crime scene and after searching all the yachts they found the body lying at the last yacht, belonging to the same owner.

Tae ho got a text saying that the body which had no signs of blood was actually drugged with the same powder, So hee found.

Both of the bodies were submitted for autopsy, Tae ho and So hee went there too. As they were about to enter, Tae ho mockingly said, "This isn't a place for kids. Won't you be scared?"

So hee replied," Then I think u should stay here, because u might get scared." and she shuts the door on his face.

Inside, the doctor said, "He has been stabbed 5 times on his back and once through his heart."

Tae ho looked at so hee, "Did you teach the murderer? because only a human like you can be this ruthless."

So hee, while bending down towards the body, replied calmly, "At least, I am a human, unlike you Mr. Lonely wolf."

She stared at him with a smirk and they both left for the police station in the search of the murderer.