Memories 2

"Here goes nothing" mumbling to himself, he walked towards the six meter gates, that were wide enough for two cars to pass through side by side.

"Hey kid state your business here?"

The guard on the left shouted as he approached him.

"My dad gave me this, so I decided to check out the address." Cade said showing him the silver badge.

When the guard saw the badge, he saluted cade before escorting him towards the gates.

Seeing this cade was driven in a daze and couldn't tell what was happening or why the guard had done that, he just followed.

"Open the gate and escort him to the commander's office."

The other guard looked to have been shocked by what his partner was doing, but didn't say anything, after all they were both trained personnel that couldn't let just anyone inside. So if he had instructed for the kid to be taken to the commander, he had to have a good reason.


A small opening that was at the left part of the gate opened and another guard with a bronze coloured armour came out.

"Who is he?" He asked walking closer to cade.

"Know your place Beta." The left guard shouted to which the bronze armoured soldier responded with a salute.

"Sorry sir, won't happen again sir."

"You can Escort him. "

After remaining in that position for a minute, he finally eased up, before looking at Cade.

"Follow me."

Stepping in , the camp was exceptionally large but quite empty, with only one office that was at the end of the path.

Cade didn't talk, as he walked behind the soldier.

A minute or so later they finally approached the office, which was painted in red.

His escort ascended the four staircase that were Infront of the door and knocked.

"State your business." A hoarse voice reverberated.

"Sir, someone wants to talk to you."

"Why did you bring him here, take him to the waiting room like the others."

"Sir, AX told me to bring him directly to you."


"You can go" a lock cracked open as the hoarse voice ordered.

"Thank you sir."

The escort descended down the stairs, before giving Cade an intense look.

"You can enter."

Cade didn't pay him much attention as he ascended the stairs and pushed open the door.

The room was like a messy office, with papers littered everywhere.

"I'm here." The hoarse voice said.

The owner of the voice wasn't like anything Cade would've imagined, he was a slim man in red armour, who looked to be in his forties, with a bold head and dark brown eyes.

"Have a sit." He said pointing at the seat that was opposite his desk.

"You wanted to see me?"

"No I only wanted to know what this badge is." Cade said, drawing the badge from his pocket and pushing it towards the man before him.

'Ohohoho' the man laughed, before staring at Cade. "So you're Paul's son, I can now see the resemblance."

Cade wasn't at all shocked that this man new his father, having this badge meant that his father had some kind of connection with them.

"What took you so long? we've been waiting for you, since we heard the news."

"What would you want from me?"

"It's not what we want, it's what you want, or don't you wanna know who killed your parents and avenge them?"

"My mom died from a sickness, as for my father he caused her death."

"Hahaha, you serious, what kind of disease is that, that doesn't have treatment on this day and age."

"Well she got sick because I couldn't afford a descent meal"

The man before him suddenly turned serious.

"Listen here kid, there's no way your mother can get sick from a food poisoning and you remain healthy with the same food. Can you even reason?"

Cade had suspected something like that, but didn't want to believe it, but now everything was brought to light in the worst way possible.

"Your name is Cade, right? He just meary nodded to which the man continued. "Your father loved both of you more than his own life, even when he would visit me the only topic he could start always centred around his family.

Look here, the only reason you are alive and had that time with your mother was because of his sacrifice."

Cade eyes became blurry, he had thought he was past this, but hearing everything he couldn't help it.

"Who did it?" He asked, his voice breaking.

Hearing this the man smiled.

"Who else, of course it's the Vexes."

He never had a problem with Vexes, after all he wasn't there to experience what happened when they arrived, but now hearing everything, the only thing that was in his mind was kill, destroy and annilate the Vexes.

"Help me avenge them." Knowing how incopitent he was now, he had to ask for help, and who's better to ask than the people who hated Vexes the most.

"With pleasure."

"Follow me" standing up, the man said while walking towards the interior of the office.

"Now?" Cade asked a bit surprised.

"Why wait."

Following that, Cade didn't linger and followed after.

They entered a dark room that had iron doors that appeared impenetrable on the right corner.

The man closed in on the door, spoke some kind of language that Cade never heard before, cracking the iron door open

"Come. " The man stepped in the small iron cubical room and gestured for Cade to follow.

Cade fuelled by rage towards the Vexes, didn't hesitate and stepped in.

The room was small, with only a growing circle of blue light in the middle.

Cade new what this was, he had seen it multiple times on social media.

"Where will it take me?" He asked standing before it.

"You want strength, right?"


"There you should gain enough to level a planet."

With a psychotic smile, Cade stepped through the portal.


Stepping out on the other side, he found himself in a large domed room that was filled with experimental equipments and scientist who ran up down focusing on their experiments.

"Another subject, follow me" one looked to have noticed Cade and called out to him.

Walking across the busy scientists, Cade was brought in what seemed to have been a waiting room.

"He looks young."