Chapter 31: The Steel Arc Swordmaster

In the dimly lit chamber, Scholar Dwayne faced off against the colossal Earth Dragon, their battle shaking the very foundations of the underground lair.

The air crackled with energy as each combatant maneuvered with deadly precision, seeking to gain the upper hand.

The Earth Dragon, its massive form wreathed in the essence of earth and stone, roared with primal fury. It unleashed its mastery over the earth domain, causing the ground to tremble and fissures to crack open around Dwayne.

Rocks and debris surged towards him, threatening to ensnare him within the Earth Dragon's domain.

Dwayne's eyes narrowed in concentration as he swiftly assessed the situation. With a fluid motion, he evaded the incoming onslaught, his movements a dance of agility and strategic foresight. He knew the Earth Dragon's power lay in its ability to control the very ground beneath their feet.

Summoning his Legacy Sword Technique, Dwayne channeled his energy into the Third Form: Grand Steel Spikes.

The air hummed with anticipation as he unleashed a barrage of razor-sharp steel spikes from his sword.

The spikes shot towards the Earth Dragon with deadly accuracy, piercing through its thick hide and causing deep wounds.

The Earth Dragon bellowed in pain, its massive frame shuddering under the impact. Dark blood oozed from the wounds inflicted by Dwayne's attack, staining the ground beneath them.

Despite its formidable size and strength, the Earth Dragon faltered momentarily under the Scholar's relentless assault.

Seizing the opportunity, Dwayne pressed his advantage. With precise movements, he continued to unleash a flurry of strikes, each one aimed at exploiting the Earth Dragon's vulnerabilities.

His Legacy Sword Technique danced through the air, leaving trails of shimmering energy in its wake.

The Earth Dragon retaliated with renewed vigor, its earth domain responding in kind. It summoned pillars of stone to rise from the ground, aiming to trap Dwayne within a labyrinth of solid rock.

The chamber echoed with the sound of grinding stone as the pillars closed in around him, threatening to crush him under their weight.

Dwayne's breath quickened as he dodged and weaved through the maze of stone, his focus unwavering.

With each step, he calculated his next move, searching for an opening in the Earth Dragon's defenses.

His sword flashed in the dim light, deflecting boulders and slicing through solid rock with precision.

As the Earth Dragon roared in fury, Dwayne saw his chance. With a decisive strike, he unleashed the final blow of his Grand Steel Spikes technique.

The energy surged from his sword, forming a vortex of steel spikes that converged on the Earth Dragon's vulnerable spots.

The Earth Dragon howled in agony as the spikes tore through its armored scales, delivering devastating wounds.

Its massive form staggered, the ground trembling beneath its weight. Dark blood pooled around the creature, mingling with the earth and stone.

Breathing heavily, Dwayne maintained his stance, his eyes locked on the wounded Earth Dragon. He knew the battle was far from over, but he had dealt a significant blow to the creature.

As the Earth Dragon struggled to regain its footing, Dwayne prepared himself for the next phase of their intense duel.

As the Earth Dragon shook off the effects of Dwayne's Grand Steel Spikes, the Scholar's expression shifted from determination to surprise.

He watched in disbelief as the wounds inflicted moments ago began to heal at an alarming rate. The creature's resilience was far beyond what Dwayne had anticipated.

Realization dawned on Dwayne as he glanced around the underground chamber. The walls pulsed with the essence of earth, resonating with the Earth Dragon's domain.

It was clear now—the very environment favored the creature, granting it an unparalleled advantage in this subterranean battlefield.

A bitter laugh escaped Dwayne's lips, echoing faintly in the cavernous chamber. "Foolish," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in self-admonishment. "Playing a battle of attrition against an Earth Dragon in its own domain."

The Earth Dragon, sensing Dwayne's realization, roared triumphantly. It surged forward, renewing its assault with renewed vigor.

Stones and debris flew through the air as it unleashed a torrent of earth-shaking attacks.

Dwayne reacted swiftly, dodging and parrying the onslaught, but he knew he was at a disadvantage.

With each passing moment, the Earth Dragon's strength seemed to grow, fueled by the very earth around them.

Dwayne's mind raced, searching for a strategy that could turn the tide of battle. He needed to find a way to neutralize the creature's advantage, but the task seemed daunting in the face of its relentless onslaught.

As he fought, Dwayne's thoughts turned inward. He reflected on his earlier tactics and choices, realizing the gravity of his error.

Engaging in a prolonged battle in such an environment was akin to playing into the Earth Dragon's strengths.

He cursed himself silently for underestimating the creature's resilience and the strategic implications of their battlefield.

Despite the odds stacked against him, Dwayne remained composed. He knew he had to adapt quickly if he wanted to survive this encounter.

Drawing upon his years of training and knowledge, he sought to find a way to outmaneuver the Earth Dragon, despite the challenging circumstances.

With a steely resolve, Dwayne shifted his focus to finding a tactical advantage.

His mind raced through his repertoire of techniques and strategies, searching for a weakness in the Earth Dragon's defenses or a vulnerability he could exploit.

The battle raged on, the clash of steel against stone echoing through the underground chamber. 

Scholar Dwayne closed his eyes amidst the chaos of the battle with the Earth Dragon, diving deep into memories that had long lain dormant.

He found himself transported back fifty years, to a time when he was just a young farmer of twenty-five, his days filled with the simple joys of tending to the land and caring for his village.

It was a peaceful life, one he had cherished dearly. The fields he cultivated stretched out under the azure sky, promising bountiful harvests and a future filled with hope. But that tranquility shattered one fateful day, when a tide of demon beasts descended upon his village without warning.

Dwayne vividly recalled the terror that gripped his heart as he witnessed the merciless slaughter of his fellow villagers.

The once-idyllic fields were now stained crimson with blood, the very crops he had nurtured now trampled and desecrated by the carnage.

He fought bravely alongside his neighbors, wielding farmer tools in a desperate attempt to defend their homes and loved ones.

Yet, despite their valiant efforts, the demon beasts proved too powerful, their onslaught relentless and merciless.

In the end, Dwayne stood alone amidst the devastation, the sole survivor of a once-thriving community reduced to ruin.

The weight of loss and despair bore down upon him, leaving scars that would never truly heal.

His hands, calloused from years of farming, now clenched into fists of resolve, determined never again to be powerless in the face of such darkness.

The air was thick with the acrid scent of smoke and the bitter taste of sorrow.

As he stood there, numb and weary, a figure approached—a scholar of advanced years, dressed in pristine white robes that stood in stark contrast to the devastation around them.

"What a pitiful sight," the old scholar remarked softly, his voice carrying a mix of sympathy and wisdom.

Dwayne glanced up, meeting the gaze of this unexpected visitor. His eyes, normally bright with determination, now reflected the weariness of someone who had witnessed too much suffering.

Ignoring the scholar's initial comment, Dwayne's gaze drifted back to the wreckage before him. Hunger gnawed at his stomach, a stark reminder of the harsh reality that had engulfed his world.

It had been days since he last ate, his focus consumed by the desperate struggle for survival.

Unperturbed by Dwayne's silence, the scholar reached into the folds of his robes and produced a simple meat bun—a humble offering amidst the devastation.

"Here," he said gently, extending the food towards Dwayne. "You must be hungry."

Dwayne hesitated for a moment, his pride warring with his hunger.

Yet, the ache in his belly won out, and he accepted the meat bun gratefully, devouring it with a hunger that surpassed mere physical need.

The scholar watched in silence, understanding the silent turmoil within the young man's heart.

After a long moment, as Dwayne finished the last bite of the bun, the scholar spoke again, his voice calm and reassuring. "Would you like to leave this place?" he asked, his gaze steady yet compassionate.

Dwayne nodded wordlessly, his emotions too raw for words. He had seen too much, lost too many, to linger amidst the remnants of his shattered life.

With slow, deliberate movements, he began to walk away from the ruins, his steps heavy with the weight of grief and uncertainty.

As they walked in silence, the scholar matched Dwayne's pace, his presence a quiet anchor in the storm of emotions swirling within the young man.

It was only when they had put some distance between themselves and the village that Dwayne finally broke the heavy silence that hung between them.

"Sir," Dwayne began hesitantly, his voice a whisper against the somber backdrop of their surroundings. "What is your name? Are you... an immortal?"

The old scholar chuckled softly, a sound that held both warmth and wisdom. "No, young man," he replied with a gentle smile. "I am not an immortal. Though some might call me that in jest."

Dwayne frowned slightly, intrigued by the enigmatic response. "Then, who are you?"

The scholar's smile widened, his eyes twinkling with a knowing light. "People call me The Steel Arc Swordmaster," he answered simply, his tone humble yet tinged with a quiet pride.

Dwayne's memories receded, and he found himself back in the grim reality of the underground battlefield. The earth dragon, towering and formidable, snarled, its wounds healing at an alarming rate.

The realization of the dragon's advantage in this terrain crystallized in Dwayne's mind. His brow furrowed, and determination sparked in his eyes.

The earth dragon roared fanatically, its bellowing cry reverberating through the cavern, shaking the very foundations of the underground. Its eyes glowed with primal rage, and its colossal body thrashed against the stone walls, creating a cacophony of terror.

Dwayne, undeterred, tightened his grip on the glowing sword. His determination blazed in his eyes, and with every ounce of his willpower, he pushed forward, ready to deliver the final, decisive blow.