Remnants of the past

"You ready for your first mission?"

Stopping, Eleven peered at the lady above him, who not once in the course of the two months could he sense the presence off, to which he unintentionally got used to.

Awakening an ability, one's senses grew shaper to a point where sensing a presence, murderous intent or blood lust became easy as breathing.

After attaining his ability, Eleven still couldn't sense her presence at all, which made her seem non existence, though he appeared unbothered by it.

Having tried asking her the reason on multiple occasions, which she would casually answer. 'It's related to my flight ability' At one point, he just gave up and accepted her answer which he could tell was a lie.


Approaching, Two revitated close to him, forcing him to gawk at her figure, which he couldn't help, for the 100th time.

At the moment she was in her casual clothes.

A white top, black tights that greatly highlighted her curves and red snickers_which Eleven couldn't understand purpose off, being that she always floated around and about. Her shoulder length pick hair wavered in the air as cool night breeze blushed against her skin.

Shaking his head to draw his attention away from her stunning figure, he answered.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Two months of learning how to better utilize his ability, it was finally time for his first mission he hoped would be on earth.

One of the main reason he desired to visit earth, was obviously because he wanted to experience the changes it underwent during the century gap, and the second was of a certain device Eighty believed could help extract the trancievers she described.

"What do you think it'll be? And where?

Two gazed at him for a moment, not able to hide the excitement behind her eyes, her red lips curled up even more. She patiently waited for him to get accustomed to his ability, and now they could finally go on missions together just the two of them like old times.

"I don't know, but the thing I'm sure of is that it won't be earth, origina or venus. She replied with a smile.

Hearing that, Eleven cursed inwardly.


He kinda figured it would be like this, but hoped otherwise.

Origina, being where vexe emperor resided was a definite no.

Venus was kinda in the same boat, the planet was where their soldiers trained, for a lookie like him, it was a great risk.

As for earth, Hydra Emperor had supposedly decided that missions on it be handled by experienced reapers who could manage to minimize the damage. With the reasoning that earth was their home origin and therefore was to be protected, this meant that only the Alpha squad were assigned missions on it.


Alpha squad included the first twenty humans to receive the second generation serum, which Eleven was.

He figured the reason he was yet eligible to undertake missions on earth was due to his little to no experience and weakness.

In everyone's eyes he was a child with no experience. As for strength, every Alpha squad member was atleast, for the moment, three or four times stronger_well that would have been the case if he was cade...

"I gotta get some sleep for the big day then." Eleven signed as he began walking.

(..)Two was dumbfounded. Words stuck in her throat, she just watched him trek towards the building, her blight face turning solemn.


Eleven laid on his bed, gazing at the yellow balls of light moving on about on his room ceiling, before he began contemplating on his next step.

Thinking back, the reality of his mysterious reincarnation never hit him.

Why was he brought here? What was to be the purpose of this new life? Off cause he didn't hate it, but that wouldn't explain why of all the twenty billion people back in the 21 century, fate, or whatever did this, choose him.

He wasn't a bad guy_in a sense, but compared to his older sister, whom he saw as a saint in all aspects and over 50% of the human population which would have been more deserving of this chance, he couldn't understand it.

'Maybe this was a chance fate had been generous to reward him with, a chance to gun for the freedom he never experienced'


Kariuki was brought up in a world where constant war was theme of the day, corrupt puppet leaders who couldn't care less about the people they governed, only seeking to fill their berries, and the laws implemented to suck out the tiniest bit of property one owned.

Growing up as a scavenger, like every kid who grew up in the alleys, his dream was to one day lid of the chains of poverty, helping his parents and sister live in the perfect life his mind had conjured.

Like that was ever gonna happen, in this accursed world where everything was fated, the poor were to remain poor and miserable.



His reminiscing of the past was abruptly inturupted by an explosion that shook the very bed he was on, causing him to shot off of it and head for the door.

Exiting his room, Eleven was meet by tussled groups of reapers in the halway, pushing for their way out of the main building.

"What's happening?" A young woman in a night gown asked as she slid past a few reapers.

"A big fight broke out"

"I heard two members of the Alpha squad are settling scores." Another answered.

"What's their numbers?" Another guy in a blue short asked.

"How should we know, we're all hearing about it now."

"No, I hear it was planed a while back."

"And they just decided to fight at night?"

Eleven pushed past the group, eager to see the fight. Though the field was where grudges were settled, since the moment he woke up he was yet to see any sort of fight.

And now he was about to witness one, and not just against any reapers, but the Alpha squad."

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up onto a curious smile after listening in on what one of the guys beside him said.

"It's between Two and...