Broadening Horizons

After a lengthy conversation with Tommy, everything finally fell into place, though lingering questions still remained in Mark's mind.

It all began two weeks ago when Nexus Corporation hurried Mark to their hospital facility. There, a sharp-eyed doctor unearthed something extraordinary within Mark's body, a revelation that sparked a chain reaction of greed and betrayal.

They convinced Jake and Clara, key figures within Nexus, that Mark's body held profound potential, pushing for relentless experiments. They justified their actions with lofty claims of advancing humanity, but beneath the facade, they harbored ulterior motives.

Upon hearing their absurd proposal, Jake and Clara vehemently disagreed, sensing a disturbing undercurrent. They didn't want Mark to go some kind of unknown experiment.

Undeterred, Nexus's doctors attempted to sway them with promises of wealth and lavish rewards, hoping to secure their compliance.

But Jake and Clara remained resolute, refusing to be bought off. Tensions escalated into a heated confrontation that turned violent, leaving Clara and Jake with serious injuries.

Clara, with her feeble body, was trying to protect Mark with her arms raised. As a result, she was hit hard on the head, which eventually put her in a coma.

It had been 13 days since then. She lay motionless in the hospital bed, a myriad of machines beeping rhythmically around her. The sight of the IV lines and the ventilator broke Mark's heart.

Mark's blood boiled with anger, thinking about how helpless his sister must have felt at that time, crying and begging pitifully just to save a useless brother like him.

He imagined her desperate attempts to shield him from the ruthless doctors, her body collapsing under their one-sided assault.

Fortunately, Tommy was there with them, despite being in self-recovery mode himself, which limited his ability to intervene significantly. Nevertheless, his mere presence proved pivotal in saving Jake and Clara from the clutches of Nexus Corporation just in time.

Anitrix told Mark that his old enemy had attacked him, and that was why he was in such a bad condition. Anitrix somehow fled from his enemy, and eventually by coincidental encounter met Mark in that alleyway.

Although, Mark hadn't yet learned much about Tommy's background, but his bravery and sacrifice were evident. He had risked his own life to protect them, and for that, Mark felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It was a debt he knew he could never fully repay.

"Thank you, Tommy! Thanks for saving them. If You're not been there, then..they..." Mark became emotional while imagining the worst scenario.

"Hehe, It's nothing Mark. You don't need to thank me. You have helped me as well, remember?"

Mark shook his head. "No, you have done a lot for us. Really, thank you!"

Anitrix just shrugged seeing Mark's insistence on gratitude.

"By the way, I forget to tell you my real name. My name is Anitrix. Anitrix the Star Destroyer. Don't call me Tommy from now on. It's feels weird, kind of a pet name. And I am not anyone's pet."

"Oh! Alright, Anitrix." Mark nodded, but became curious how he got such overbearing title."

"That's good. It sounds better."

"Where is Jake now? Why isn't he here with you?" Mark asked his worry for his friend growing with each passing moment. The memory of Jake's courageous defiance against the doctors replayed vividly in his mind.

"I'm not sure," Tommy replied solemnly. "He left here several days ago, determined to find a way to rescue you by himself. I tried to persuade him otherwise, but he was adamant."

"Jake...!" Mark muttered anxiously. "Where did he go? Please, let him be safe. I need to find him soon." The thought of Jake out there, facing unknown dangers because of him, weighed heavily on Mark's conscience. Jake had always been like a brother to him, and now he was risking everything to protect Mark.

"What about Clara? Do you know if there's any way to save her?" Mark asked, his voice tinged with desperation as he sat beside Clara's motionless form, gripping her cold hand gently.

Tommy hesitated for a moment, his brow furrowed in thought. "Yes, there is a way. We need the assistance of a Psychic. A rare individual gifted with the power of healing."

"A Psychic?" Mark echoed, bewildered by the sudden turn in their conversation.

Tommy chuckled lightly at his response. "Oh, right. You don't even know about Psychics, do you? I should have realized. You were living in a small pond all this while, not knowing there was a big sea outside."

Balancing on his two mechanical legs, Tommy assumed an air of importance and began his explanation. "Listen carefully."

"A Psychic is an individual with extraordinary mental abilities that surpass conventional senses. They can manipulate and perceive energy beyond ordinary human capabilities. Through heightened perception, Psychics can read minds, foresee future events, or even influence the physical world using the power of their thoughts alone.

"Psychics often embody an enigmatic aura, their minds serving as conduits for energies or forces that break normal understanding. Their abilities are formidable and often considered dangerous or mysterious by those unfamiliar with them.

"There exist various types of Psychic powers," Tommy continued, ticking them off on his fingers.

"Telepathy, which allows communication through thoughts; telekinesis, the ability to move objects with the mind; aerokinesis, control over air; pyrokinesis, manipulation of fire; hydrokinesis, control of water; electrokinesis, manipulation of electricity; chronokinesis, control over time; aurakinesis, perception and manipulation of auras; biokinesis, influence over biological processes; precognition, seeing into the future; clairvoyance, perceiving distant or hidden events; and even teleportation, moving instantly from one place to another, and many more.

"Oh, heavens. Is this all real?"

As Tommy finished, Mark sat there, stunned by the vastness and complexity of these abilities. It was as if a whole new world of possibilities had been unveiled before him, one where individuals wielded powers beyond imagination.

After absorbing Tommy's explanation, Mark's worldview shattered like a fragile glass. His eyes widened, and his mouth hung open in disbelief. He had never fathomed the existence of such extraordinary individuals. It was as if a hidden layer of reality had been peeled back, revealing the true world filled with possibilities he had never imagined.

But dwelling deeper into this mystery would have to wait. "So, where can we find this Psychic?" Mark asked, urgency coloring his tone.

Tommy paused thoughtfully for a moment before responding, his expression tinged with uncertainty. "We'll need to travel to a distant place to seek them out. Even then, finding one of them is incredibly hard. They are that rare," he sighed, his voice weighted with resignation.

The news left Mark crestfallen. Was there any hope left? He felt a sense of powerlessness grips him, unsure of how to proceed.

Anitrix seemed to be his best chance at locating the elusive Psychic who could potentially save Clara.

"Don't despair, Mark. I'll do everything in my power to help you," Anitrix reassured him with unwavering resolve.

"Really? Thank you," Mark replied, his voice betraying a mix of relief and gratitude, choked with emotion.

Anitrix chuckled warmly. "Cheer up, Mark. You helped me first, even though it was brief, and now it's my turn to repay the favour. Together, we'll find a way." His words were comforting, injecting a glimmer of hope into Mark's heart.

Feeling somewhat reassured, Mark's curiosity about the world of Psychics piqued.

"Speaking of Psychics, are you one of them? Do you have special powers as well?" Mark asked, hoping to learn more from Anitrix.

Anitrix shook his head with a confident smile. "No, I'm not a Psychic. I am a very advanced biological mecha—Model: Destroyer 2501-B. I am stronger than most of the psychics."

"Oh, I see," Mark replied, a tinge of disappointment creeping into his voice. He had hoped to witness those mystical powers firsthand. His mind raced with images of flames flickering in the palm of a hand or objects levitating effortlessly through the air.

Anitrix seemed to sense his letdown, and his demeanor shifted slightly, his mood turned sombre. Perhaps he had anticipated a different reaction or hoped for recognition.

Ignoring Tommy's momentary change in mood, Mark pressed on with his question, "Tommy, can I become a Psychic too?" His voice was filled with anticipation, hoping for a positive response.

The desire to seek justice for his sister burned within him. The Nexus Corporation loomed large as their formidable adversary, and he knew he needed to grow stronger, whatever the cost. His determination surged, driven by a sense of urgency to acquire the powers they possessed.

As these thoughts raced through Mark's mind, he felt a peculiar sensation, a cooling calmness spreading through his body, soothing his nerves. It was an odd feeling, one that had been present since he awoke from his slumber. Was it somehow connected to the ancient stone inside his body? What was it actually? Mark Wondered.

"You? A Psychic? That's highly unlikely Mark. Only one in a million people actually become Psychics. It requires real incredible talent," Anitrix said, chuckling at his request.

"But there's still a chance, right? Even if it's one in a million, I want to try. Please, Anitrix! Help me. Teach me to become a Psychic," Mark pleaded earnestly, his determination unwavering.

Anitrix paused, considering his request seriously. "Hmm... Alright, alright. Since you're so sincere about it, I'll help you. But I'm not a master in this subject, so don't expect too much. I'll share all the knowledge I have."

Mark felt a surge of joy upon hearing his agreement. Then, Anitrix continued, "Firstly, there's no specific method to awaken Psychic abilities. They can be inherited or passed down through generations. Exploring your family history and lineage could uncover clues. If you have an awakened member in your ancestry, your chances of awakening become significantly high. Do you have anyone like that in your family history?"

Mark shook his head slowly. "No, I don't think so. My parents were very ordinary, and I know nothing about my grandparents. They never talked about them," he replied, his mind drifting to the few old family photos he'd seen—stern faces hiding untold secrets.

Anitrix nodded thoughtfully. "It might be worth investigating further. Sometimes, the key to unlocking these powers lies in understanding our roots."