
Looks like it won't take that long Sweat dripping down his face as his lungs expanded and contracted rapidly from all the exercises he'd done.

With only a black gym short on, Eleven supposedly stood in a compartment on one corner on the left of what looked to be enormous gym, with over 3000 compartments, each about the size of a boxing ring having all the necessary gym equipments.

Moving closer to a full body sized mirror that stood on the right of his compartment, he sized his athletic build up, his lips curling upwards, as he nodded in satisfaction.


Four weeks had passed since the so called partnership with Two, though he didn't like the idea. He's always worked alone_ probably the reason he died alone. But he liked it that way, he didn't want to force his own ideologies and beliefs onto any partner he would get assigned with, and so working alone was the only choice.

Not in this organisation though, one was always required to have a partner whether they liked it or not.


After sizing himself up for about a minute, he took a towel that was on a bench press and headed towards the exit.

At this time the gym was usually full, but today, for some reason it only had one person after every ten or more compartments.

The exit was about three minutes from where he usually worked out.

Whistling towards it, he began compiling every detail he observed and learned during the four weeks.

He still wasn't allowed to undertake any mission, leaving him with a small margin of investigation, not that he hated it, infact it was quite the opposite, this Hydra base held most of the information.

Freedom being his biggest desire in both timelines.

He first had to learn about the chain of command not only in this organisation but the entire solar system, which humans had already conquered before the Vexes arrived.


'Betas' were the lowest ranking Reapers in the organisation, followed by Captains, Commanders, Supreme commanders, and the highest being the Emperor.

The sequence of command was not really a problem for Eleven, after all ranks were assigned to almost everything. The problem was what these were capable of.

If a Reaper was superior to you in rank, they could order you to do basically anything and you wouldn't have the will to refuse. He always hated orders and that's why when he heard about it, he felt a burning rage and also determination to rise through the ranks.

Being a Beta, Eleven's information was slightly limited, but what he could learn proved to still be useful.

One thing he learned was about the HL serum, this was the gene alteration serum they were exposed to, making them super human.

Not being an ancient serum, not much was known about it, but the speculation both terrified and amused him.


After altering the genes, one of the speculations that had yet to be proven otherwise, was that, as long as one trained they would infinitely grow stronger and faster.

Eleven tested this out himself, from benching 80kg to 250kg and running about 6mps to 10mps in four weeks, he still didn't wanna believe it. The thought of it being true terrified him, he couldn't imagine the strength of someone who'd trained for over ten years.


The second speculation was about the abilities one gained and their potential, this one being more of a fact than a speculation.

The additional ability one gained after the alteration could somehow evolve with time, one example was the bald commander who Eleven had witnessed using it.

At first the only thing his ability was good for was forming some kind of red metal tougher than diamond on his fist, but now as things stood, he could cover his whole body with it.

Seeing it for the first time, Eleven was eager to gain his ability, but having to wait for almost a year, he'd decided to focus on building his strength, being a soldier he didn't have to learn any form of combat.


Exiting the gymnasium, Eleven gazing at the setting sun, breathed in a lungful of fresh air, fleeing from the odor of sweat that filled the gymnasium.

"Let's go freshen up, walking on the soft green grass arena, that most people settled grudges and mission assignment were held, he walked towards the main building, that was atleast thrice the size of the gymnasium.

The reason Hydra's biggest base was on mars, was because most humans abandoned it.

After inhabiting it, they all suddenly left when the Vexes alived, providing them with seven mechanical planet's that resembled earth in almost all aspects, they didn't need mars anymore


"You leak of sweat." Floating out of nowhere, Two, pitching her nose said.

During those four weeks, Eleven had somehow gotten used to her, and knowing one of he trait's, he definitely had to answer her, even if it was by cursing her, it was better to answer, if not she would relentlessly bug him.

"Why wouldn't I? I just came from the gym" Eleven sneered.

"Excuses, anyway, do you have it yet?"

"No" He knew what she was talking about.

Being eager to go on a mission with Eleven, she would always ask if his ability had manifested, every day without fail, which Eleven would plainly answer.

"Why don't you manifest it faster."

Eleven felt his anger build up, but he pented it down by taking a deep breath and answering.

"You know damn well it takes time, so stop rushing me, why do you insist on going on a mission with me so much? You can literally choose anyone and go with them."

She stared at him for a minute before flying away, leaving him on the field that was starting to get chilly.

It's not like he didn't wanna go on a mission with her, but the commander prohibited him from leaving before he got his ability.

"Let's just take a bath." Whispering, he walked towards the building.


"He's growing faster than I could've imagined."

A figure floated right above the base with some kind of an invisible cloak, watching Eleven for a second, after which it turned to specks of light and disappeared completely.