First Reaper duel

"It's been a while Two."

"Of course it has." Two hissed with a grin before placing her red Katana on her shoulder and floating an inch off ground.


"What are they talking about?"with a raised eyebrow, Eleven asked the blue haired guy beside him.

"'s their second time." One was stunned at first, but recalled Eleven recently waking up.

Listening in on everyone and the clarification from One, Eleven figured why everyone was dumbfounded by his previous answer.


Having utterly lost to Five, Two had supposedly asked for another duel.


The lights above the field flickered, changing red, and before they flickered back, Two had already dashed forward with a vertical slash.

Watching her launch like a speeding train, Five didn't flinch and only adjusted her stance, pulling her left leg back for support, she slinged her growing blue fist forward.


Upon contact with her katana, an explosion akin to that of a landmine, resounded on the field, sending massive shockwaves towards the audience as blue flames ignited.

Leaping back, Two did a backfip and without landing, dashed back in the blue flames that were yet to extinguish.


Shockwaves after shockwaves of the explosions reverberating, even quacking the field, increased with every crash.


Eleven could barely make out what was happening, the blue flames that gleamed after every attack Five used made it a little hard to experience the fight. Though what he could witness left him speechless.

Their speed strength and combat ability, were all things Eleven only had the luxury of experiencing on a television set.

For the moment, even with his fast growth, he knew he wasn't a match for any of the ladies before him. They were really monsters, and he didn't want to believe that there was other reapers twice or three times stronger. There was no way.

Gazing at One who sat to his left, he asked.

"Where do they rank in the Alpha group?" Eleven desire to rank up in the organization for his plan blazed even more. Comparing himself to the two women, it would take him atleast eight months of vigorous training and full mastery of his ability to catch up to them_that is if they slacked off, which they already seemed to be doing.

"9th and 10th."

"What?" A bit perplexed, he asked. Not because of how low they ranked. In all honesty, that rank was very high, atleast from his point of view. This meant that the strength he needed to become a captain wasn't that far from his current strength.

Looking at the fight before him, Two was getting overwhelmed, this meant that her rank in the groupwas 10th, and if the difference between the lower ranked was the same as the two ladies, then compared to 19th rank, he wasn't that far behind.


Sweat and blood dripping down her battered face, Two stared down at the reaper before her, her smile growing more deviously.

With the only noticeable wound on her being a slight cut on her cheek, Five's demeanor was same as before, a ferocious wild beast.

Her fists still growing, she took on a stance, gazing at the woman, who still had the vigour to continue, float above her, before declaring with a voice audible enough for every reaper to hear.

"Why don't you give up? You already know you can't win."

Two didn't answer, she already knew that. Readying her Katana, she flew forward. With no intentions of winning, she was determined to make the reaper before her bleed atleast enough to leave an impression.

Her devious smile retained on her bleeding face she dashed. An inch away from her, she changed her swords grip, holding it like a spear, she slinged it aiming for Five's face.

Five wasn't that surprised, having known how unpredictable Two's moves were, she had somewhat expected it. Not bothering to dodge, she deflected it, making it stick about a meter away from her.

Her objective completed, Two disappeared from her point of view, though Five didn't bother searching for her as her hands began glowing even brighter. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't.

The temperature around her begun to rise, melting the grass that was beginning to soot for the 10th time. She raised her right hand intending to blow up the ground beneath her, but before she had the chance, Two appeared behind her, dropping her heel on her nape.

The sheer strength applied on the kick appeared to make even the audience feel her pain.....

However it seemed like Five had anticipated something similar, although she couldn't calculate the pain of the kick that made her nose bleed and almost faint, using it's force, she propelled the punch she had charged, towards the ground.

Following which, an explosion that Two didn't have a chance to dodge, occurred upon impact. Having twice the magnitude of her previous attacks, the explosion sent massive shockwaves and chucks of debris that reached the forefront audience.

"That was something."