Chapter 14: Instructor Saturn's Hellish Training

"Good morning, everyone!" Saturn boomed, his voice echoing through the clearing. "Are you ready for some fun?"

The students exchanged wary glances. Fun was not the word they had in mind.

Ruchir, standing at the front, couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Saturn clapped his hands together, the sound reverberating like a thunderclap. "Today, we start with a little warm-up. I want you all to run ten laps around the forest clearing. Go!"

The students groaned collectively but began running, the ground beneath their feet quickly turning into a blur. As they ran, Saturn jogged alongside them effortlessly, his presence both encouraging and intimidating.

"Come on, pick up the pace! You're not going to get stronger by dragging your feet!" he shouted, a wide grin on his face.

Ruchir panted heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead. "Is this... his idea... of a warm-up?" he gasped to a fellow student.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally completed the laps, only to find Saturn waiting for them, looking as fresh as ever. "Great job, everyone! Now, onto the next exercise."

They were led to the base of the waterfall, where large boulders were scattered around. "Each of you, pick up a boulder and carry it to the top of that hill," Saturn instructed, pointing to a steep incline.

A student protested, "These boulders are huge! How are we supposed to carry them?"

Saturn's grin widened. "Use your legs, your back, and most importantly, your willpower! Now get to it!"

Grumbling, the students struggled to lift the boulders. Ruchir felt his muscles strain as he heaved a particularly heavy one onto his shoulder. With every step up the hill, his legs burned, and his breath came in ragged gasps.

"Keep going! Imagine this boulder is your future achievements. If you drop it, you drop your dreams!" Saturn's voice rang out, mingling encouragement with a hint of challenge.

By the time they reached the top, many students were on the verge of collapse. Ruchir could barely feel his arms. He dropped the boulder with a thud and collapsed beside it, panting heavily.

"Now, for the next part," Saturn said, barely giving them time to catch their breath. "We have some log balancing to do."

He led them to a series of logs placed over a shallow stream. "Balance on the logs and make your way to the other side. If you fall, you start over."

One student, already exhausted, groaned, "This is torture!"

Saturn chuckled. "No, this is training. Torture comes later."

With wobbly legs, the students attempted to balance on the logs.

Many slipped and fell into the stream, only to drag themselves out and start again.

Ruchir clenched his teeth, determined not to fall.

He focused on his footing, arms outstretched for balance, and finally made it to the other side, feeling a small sense of accomplishment.

The week dragged on with relentless exercises.

They ran obstacle courses, practiced combat drills, meditated under the icy waterfall, and carried heavy loads across difficult terrains.

The training was brutal, pushing their bodies to the brink and leaving them with sleepless nights as their aching muscles protested.

Every night, they collapsed into their beds, muscles aching and spirits weary.

Despite his jovial demeanor, Saturn was relentless.

He pushed them to their limits and beyond, yet always with a smile and an encouraging word. "You're stronger than you think! Don't give up now!" he would say, even as the students silently cursed him in their minds.

On the fourth day, as they were forced to do push-ups on their knuckles, one student couldn't hold back his frustration.

"This is insane! We're going to die before we become stronger!"

Saturn, overhearing, laughed heartily.

"Death is but a step to greater power! But don't worry, none of you will die under my watch. Though you might feel like it."

Ruchir, struggling to keep his arms from giving out, muttered, "I'd rather face the demonic panther again than another day of this."

On the seventh day, after what felt like the longest week of their lives, Saturn finally called them to a halt.

The students, battered and exhausted, collapsed onto the ground, too tired to care about the dirt and sweat covering them.

"Alright, everyone, gather around," Saturn said, his tone unusually serious. "I know this week has been tough. You've cursed my name, and maybe even wished for my untimely demise. But there's a reason behind each exercise."

He began pacing in front of them, his voice taking on a more instructive tone.

"The running built your stamina, essential for any cultivator. The boulder lifting strengthened your core and legs, giving you the power to sustain long battles. Balancing on the logs improved your focus and agility, critical in dodging attacks."

Ruchir, despite his exhaustion, listened intently. "So it wasn't just to torture us?" he asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Saturn grinned. "Well, maybe a little. But mainly, it was to prepare you for the rigors of cultivation. Your bodies are now stronger, more resilient. You might not see it yet, but the foundation you've built will support your future growth."

Another student, rubbing his sore muscles, asked, "And the push-ups? What were they for?"

"Discipline and endurance," Saturn replied. "A strong body needs a strong mind. You need to push through pain and fatigue, to keep going when every part of you wants to give up."

"That mental toughness is what will set you apart as cultivators."

Ruchir looked around at his fellow students.

Despite their initial skepticism, he could see a spark of understanding in their eyes.

They had endured the hellish training and come out stronger, even if it didn't feel like it yet.

Saturn clapped his hands again, drawing their attention.

"Now, take the next few days to rest and reflect on what you've learned. Practice the techniques you've inherited from the stele, and let your bodies recover."

"Remember, the path of cultivation is long and arduous, but you've taken your first real steps."

As they limped back to their quarters, the students couldn't help but joke about their experiences. "I can't believe we survived Saturn's boot camp," one said, laughing despite his fatigue.

"Yeah, I thought I was going to die at least five times," another added, shaking his head.

Ruchir, walking alongside his friends, felt a strange sense of camaraderie. They had been through hell together and come out stronger. "Maybe next time, we'll be the ones making others run laps," he said with a grin.

Despite their complaints and the pain they had endured, there was a newfound respect for Instructor Saturn.

His methods might have been extreme, but they understood now that he had their best interests at heart.

As they settled into their beds that night, sore but accomplished, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

After enduring seven days of rigorous training under the watchful eye of Instructor Saturn, the students found themselves standing once again in the clearing by the waterfall.

Their bodies ached, their muscles protested every movement, yet there was an undeniable sense of accomplishment among them.

Instructor Saturn, true to his jovial yet formidable nature, stood before them with a wide grin. His arms were crossed over his chest, muscles bulging beneath his sleeveless shirt, a testament to his own formidable strength.

"Well done, my fledgling cultivators!" Saturn's voice boomed across the clearing, breaking the silence that had settled among them.

"You've made it through the hardest part. From now on, it's all about refining your skills and mastering your techniques."

A ripple of relieved laughter and exhausted cheers echoed among the students.

They exchanged looks of mutual understanding and respect, silently acknowledging the journey they had just endured together.

"Now," Saturn continued, his tone taking on a more serious note, "from next week onwards, we'll begin our regular lectures."

The mention of lectures drew a collective groan from the students.

Some muttered under their breaths, expressing their dislike for the upcoming academic sessions.

"Lectures?" one student questioned, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "Already?"

Saturn nodded sagely, a playful glint in his eye. "Yes, lectures," he confirmed, his voice tinged with mock seriousness. "But fear not! We'll make sure they're as practical and engaging as possible."

Another student raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Which lecture are we talking about?" he asked cautiously.

Saturn's grin widened mischievously. "Ah, yes. The lecture on philosophy, history, and politics," he declared, his voice dripping with mock disdain.

"Utterly boring, if you ask me."

The students exchanged amused and surprised glances.

After days of physical exertion and practical training, the idea of Saturn himself deeming a lecture boring was both unexpected and strangely amusing.

In their minds, however, they couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. "Finally," Ruchir thought to himself, "something practical and scholar-like."

He stifled a grin, knowing better than to show his amusement in front of Saturn.

Instead, they nodded solemnly, their faces arranged in expressions of feigned interest. "Yes, Instructor Saturn," they chimed in unison, their voices small and compliant.

Saturn, sensing their mixed emotions, couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry, my eager students," he reassured them with a wink.

"The practical lessons are just around the corner. But first, a little knowledge won't hurt."

As the students dispersed to their quarters, Saturn's words lingered in their minds.

They had survived the physical trials of Saturn's hellish training, but now they faced the prospect of returning to the more mundane aspects of their studies.

Yet, beneath their outward compliance, a sense of anticipation simmered.

They were cultivators-in-training, poised on the brink of a world filled with challenges and mysteries.

And with Saturn as their guide, they knew they were in for a journey unlike any other.

As they prepared for the upcoming lectures, Ruchir couldn't help but smile to himself. "Bring on the philosophy," he thought with a grin. "At least it's better than carrying boulders up hills."

After enduring seven days of rigorous training under the watchful eye of Instructor Saturn, the students found themselves standing once again in the clearing by the waterfall.

Their bodies ached, their muscles protested every movement, yet there was an undeniable sense of accomplishment among them.

They had survived Saturn's boot camp, and now they awaited their next instruction with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation.

As they prepared for the upcoming lectures, Ruchir couldn't help but smile to himself. "Bring on the philosophy," he thought with a grin.

"At least it's better than carrying boulders up hills."