Two months knowledge

The field was illuminated by the two crimson moons in the sky.

Clad in a skin tight blonze armour, Eleven supposedly stood in the middle, his waist length black dreads waving in the air, as sweat dripped down his face he gripped his black Katana tighter

Gazing at the three robotic dummies that sorounded him, being green with two short horns on their forehead, the three greatly resembled Vexes, his eyes fixated on the one that stood before him.

He launched a vertical slash at it. Though the dummy didn't bother moving and merely raised it's metal arm to block him, being entirely made of tungsten same as his sword, crashing onto it, Eleven felt his whole body vibrate, but didn't let up his attacks.


The eerie silence of the night was filled with metal crashing against metal.

Most reapers couldn't be bothered enough to care, as most of them were already training.

In this timeline, field training was outdated, that's why most of the time when Eleven was out training, he would normally find himself alone.


After a few weight lifts and exercises, reapers would either go on missions or in the isolation room's. In these rooms there were the VR's, same as the one's back in the 21st century, but with a few minor adjustments.

Diving into one, a Reaper got to experience a different reality....

Doing a full immersion, one could choose to fight any tier of Vexe they deemed fit for their level, but that wouldn't increase ones ability mastery or combat, would it? And that's where the difference between the ones here and those back in the 21st century laid.

You see, pain was not only an illusion here, the injuries one received in there would manifest physically, same as ability utilization and combat one mastered, that meant that if one were unlucky death would claim them, this happening more times than not. Still most reapers preferred it this way.

Not Eleven though....

He felt better utilizing his ability physically, that and adding the fact that he trained similarly in his past life.

Choosing this method isolated him from almost every reaper. Most of them believing that he was a coward.

Eleven couldn't pay any mind to them though, he tried the VR, which didn't feel right and so he asked for the dummies, which were designed to resemble every aspect of the lowest ranked vexes.


The vexes, though more intelligent than humans, still lagged quite behind on some aspects, an example being their lifestyle. In their so called kingdom, the rules were made by the strong, while the weak followed. This was their law even in business and households, if the mother, daughter or the son was stronger than the father, this automatically made them the head, owning everything and everyone in that household.

Eleven believed this to be the reason Hydra hated them, viewing humans as weak, which resulted in them treating the ratter like trash, though barricaded by the technology they brought.

Vexes mostly relied on their abilities and physicue, and had supposedly banned the creation of weapons, which also affected humans. Still Hydra didn't believe in a weapon powerful enough to kill a vexe and not cause destruction or a near extinction level event. And rather than trying to create one, it was easier to enhance humans genes, making them strong enough to fight on equal footing with them.

That's what Eleven investigated, questioned and deduceddeduced anyway.


Echoes of their crash resounded in the field as Eleven relentlessly attacked the dummies.

After lauching an attack against one, the other two countered him with their own, being stuck in the middle, fury of punches and kicks aimed to squash rained down on him.

Deflecting, defending and at the same time attacking with his one handed sword. If one were to witness the scene, they would think of it as a desperate means of survival.

Not a swordsman though..

The sword style he was using was a combination of multiple sword styles he'd mastered after viewing them once on the web.

Learning about his ability a little more in the course of the two months he'd trained, he came to understand three major things about it.

One, was that the ability he had awakened wasn't as useless as he'd previously came to believe.

Two, was that this ability wasn't just useful, but super op, like the ones main characters in novels randomly gain, well not necessarily the same.....

Three, and the one that he was required to pay close attention to, was that, with this kind of ability, he was expected to have abnormal strength even among the reapers, great stamina and flexibility.

Before he had learned about the third one, he almost died.

Back when they were trying to figure out his ability with Two, believing that he had already mastered every move in her style, he supposedly did one that wasn't quite up his alley.

The move in question was the 'rocket dive' a move that even Two had only utilized once. It was a move that allowed the user to remove their current limiters, moving with unimaginable speed and striking with five or six times their original strength.

Using it with his current stamina and endurance, he ultimately collapsed due to lack of oxygen and the tear of muscles. Him utilizing this move had caused him a great deal of pain and earned him a couple of days in the clinic.

This made him realise that even if his ability was copying, he couldn't copy ones strength or stamina, only the move, everything else was up to him to work for.


Striking the three dummies, two on the neck and one on the chest, they all stopped dead in their tracks, the red light in their eyes dimming.

Though he felt a smile of victory creap up on him, his lips couldn't curl. In his heart, he knew this wasn't any type of victory, but just a simulation which often differs alot from reality.

And the fact that the dummies he had just defeated were the weakest of the vexes, only appeared to down him more.


Gazing at the two moons in the sky, his hand that held the katana shaking, he signed and was about to head to the main building, when a sudden voice sounded.

"You ready....."