
"It's between Two and Five."

Harking that, he couldn't help but fasten his pace, having witnessed a portion of Two's strength and fighting skills, he couldn't wait to see her go all out against a reaper of the same caliber.

Exiting the building, Eleven found himself under the illumination of the crimson moonlight.

This time, the field not quite the same as almost every day he came here, was congested with over a thousand reapers, though everyone was quiet. He shoved past those that stood before the building exit.

Surprised by how easily he ended in front of the crowd, Eleven peered at the two ladies that stood opposite each other, about four meters apart, in the middle field.


The field wasn't quite as he expected it to be after the loud explosion, though having witnessed it repair itself after every damage, he hadn't expected it to repair itself that fast after the explosion that sounded like that of a landmine.


He gazed at the two women that still stood in place even after a minute, as if waiting for a gong to sound. Not wanting to make much of it, seeing as every reaper gathered had gone silent, he decided to also wait.

Though it appeared as if he didn't have to wait long, after another minute the field that was iluminated by the moonlight, suddenly lit up, as if dawn had broken. Eleven was a little startled by this, but after glancing at the yellow bulbs the size of soccer balls, float around the field, he calmed down.

After the lights, red hovering chairs begun taking shape above the group of reapers, perplexed he dazely stared.

A second after the grand display, Leaping upwards, every reaper begun choosing their sitting positions. Seeing this, Eleven contemplated for a second, before leaping upward and landing on the chair that hovered above him and comfortably sat.

Soon as everyone was done, the chairs rearranged, aligning themselves like football benches.

Eleven greatly appreciated where he ended up, which gave him a better view.

"Who're you betting on?"

Hovering on his right, was One, the chill guy with blue hair.

Eleven couldn't say he was close with the guy, being that the only reapers he really talked to were Eighty and Two who he could somewhat say were friends, even so, having exchanged a few words here and there with him, he was a hundred percent sure that this guy, with his personality, considered him a friend. Not minding him though, he answered.

"Mine's on Two and when does this thing even start?"

Five minutes had already passed, still the only thing they'd done was walk around each other while changing their stances

One appeared to have been startled by Vic's answer and so were the reapers around him. Eleven not knowing the reason and not caring enough to ask, just stared at One expecting his answer.

"Ohh, sometimes I forget you haven't experienced these things" Coughing lightly One continued, "A commander must authorise any fights that includes the Alpha squad."

'I can kinda see why a commander is needed' Alpha squad members were pretty strong, all of them having earned the rank of captains_well except for Eleven. Some of their abilities were enough to cause unimaginable damage on base, maybe that's why they needed authorization to gauge each other.

The group of twenty reapers were believed to have the biggest of potential.

Having recently come to light, that even though after gene alteration, the human body would have no limits, it still differed. One reaper could have greater potential than the other. This meant that two reapers could do the same kinds of training and at the end, one would be slightly or even massively stronger.

Reminiscing, Eleven couldn't help but smile, judging by how his strength grew in the course of the two months, he believed himself to be one with great potential.

"It's starting."

Drawing his attention back to the field, Eleven gazed at the two ladies.


The balls of light that illuminated the field flickered, before changing to red the back to yellow.

Though new to most things, Eleven could immediately tell what the flickering red light meant, seeing that the women on the field were standing in ready positions.


Clad in a silver tight armour and a red half a meter long katana, Two, her pink hair wavering in the cold breeze, peered at the reaper before her.


Five,with her green shoulder length blaids that seemed to complement her eyes, wearing the same silver tight armour, but no weapon of sort, took on a orthodox stance, her diminor instantly changing into that of a ferocious wild beast.

"It's been a while...