Chapter 12: Three Word Calligraphy: "Sa", "Re" & "Ga"

Ruchir's companions stood around the First Stele, each absorbed in their own revelation:

One student, his hands tingling with newfound power, grasped a sword technique, feeling the weight and balance of ancient blades as if they were an extension of his own body.

Another felt the rush of water techniques, a sense of fluidity and power coursing through him like cascading streams, ready to surge at his command.

A third student envisioned elemental techniques, harnessing the raw forces of earth and fire, feeling the energy crackle and swirl around her fingertips.

Someone else, with newfound agility, moved with the grace and precision of forest creatures, their every step sure and silent.

Another student discovered stealth techniques, blending seamlessly into shadows and foliage, becoming one with the very essence of the forest itself.

One received healing techniques, feeling a surge of vitality and restorative energy flowing through them, ready to mend wounds and soothe pain.

Another grasped psychic techniques, sensing thoughts and emotions like whispers in the wind, understanding the unspoken language of the forest.

One student uncovered illusions, weaving visions that deceived and dazzled, bending reality to their will with each flicker of their mind.

Another found teleportation techniques, feeling the pull of distant places and spaces, ready to traverse the forest in the blink of an eye.

And yet another understood defensive techniques, creating barriers as solid as ancient stone, forming protective shields with a mere thought.

Ruchir stood before the Stele, his mind ablaze with questions as he absorbed the three enigmatic words: "Sa," "Re," and "Ga." The syllables reverberated in his thoughts, teasing him with their cryptic significance. He frowned deeply, trying to decipher their meaning amidst the pulsing energy of the forest and the awed silence of his companions.

"I don't understand," Ruchir muttered, frustration coloring his voice. "What are these words trying to tell me? What am I meant to learn from them?"

The Stele remained stoic, its surface gleaming faintly in the filtered light of the forest canopy. Ruchir closed his eyes, searching inward for clarity amidst the whispering leaves and distant birdcalls.

"Sa, Re, Ga," he murmured again, the syllables feeling both familiar and elusive on his tongue. They held a rhythm, a cadence that seemed to resonate with the pulse of life around him. Yet their true meaning danced just beyond his grasp, like shadows flickering in the corners of his mind.

Around him, his companions exchanged glances, their faces a mixture of awe and uncertainty. They too felt the weight of their newfound abilities, each grappling with their own revelations in the presence of the ancient Stele.

The other party that had chosen a path before finally arrived, their frustration and disheveled appearance drawing amused glances from the assembled crowd. Led by Garret, their demeanor mixed embarrassment with anger as they recounted their harrowing journey.

"Good to see you've finally made it," someone called out, unable to suppress a smirk.

Garret scowled, his clothes torn and muddy. "Don't remind me," he grumbled, brushing dirt from his hair. "That path was a nightmare. Poison swamps, raging bulls, and carnivorous plants on the run—can you believe it?"

Laughter erupted from the crowd, mingling with sympathetic murmurs from those who understood the perils of the Thousand Inheritance Forest.

"Five days without food!" another member of Garret's group exclaimed dramatically, throwing their hands up in exasperation.

One curious onlooker piped up, unable to resist. "What happened out there?"

Garret's face darkened. "It was a disaster," he admitted grudgingly. "We thought we could handle it, but that path chewed us up and spat us out."

The crowd chuckled, enjoying the tale of misfortune that had befallen Garret and his companions. Some exchanged knowing glances, silently thankful they had chosen a different route.

As the banter continued, the atmosphere shifted from awe and reverence at the Stele to a more lighthearted mood filled with jests and playful jabs.

Garret and his group, despite their frustration, couldn't help but join in the laughter, their pride wounded but their spirits lifted by the camaraderie of their fellow adventurers.

Meanwhile, Ruchir watched the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and relief. He couldn't shake the mystery of "Sa, Re, Ga," the three words that had ignited his curiosity.

They continued to echo in his mind, elusive yet tantalizing, as if holding the key to a deeper understanding that eluded him for now.

As the tension from the previous encounter dissipated, the other group, led by Garrett, finally arrived at the first stele, disheveled and visibly frustrated.

Their disheveled appearance drew amused chuckles from the crowd, contrasting sharply with the composed and empowered expressions of Ruchir's group.

Despite their embarrassment, Garrett and his companions were determined to claim their rightful inheritance.

Approaching the stele, they were enveloped in the same ethereal glow that had illuminated Ruchir's group moments before.

Each member of Garrett's party received unique techniques and powers: from elemental control over fire and wind to mastery in wielding ancient weaponry and defensive spells.

Their expressions shifted from frustration to awe as they realized the significance of what they had obtained.

The atmosphere crackled with newfound potential as both groups, now equally empowered by the stele's gifts, stood in contemplation.

Garrett and Ruchir exchanged a nod of mutual respect, acknowledging the trials they had each endured.

Scholar Zhang materialized before the assembled students, his presence commanding immediate attention.

The glow of the first stele still lingered in the air, casting an ethereal light over the scene.

Zhang's eyes, filled with both wisdom and concern, scanned the group, taking in their diverse expressions of triumph, curiosity, and apprehension.

"Congratulations," Scholar Zhang began, his voice resonating with authority and warmth. "You have absorbed the knowledge from the first stele, and with it, you have taken your first step towards mastery in the Thousand Inheritance Forest. Each of you has received techniques and powers that will define your path forward. However, I must stress the importance of what comes next."

He paused, ensuring he had their full attention. The students stood silently, their gazes fixed on him, eager for guidance. Zhang's expression grew serious, a furrow of concern crossing his brow.

"For the next three days," he continued, "you must return to your quarters and diligently practice the techniques you have acquired. The knowledge you now possess is potent but requires honing. Only through practice will you unlock its full potential. Your next class will be in three days, and it is crucial that you use this time wisely."

A murmur of understanding rippled through the crowd. The students, though weary from their recent trials, nodded in agreement, recognizing the necessity of preparation.

"However," Zhang's voice took on a more somber tone, "I must warn you against venturing deep into the Thousand Inheritance Forest during this period. The dangers that lie beyond the first stele are beyond your current capabilities. You have faced trials, yes, but the forest holds threats far greater than what you have encountered."

Ruchir and the others exchanged uneasy glances, the memory of their encounter with the demonic panther and the illusionary tree still fresh in their minds.

Scholar Zhang's gaze softened, and he continued with a touch of paternal concern, "The steles ahead do not always bestow knowledge and techniques suitable to your strengths. They can be unpredictable, and the challenges you face will be unlike anything you have experienced. The deeper you venture, the more perilous the terrain becomes. There are regions of fire, ice, and poison swamps. Demonic beasts of unimaginable ferocity roam these areas, and every step you take could be your last."

He let his words sink in, allowing the weight of his warning to settle over the students. "One misstep, and you will truly die," he emphasized, his eyes sweeping over the group. "Unlike your earlier trials, where your lives were at least partially guaranteed by the forest's enchantments, there will be no such safety net in the deeper regions. No one has seen the end of the Thousand Inheritance Forest yet, but it is said to hold wonders beyond imagination."

Zhang sighed, a mixture of awe and trepidation in his voice. "The end of the forest must be truly amazing. However, reaching it is a perilous journey that only the most skilled and prepared can hope to undertake."

A sense of gravity settled over the students. They realized that their journey had only just begun, and the true challenges lay ahead. The forest, with its hidden dangers and untold mysteries, loomed large in their minds.

Scholar Zhang's tone softened again, exuding a caring attitude. "You are all talented and have shown great promise."

"But promise alone will not see you through the trials ahead. You must be cautious, wise, and patient. Use these next three days to strengthen yourselves."

"Practice your techniques, study their nuances, and prepare your minds and bodies for what is to come."

One of the students, a young girl with bright eyes and a determined expression, stepped forward. "Scholar Zhang, is there any way to know what kind of danger lies ahead? Any signs we should look for?"

Zhang nodded, appreciating her proactive attitude. "The forest has its ways of warning those who are perceptive."

"Pay attention to the changes in the environment. Unnatural silence, sudden shifts in temperature, and the presence of unusual flora and fauna can all be indicators of impending danger."

"Trust your instincts and be prepared to retreat if necessary. Courage is essential, but so is the wisdom to know when to fight and when to flee."

Another student, a tall boy with a serious demeanor, spoke up. "What about the steles ahead? How do we know if the knowledge they offer is suitable for us?"

Scholar Zhang explained that the steles are powerful artifacts containing the legacies of formidable experts, both from the academy and beyond, who have reached at least the Supernatural Realm.

These inheritances resonate with each individual's essence, providing knowledge and techniques tailored to their unique abilities.

However, the steles also present significant challenges meant to test and refine one's patience, resolve, and adaptability, making them not just sources of power, but trials to forge worthy successors.

Ruchir, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "Scholar Zhang, what should we do if we encounter another illusion like the demonic tree?"

Zhang's eyes met Ruchir's, and he smiled slightly. "Illusions are a common test within the forest. They challenge not just your physical abilities but your mental fortitude as well."

"The key to overcoming illusions is to stay calm and observe closely. Often, there will be inconsistencies or subtle clues that reveal the truth. Trust your senses but do not be easily deceived. Work together and communicate with your companions, for illusions thrive on confusion and isolation."

The students nodded, absorbing his advice. Zhang's words were both a reassurance and a reminder of the trials that lay ahead.

"Remember," Zhang said, his voice gentle yet firm, "you are not alone in this journey. Support one another, share your knowledge, and face the challenges together. The forest is a formidable adversary, but unity and cooperation will see you through the darkest of times."

As Scholar Zhang prepared to take his leave, he cast one last look at the assembled students. "In three days, we will reconvene. Use this time wisely, practice diligently, and prepare yourselves for the next steps in your journey. The Thousand Inheritance Forest holds great dangers, but also unparalleled opportunities. Stay true to your path, and you will uncover the secrets that lie within."

With a final nod, Zhang disappeared as suddenly as he had arrived, leaving the students to contemplate his words. The forest around them seemed to hum with an ominous energy, a reminder of the challenges and mysteries that awaited them. But for now, they had a moment of respite, a chance to prepare and strengthen themselves for the trials ahead.

The group slowly dispersed, each student heading towards their quarters with a mix of determination and trepidation. The journey through the Thousand Inheritance Forest had only just begun, and the path forward was fraught with danger. Yet, armed with new techniques and Scholar Zhang's wisdom, they felt a renewed sense of purpose.

Ruchir lingered a moment longer, gazing at the first stele. The cryptic words he had received still echoed in his mind. "Sa," "Re," and "Ga." Their meaning remained elusive, but he knew they held a deeper significance. With a sigh, he turned and joined his companions, ready to delve into practice and unravel the mysteries of his newfound knowledge.

As they walked back to their quarters, the students shared their thoughts and fears, their bonds strengthening with each passing moment.

The journey was uncertain, but they were united in their resolve to face whatever the forest threw at them.

The Thousand Inheritance Forest awaited, its secrets hidden in the shadows, but they were determined to uncover its mysteries, one step at a time.