New Superpower

"Huh? What! What did you say?" Anitrix responded, clearly taken aback. His mechanical ears twitched in surprise. "I might have heard something wrong. Can you repeat that again?"

A twinge of annoyance crept into Mark's voice as he furrowed his brows. "No, you didn't hear anything wrong. I have indeed sensed the energy particles," Mark asserted firmly, his joy was evident.

Anitrix's expression shifted from surprise to utter disbelief. He seemed momentarily lost for words, his mechanical features betraying a mix of confusion and astonishment. For a moment, silence hung heavy in the room as he processed my revelation.

"You've sensed the energy particles..." Anitrix finally managed to speak, his tone laced with incredulity. "Mark, that's... remarkable. How did you do it?"

Mark hesitated, unsure how to explain the sensation of connecting with the unseen forces described in the book and the strange vision he had experienced. "I'm not entirely sure," he admitted reluctantly. "It just happened during meditation. I felt this... warmth and energy surrounding me, almost like a current flowing through my body."

Anitrix nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "This is unexpected, but promising. It seems you're making progress faster than I anticipated."

Encouraged by his response, he felt a surge of excitement mingled with apprehension. "So, what should I do next?" Mark asked eagerly, eager to delve deeper into his newfound abilities. The system was not responsive, so Anitrix was the only way out for his guidance.

Anitrix began to ponder about the next course of action. Honestly, he still finds Mark's talent to be unbelievable.

"How many people could awaken as psychics in a single night?" The answer was simple: "None." This was unprecedented in human history. He couldn't comprehend how someone as humble as Mark, a mere slum rat, could be such a genius.

Throughout his life, he had never encountered such a phenomenon. If it were that easy, the world would already be overflowing with psychics.

"If those arrogant elites knew about this, it would surely shatter their pride," Anitrix chuckled inwardly, his mind racing as he planned the future course of action.

The revelation of Mark's potential as a psychic was not just a surprise but a game-changer in their struggle against the established order. Anitrix recognized the profound implications of his discovery, envisioning how it could tilt the balance in their favor.

"I just need to train him well," Anitrix mused, his thoughts turning to the immense responsibility that lay ahead. The fate of their cause rested, in part, on how effectively he could nurture and guide Mark's burgeoning abilities.

"Hey, why are you so silent? Are you going to teach me or not? How can I activate my abilities? And what kind of abilities will I have?" Mark asked eagerly, unable to contain his excitement and curiosity. The prospect of unlocking latent powers and joining the fight fueled his anticipation, eager to learn what awaited him on this transformative journey.

"Ahem... Ahem..." Anitrix cleared his throat before continuing, his tone serious and measured. "Firstly, it's true that you have achieved a remarkable feat. But don't get complacent yet. The enemy has many psychics in their ranks as well. We must proceed with caution. Understood?" Anitrix's stern demeanor conveyed the weight of his guidance as a teacher.

Mark nodded, recognizing the daunting challenges ahead.

"Secondly, discovering your special ability will require training in various circumstances and scenarios. It's a natural process of awakening your psychic ability. There's no shortcut. Your training starts today. Any questions?" Anitrix asked, his expression focused and determined.

Raising his hand, Mark inquired, "How many abilities will I be able to awaken?" The prospect of unlocking multiple powers filled Mark with both anticipation and uncertainty about what lay ahead in his journey.

"Well, the majority of psychics have only one ability. But there are some exceptional people who have awakened more than one, making them extremely formidable.

Honestly, Mark, I can't even guess how many abilities you can unlock right now. However, don't stress too much about it. I'd guess you could unlock at least two easily. You're a freak after all," Anitrix remarked, a hint of admiration in his voice for Mark's potential.

Mark nodded, absorbing Anitrix's words with a mix of anticipation and determination. The journey ahead seemed daunting, but with Anitrix's guidance and belief in his abilities, Mark felt ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

And so, Mark's training began, each session a step closer to unlocking and mastering his true powers.


Afternoon, in the vast desert expanse.

The sun beat down relentlessly, casting long shadows on the barren landscape. Anitrix and Mark stood amidst the unforgiving environment, the heat radiating from the sand beneath our feet.

"Why the desert?" Mark asked, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Anitrix smiled faintly. "The desert is harsh, unforgiving, much like the path you've chosen."

"Do you see the sun up there?" Anitrix pointed to the sky. "A blazing orb of fire, composed of hydrogen and helium."

He turned back to Mark, his expression serious. "We're here for your first test—to see if you can awaken Pyrokinesis, the ability to generate and control fire at will. Pyrokinesis is one of the most destructive abilities among psychics. If revenge is your aim, it may serve you well."

"Now, imagine yourself like the sun, fueled by a desire for revenge. Tap into the raging emotion within you," Anitrix said solemnly, his gaze unwavering as he hoped for a miracle.

Mark did exactly as he said. He recalled the injustice done to his sister and Jake. Her pale, sickly face haunted him where there should have been a radiant smile. Why had her sweet smile been stolen? What did she do wrong?

And as if responding to his violent emotion, the Infinity mark starts flickering again. Soon — a raging storm brewed within Mark, a chaotic fire capable of consuming everything in its path.


[Trait: Mark of the great one activated]

[Ding! Congratulations! You have unlocked a new superpower: Pyrokinesis ]

[ Pyrokinesis: The ability to control fire at will. An inferior version of the cosmic law of fire ]

Warmth tingled at his fingertips, as he saw the same data panel appear again. Surprised by the turn of events, he opened his eyes and then saw Anitrix's shocked expression.

There, in his hand, rested a small spark of fire. Out of instinct, he instantly flung it away.


The tiny spark of fire landed on the sand, scorching the ground in black.

"Unbelievable!" Anitrix muttered in disbelief. 

Slowly, it dawned on Mark that he possessed the ability of pyrokinesis. A surge of happiness washed over Mark as he realized he was no longer powerless. His time of weakness was over.

"I will save you, Clara. And Jake, just wait for me," Mark murmured, gazing hopefully at the sky.

For the rest of the day, guided by Anitrix, Mark dedicated himself to mastering his newfound power, striving to make it even more powerful.


At night.

After a delicious dinner, Mark felt a wave of refreshment and rejuvenation wash over him. The meal had been satisfying, but strangely, his appetite seemed to have grown rather than diminished.

It was as if his body craved more, an insatiable hunger that felt almost unnatural. The sensation was peculiar as if he could devour an entire buffalo with ease.

As the day wore on, his unusual appetite became more evident. Mark found himself reaching for snacks, and then full meals, unable to satiate the gnawing hunger within him. Anitrix, the mecha cat, became very curious as he observed this. 

He watched as Mark gobbled up one plate after another, his eyes widening with each successive helping.

"This is incredible," Anitrix muttered to himself, his gaze never leaving him. "I've never seen someone eating so much."

Eventually, he couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "I need to do some tests," he declared, his voice tinged with both excitement and urgency. 

"There's something unusual going on, and I want to understand it. What do you think?"

Mark hesitated at the idea of undergoing tests making him uneasy. The previous one was a traumatic experience for him.

But Anitrix's genuine concern and scientific intrigue convinced him. Reluctantly, he agreed to let him take a sample of his blood for analysis. As Anitrix prepared his experiment, Mark couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding.


The following day, Anitrix called Mark into his lab. The look on his face was one of shock and amazement. "You need to see this," he said, beckoning Mark over to a holographic screen filled with complex data and images.

"So, what did you find?" Mark asked, not understanding the complex data, his heart pounding in his chest. 

Anitrix took a deep breath, his eyes locked onto Mark. "Your genes are evolving," he said, his voice filled with awe. "It's as if your body is undergoing some rapid, unprecedented change. And it appears to require a massive amount of energy, which explains your increased appetite."

Mark stared at him, dumbfounded by his words. "So, you're saying my genes are evolving somehow? And this process needs a lot of energy, which is why I'm so hungry all the time?"

Anitrix nodded, his expression serious. "Yes. This is beyond anything I've ever seen. We need to monitor this closely. There's no telling what might happen next. 

"And Mark, I think this may be the reason why those doctors were so interested in you," Anitrix added seriously. 

"So, this was the reason!" Mark pondered hard on the matter. "That would mean I am the main reason for this whole mess. Or, so I say, that ancient stone and this system." 

He didn't know if he should feel resentment towards the system, or be grateful instead.

Anyways, whatever the reason might be, he was not going to spare any of them from hurting his sister. He was determined.


As Mark left Anitrix's lab, he couldn't shake the feeling that the system was going to change his life in ways he could never have imagined.