The Primordial Star; Awakening.

"Well, anyway, setting that aside, let's continue," Anitrix shrugged nonchalantly before delving back into their conversation.

"According to research, nearly 90% of Psychics awaken their abilities through accidental events. The remaining percentage awaken due to genetic predisposition, environmental factors, or deep meditation. In your case, we'll focus on the last option. Mark, do you follow so far?"

Mark nodded eagerly, absorbing every word. The information Anitrix shared opened up a world of possibilities and challenges, stirring his mind with anticipation of what lay ahead.

"So, I just have to meditate to awaken my abilities?" Mark replied, still uncertain about the process.

Anitrix shook his head gently. "It's not just meditation, Mark. I mentioned deep meditation. Do you know how to achieve that depth? It's about connecting with nature itself, feeling the energy particles around us with your mind alone. It's incredibly hard. Even I have failed to awaken myself as a Psychic through this method."

His words resonated deeply within Mark. The concept of tapping into the vastness of the universe, and understanding its mysteries, felt daunting yet exhilarating.

"The universe is vast and boundless," Anitrix continued, his voice carrying a sense of awe. "Dark Energy, a mysterious force comprising about 68% of the universe, isn't just a concept from science fiction, it's real. Scientists have been studying it for years. For Psychics, comprehending Dark Energy is crucial because it's believed to be the wellspring of their abilities."

As Anitrix spoke, Mark began to grasp the magnitude of what lay ahead. Awakening his latent abilities wasn't just about learning techniques—it was about delving into the deepest mysteries of existence itself.

Anitrix nodded thoughtfully. "You have to increase your synchronization with the natural laws of the universe. Here, read this book. It will help you a lot."

Anitrix displayed a virtual book on the screen with bold letters proclaiming its title: "How to Awaken as a Psychic Using Deep Meditation."

Intrigued, Mark focused on the book as Anitrix left the room, leaving him alone with the virtual tome. Mark settled onto the bed beside Clara, gently holding her hand. The steady hum of medical machines filled the room, a reminder of the urgency of his mission—to save her, to grow stronger.

Opening the book, Mark immersed himself in its contents. The first chapter delved into the fundamentals of meditation, explaining it as the art of focusing the mind and clearing away distractions. It stressed the need for a serene environment and a calm mental state. Glancing around the hospital room, Mark wondered if, amidst their crisis, he could find the necessary peace to embark on this journey.

The second chapter went deeper, discussing the concept of energy particles. It explained that everything in the universe is composed of these particles, and that true meditation involves connecting with this energy flow. It sounded mystical and almost unbelievable, yet here Mark was, living in a world where the impossible seemed possible.

Taking a deep breath, Mark decided to give it a try. He closed the book and positioned himself comfortably on the floor, legs crossed, and back straight. Closing his eyes, he began to breathe slowly, in and out, trying to clear his mind of all distracting thoughts. At first, it was difficult. His mind kept wandering back to Clara, to Jake, and to the dangers that lay ahead. But Mark forced himself to focus on his breathing, letting each exhale push the worries away.

Minutes later, the Infinity Mark on Mark's chest started glowing with an ethereal, primitive color. Mark was not aware of this.

As if feeling its immediate effects, Mark began to feel a subtle shift. It was as if a gentle current of energy was flowing around him, brushing against his skin. Encouraged, he delved deeper into his concentration. He imagined himself as a part of this current, not just an observer but an active participant.

The energy around Mark responded eagerly, intensifying and flowing with increased warmth radiating from his core, expanding outward.

But suddenly, he found himself drawn into a vision.

In the vision, Mark stood amidst the vast and chaotic expanse of the universe, surrounded by stars twinkling like brilliant diamonds. Among them, one star shone exceptionally bright, its presence familiar yet elusive, as if he had encountered it somewhere before.


Without warning, a powerful force emanated from the star, pulling Mark toward it with astonishing speed.

"What's happening?" Mark began to panic.

As Mark was pulled, he noticed the ancient stone, previously dormant within his body, now started emitting a gentle, luminescent glow.

Then, some kind of dimensional cage appeared out of nowhere around the primordial star, as if it was protecting something very sacred inside.

And the ancient stone, acting like some kind of key, unlocked the dimensional cage quickly, allowing Mark to enter swiftly.

The stone turned into dust particles, leaving only remnants of ashes over the star.

Then Mark began to hear some ancient and prehistoric voices.

"You will never be able to succeed."

"This curse will always follow you."

"Go back."

"The ominous will hunt you."

Mark was confused by their voices. They were telling him to stop approaching further. They even started cursing him.

Just as he contemplated what to do, he heard the soothing and gentle voice of someone.

"Come, my Child. The time has finally come. Accept the Legacy, and stop the ominous."

Mark instinctively stepped forward, getting closer to the star.

As he got nearer, he felt a very familiar feeling from the Star—it was as if they shared a common essence, a kindred spirit in the cosmic tapestry.

The essence of the star began to baptize him with incredible velocity.

The sensation was overwhelming yet strangely comforting as if Mark had finally found a piece of himself that had long been lost. In that moment of connection, he realized that his journey into meditation had unlocked not just newfound abilities, but a deeper understanding of his place in the universe.

When Mark finally opened his eyes, the room was bathed in the soft glow of dawn. He had spent the entire night in deep meditation. Despite the stiffness in his limbs, he felt remarkably rejuvenated.

The experience had been profoundly enlightening, leaving him with a sense of awe and disbelief. The vision of the strange star and the ancient stone lingered in his mind, their connection and significance elusive yet tantalizingly real. There were so many questions begging for answers and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

[Ding! Infinite system activated]

[Name: Mark Wayles]

[Lifespan: 21 / 76]

[Race: Human]

[Potential: Infinite]

[Traits: Mark of the great one]

[ Constitution: Infinite Energy Integration ]

[Vitality: 8]

[Power: 7]

[Speed: 7]

[Superpowers: None ]

[ Skills: Super Regeneration (Health & Essence), Extra Comprehension ]

[Cosmic Essence: 0.01]

Suddenly, a strange data panel appeared in front of him. He rubbed his eyes to see if he was hallucinating. But the data panel was still there.

"What the hell is this now? Is it somehow connected to that star?" Mark wondered. "Is this the inheritance mentioned in the vision?"

Curious, he focused on the vitality option with his mind.

[Vitality: 8; It represents the overall condition of your health, stamina, and endurance]

Then he tapped on the Power option.

[Power: 7; It represents your overall physical capabilities]

[ Speed: It represents highest agility you could achieve.]

[ Cosmic Essence: It represents the amount of raw enegy you possessed ]

After further exploration, he grasped the basic concept of the system. Essentially, it displayed his current status and condition, no matter how unbelievable it seemed. He found out that he had two superpowers as well.

The first one is super regeneration, which he understood completely. It helps to recover his health faster. But he didn't understand the function of the second superpower. It remained a mystery.

"And, how do I increase these stats?" he asked, perplexed. But he didn't get any response, which increased his agitation further.


Anitrix quietly entered the room, his keen eyes assessing Mark's demeanor. "How do you feel?" he inquired, his voice calm yet expectant.

"Different," Mark replied honestly, choosing not to divulge the details of his extraordinary system just yet. "I think I've made some progress. And I have also felt the connection with the mysterious energy flow, Anitrix."

"I think I have been awakened!"