Chapter 13: First Realm of Cultivation: The Mortal Realm

The sun had just risen, casting a golden hue over the academy grounds.

The students, now more familiar with each other and the academy's expectations, gathered under the grand old oak tree. The air buzzed with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

Scholar Zhang stood before them, his expression calm and composed, yet there was a spark in his eyes that hinted at the significance of today's lesson.

"Good morning, everyone," Scholar Zhang began, his voice steady and resonant. "Today, we will discuss the foundation of all cultivation on our continent: the Mortal Realm."

The students leaned forward, eager to absorb every word. Ruchir felt a surge of anticipation. He had heard whispers about the realms of cultivation but never in detail.

"There are three major realms of cultivation," Zhang continued. "They are the Mortal Realm, the Supernatural Realm, and the Phenomenal Realm. Today, we will focus only on the Mortal Realm. The other two realms are beyond your current understanding and need not concern you for now."

A hand shot up from the back. "Why can't we learn about the other realms now?" a student asked.

Zhang smiled patiently. "Because the journey of cultivation is step-by-step. If you try to leap too far ahead, you will miss the crucial foundations needed for true advancement. Trust in the process and your own growth."

He paused, letting his words sink in before proceeding. "The Mortal Realm is the starting point for all cultivators. It is the stage where you begin to gather and refine the energy within your body. Unlike higher realms, the Mortal Realm cannot be neatly classified or subdivided because of the many factors that influence your strength. Let me explain these factors."

Zhang held up his fingers, counting off. "First, the quantity of energy your body can store. This is crucial. The more energy you can accumulate, the stronger you become. But it is not just about quantity."

He raised a second finger. "Second, the quality of your energy. The purity of your energy determines how efficiently you can use it. High-quality energy can achieve much more than the same quantity of impure energy."

A third finger joined the first two. "Third, you can strengthen your own physique with the help of energy. A powerful body can withstand greater stresses and use energy more effectively."

Finally, he raised a fourth finger. "And fourth, your mind. The strength of your mind influences your ability to control and direct your energy. A weak mind will falter, no matter how strong your body or pure your energy."

The students nodded, absorbing the information. Another hand went up. "How do we measure the purity of our energy?" the student asked.

Zhang nodded. "Good question. The purity of energy is usually determined by specialized techniques and cultivation methods. Some techniques focus specifically on refining energy to a higher quality, while others may emphasize quantity or physical strength. Each path is unique."

Ruchir, eyes wide with fascination, couldn't help but ask, "Scholar Zhang, how do we know when our body has reached its limit in terms of energy storage?"

"Excellent question, Ruchir," Zhang responded. "When your body reaches its saturation point, you will feel a distinct pressure within, a sense that you can no longer absorb any more energy without causing harm to yourself. This is your signal that you need to break through your current limits."

He paused, looking at each student in turn. "Breaking through your limits is both a challenging and vital process. It is not enough to simply gather energy. You must push beyond your current capabilities. This process strengthens you and prepares you for the next level of cultivation. Once you break through, you will have to cultivate again, but the path will be easier, and the quantity of energy you can hold will also increase."

A murmur of awe spread through the group. One student, looking puzzled, raised his hand. "What does it mean to break through our limits?"

Zhang smiled knowingly. "Breaking through your limits means surpassing the maximum amount of energy your body can currently handle. It is a moment of intense transformation, where your body adapts to hold more energy and becomes stronger in the process. This can be achieved through various methods, including intense training, meditative techniques, or even life-threatening situations that push you to your absolute brink."

He continued, "To step into the Supernatural Realm, you must break your limits a minimum of three times. This means that your body must adapt and evolve to hold increasing amounts of energy. Additionally, either your energy quality must reach rare quality, or your physique must achieve quasi sublimation."

A student at the front, clearly struggling to grasp the concept, asked, "What is quasi sublimation?"

"Quasi sublimation," Zhang explained, "is a state where your body undergoes a significant transformation, becoming far more resilient and capable than before. It is not a complete transformation, but it is a crucial step towards reaching the Supernatural Realm. Think of it as your body and energy nearing a state of perfection, but not quite there yet."

Ruchir's mind raced as he tried to comprehend the enormity of what Zhang was saying. The idea of breaking through one's limits multiple times seemed daunting yet exhilarating. He raised his hand again. "Scholar Zhang, how do we achieve rare quality energy?"

"Achieving rare quality energy," Zhang said, "requires meticulous cultivation practices. You must follow techniques that refine and purify your energy continuously. This involves a combination of diet, meditation, physical training, and sometimes the use of rare herbs and elixirs that can cleanse and enhance your energy."

He looked around at the eager faces before him. "Remember, the journey of cultivation is unique for everyone. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. You must find the path that resonates with you and stay committed to it. Each breakthrough will bring you closer to your goal, but it will also test your determination and resilience."

A student near the back, visibly anxious, asked, "What if we fail to break through our limits? Does that mean we can't progress?"

Zhang's expression turned serious. "Failure is a part of the journey. Not everyone succeeds on their first attempt. If you fail, you must try again, learning from your experience and improving your methods. Persistence is key. The path to true cultivation is fraught with challenges, and only those who are truly dedicated will succeed."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Now, I must also warn you. Do not venture deep into the Thousand Inheritance Forest again. The dangers you faced so far are nothing compared to what lies deeper within. The steles ahead do not always give knowledge and techniques suitable to you. Inside, there are different terrains, demonic beasts, and life-threatening dangers."

"One misstep and you will truly die, not like before where your life was at least guaranteed. No one has seen the end of the forest yet, but it surely must be amazing." He gave a sigh, a mixture of awe and caution in his voice.

The students exchanged nervous glances. Ruchir felt a chill run down his spine. The thought of venturing deeper into the forest, with its unknown perils, was both terrifying and intriguing.

"Scholar Zhang," a bold student spoke up, "why do we need to face such dangers? Can't we cultivate safely within the academy?"

Zhang's eyes softened as he regarded the student. "Cultivation is not just about gathering energy and practicing techniques. It is about growth, adaptation, and facing the unknown. The Thousand Inheritance Forest is a trial by fire, meant to forge you into stronger, wiser individuals."

"The dangers you face there are part of your journey, teaching you resilience, resourcefulness, and the ability to overcome adversity."

He continued, "However, the forest is not the only way to advance. The academy provides a controlled environment for learning and growth, but it cannot replicate the intensity and unpredictability of real-world challenges. You must find a balance between the safety of the academy and the trials of the forest."

A student, still concerned, asked, "What if we don't want to take such risks? Can we still progress?"

"Of course," Zhang replied kindly. "There are many paths to cultivation. Some may choose to focus solely on the techniques and knowledge provided by the academy, advancing through study and practice. Others may seek out different trials and challenges. The choice is yours, and each path has its own merits."

He looked at the group, his expression earnest. "Remember, the path of cultivation is a personal journey. No one can tell you which way is right for you. Listen to your heart, trust your instincts, and be prepared to face both triumphs and setbacks. Only through perseverance and dedication can you achieve true greatness."

Ruchir felt a renewed sense of determination.

Scholar Zhang's words resonated deeply with him. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he was ready to face them.

He knew that each step, each trial, would bring him closer to his ultimate goal.

As the lesson concluded, Zhang addressed the group one last time. "Now that you have absorbed this knowledge, go to your quarters and practice it."

"Prepare yourselves for the new class in three days. Use this time wisely to refine your techniques and strengthen your bodies and minds."

"And remember, do not venture deep into the forest without adequate preparation and understanding of the risks involved."

The students nodded, their expressions a mix of determination and apprehension. They dispersed, each heading to their quarters with a newfound sense of purpose.

Ruchir walked with a friend, their conversation buzzing with excitement about the lessons learned and the challenges ahead.

As he entered his quarters, Ruchir couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The path of cultivation was long and arduous, but he was ready to embrace it fully.

Scholar Zhang's guidance had illuminated the way, and now it was up to him to take the next steps on this extraordinary journey.

Three days had passed since Scholar Zhang's enlightening lesson on the Mortal Realm. The students had spent the time diligently practicing their newfound techniques, pushing their limits and refining their energy.

On the morning of the fourth day, they gathered once more, this time at the edge of a majestic waterfall. The sound of the roaring water echoed through the air, filling the students with a sense of awe and anticipation.

Ruchir and his peers stood in a semi-circle, gazing up at the intense cascade of water. The waterfall was both beautiful and imposing, its powerful flow a testament to the raw force of nature. As they admired the scenery, a sense of unease began to settle over them.

At the base of the waterfall, a figure emerged from the mist, standing tall and unmoving. The man was incredibly bulky, with muscles that seemed to ripple with raw power and veins that bulged with intensity.

His presence exuded an aura of strength and danger, and the sight of him caused the students to gasp in astonishment.

"Who is that?" whispered a student, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

Before anyone could answer, the man leaped from his position at the base of the waterfall, soaring through the air with an agility that belied his massive frame.

He landed before the students with a thunderous impact, creating a two-meter-deep and ten-meter-wide crater in the sturdy ground.

The shockwave of his landing sent dust and debris flying in all directions, and the students staggered back, wide-eyed and speechless.

The man straightened, his piercing gaze sweeping over the assembled group. He was a formidable sight, his skin glistening with sweat and his eyes burning with intensity. His presence commanded attention, and the students couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and admiration.

"Welcome, students," the man said in a deep, resonant voice that seemed to vibrate through the air. "I am Instructor Saturn, and I will be your Drill Teacher."

The students shivered involuntarily, feeling a chill creep over their bodies as if they were being targeted by an unseen predator.

An evil foreboding settled over them, hinting at the grueling and perilous lessons that lay ahead.