Chapter 32: Fourth Form—Giant Steel Pillars! & Magnolia's Irony

The earth dragon's roar echoed in the cavern, but Dwayne remained steadfast, ready to end the battle. Knowing the dire consequences of the prolonged fight, he decided to use a technique that would place an immense burden on his body.

He resolved to unleash the Steel Arc Sword Technique: Fourth Form—Giant Steel Pillars.

With a determined gleam in his eyes, Dwayne raised his sword high. The weapon glowed with an intense, ethereal light, casting a radiant aura around him.

He chanted an ancient incantation, his voice resonating with power and authority. The ground beneath him began to tremble, and the cavern seemed to hold its breath in anticipation.

"Steel Arc Sword Technique: Fourth Form—Giant Steel Pillars!" Dwayne's voice boomed, filled with unwavering resolve.

In an instant, massive steel pillars erupted from the ground, encircling the earth dragon from all directions. The pillars shot up with incredible force, their metallic surfaces glistening under the dim light of the cavern.

The earth dragon thrashed and roared, trying to break free, but the pillars held firm, their unyielding strength immobilizing the beast.

The final pillar descended from above, crashing onto the middle of the earth dragon's massive body with a resounding thud. The creature let out a deafening roar of agony, its movements becoming sluggish and strained.

The once-mighty dragon was now almost incapacitated, trapped within the formidable prison of steel pillars.

Dwayne, though visibly strained, knew that he couldn't let the opportunity slip away. Summoning the last reserves of his strength, he prepared to deliver the killing blow. He raised his sword once more, his hands trembling but his resolve unshaken.

"Steel Arc Sword Technique: Third Form—Continuous Steel Spikes!" he shouted, his voice echoing with determination.

The sword gleamed brightly, and in a swift motion, Dwayne unleashed a barrage of steel spikes. The spikes shot forward with incredible speed, piercing the earth dragon's tough hide.

Each spike found its mark, driving deeper into the creature's flesh, causing it to writhe in excruciating pain. The dragon's roars grew weaker with each passing moment until, finally, it lay still, its life force extinguished.

Dwayne stood amidst the aftermath, breathless and haggard. He felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him, and his body trembled from the immense strain.

He coughed, a splatter of blood staining his lips, a testament to the toll the battle had taken on him. The pain coursed through his veins, and he felt as if his body were breaking apart.

Despite the overwhelming fatigue and pain, Dwayne's thoughts turned to the students. He couldn't afford to rest; their safety depended on him.

Summoning every ounce of willpower, he steadied himself, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. The vision of the students in danger spurred him on, giving him the strength to move forward.

"I must find them," he muttered to himself, his voice hoarse but resolute.

With a final, determined push, Dwayne left the cavern, his body aching with every step. The battle had taken a severe toll on him, but he pressed on, driven by his unwavering sense of duty and responsibility. The steel pillars and the fallen earth dragon behind him were a testament to his incredible strength and resolve.

As he moved through the dark, winding passages, he clung to the hope that the students were safe. The weight of his duty pressed heavily on his shoulders, but he refused to falter.

He knew that every moment counted, and he couldn't afford to waste any more time. His mind raced with thoughts of the battle and the sacrifices he had made, but he pushed them aside, focusing solely on the mission at hand.

Dwayne's journey was far from over, but he carried with him the unyielding spirit of a warrior who had faced insurmountable odds and emerged victorious.

The memory of his past, the devastation of his village, and the guidance of the Steel Arc Swordmaster fueled his determination. He would not rest until he had ensured the safety of those under his protection.

With each step, he moved closer to his goal, his heart filled with a burning resolve to protect and serve. The cavern behind him faded into the darkness, but the light of his unwavering spirit shone brightly, guiding him forward into the unknown.

Meanwhile, the battle between the three students and the Mayor raged on with ferocious intensity. Mayor unleashed a torrent of blood spikes, their crimson points glistening with deadly intent.

Despite his sluggish and unrefined movements, the overwhelming power coursing through his veins made each attack devastating. Garrett's stone skin offered little protection, the blood spikes piercing through with ease.

Ruchir and Alice, desperately trying to dodge the attacks, lost significant amounts of blood in the process.

They quickly realized that the Mayor, despite his immense strength, lacked true combat experience. His attacks were brute force, lacking finesse or strategy. Yet, his raw power created almost no openings for them to exploit.

The trio found themselves constantly on the defensive, their frustration mounting with each passing moment.

As the battle dragged on, a glimmer of hope emerged. Ruchir, using his calligraphy techniques, began to analyze the Mayor's movements more closely.

With the help of Alice's agility and Garrett's rock techniques, they coordinated their efforts to find a weakness. It was a desperate gamble, but Ruchir's sharp eyes eventually spotted a vulnerability.

"Over there!" Ruchir shouted, pointing to a spot near the Mayor's side. "That's his weak point!"

With renewed determination, the three focused their attacks on the identified spot. Garrett's rock spikes struck first, creating an opening. Alice darted in with her agile movements, striking quickly and retreating before the Mayor could retaliate. Ruchir, channeling his calligraphy techniques, delivered a decisive attack. His blade found the weak point, piercing through with a powerful strike.

The Mayor let out a roar of pain, a gaping hole appearing in his side. For a moment, the companions allowed themselves a sigh of relief, believing they had finally won.

But their relief quickly turned to dismay as the Mayor began to absorb the blood from the surrounding ground. The hole in his side closed rapidly, his body regenerating before their very eyes.

"Are you kidding me?!" Garrett shouted in frustration. "This is cheating! The number of cheaters in this world is increasing day by day!" His comical outburst was cut short by a sharp glare from Alice, silencing him.

Ruchir's mind raced. The Mayor's regeneration ability seemed insurmountable. But then, a memory flashed through his mind.

He recalled a conversation he had with his father during their travels on the caravan. His father's words echoed in his mind.

"Ruchir, my son, you must never expose your blood wounds to Magnolia," his father had warned.

"Why?" Ruchir had asked, curious.

"Most people don't know this, but Magnolia easily dissociates and merges with blood, causing intense burning pain."

Ruchir's eyes lit up with realization. He had Magnolia in his possession. It was a rare and potent substance, and it might be their only chance.

He quickly communicated his plan to Alice and Garrett. They nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

As the Mayor continued to regenerate, Ruchir pulled out a small vial containing Magnolia. He coated his blade with the substance, its shimmering liquid catching the light. With a deep breath, he prepared to strike.

"Keep him distracted!" Ruchir shouted.

Garrett and Alice redoubled their efforts, launching a series of attacks to keep the Mayor off balance.

The Mayor, sensing something was different, roared in fury, unleashing another wave of blood spikes. But this time, Ruchir was ready. He moved with precision and speed, dodging the spikes and closing the distance.

With a final, powerful swing, Ruchir's blade struck the Mayor's side once more. The Magnolia-infused blade cut deep, and the reaction was immediate.

The Mayor screamed in agony as the Magnolia merged with his blood, causing intense burning pain. His regeneration faltered, the wound refusing to heal.

"We've got him!" Garrett shouted, his voice filled with hope.

But just as victory seemed within reach, the Mayor's eyes blazed with a newfound fury. In a desperate bid, he reached into his robes and pulled out a blood crystal. Crushing it in his hand, he absorbed its power, his body radiating with an even greater energy.

"You think you can defeat me?" the Mayor bellowed, his voice echoing through the cavern. "I am beyond your petty tricks!"

The ground trembled as the Mayor's power surged. The companions braced themselves, realizing that the battle was far from over.

The Mayor's newfound strength was overwhelming, and they could feel the immense pressure bearing down on them.

Ruchir, Alice, and Garrett exchanged determined glances. They had come this far, and they couldn't give up now. Despite their injuries and exhaustion, they steeled themselves for the next phase of the battle.

The Mayor, now even more formidable, unleashed a series of devastating attacks. Blood spikes erupted from the ground, more powerful and numerous than before.

The trio dodged and countered as best they could, their movements becoming more desperate with each passing second.

Alice, using her agility and escape techniques, weaved through the attacks, striking at the Mayor whenever she found an opening.

Her eye techniques allowed her to anticipate the Mayor's moves, giving her a slight edge. Garrett, despite his injuries, continued to use his rock techniques to create barriers and launch counterattacks. His stone skin, though damaged, still provided some protection.

Ruchir, with his calligraphy techniques, focused on finding another weak point. His mind raced, trying to remember anything that could give them an advantage. The Magnolia had worked once, but they needed something more to finish the fight.

As the battle raged on, Ruchir's thoughts kept returning to his father's teachings. There had to be a way to turn the Mayor's power against him. Inspiration struck like a bolt of lightning.

"Garrett, Alice, we need to lure him into a trap!" Ruchir shouted, formulating a plan on the fly.

The three coordinated their efforts, using their combined skills to lead the Mayor into a narrow passageway within the cavern. The confined space would limit his movements and give them a better chance to strike.

The Mayor, blinded by his rage and newfound power, followed them into the passageway.

Garrett and Alice moved swiftly, creating obstacles and barriers to slow him down. Ruchir, his mind sharp and focused, prepared for the final strike.

As the Mayor reached the narrowest part of the passageway, Ruchir unleashed his calligraphy technique.

Using the Magnolia once more, he inscribed powerful runes on the walls, trapping the Mayor in a binding spell. The runes glowed with an intense light, holding the Mayor in place.

"This ends now!" Ruchir declared, his voice filled with determination.

Garrett and Alice launched their final attacks, their combined power focusing on the Mayor's weakened form. The blood crystal's energy was immense, but their relentless assault began to take its toll.

With a final, powerful swing, Ruchir's Magnolia-infused blade struck the Mayor's heart.

The reaction was immediate and catastrophic.

The Mayor screamed in agony as the Magnolia spread through his body, causing his blood to boil and burn. The regeneration faltered, and the wounds refused to heal.

In a blinding flash of light, the Mayor's body exploded, the immense power contained within him tearing him apart. The cavern shook, and the trio was thrown back by the force of the explosion.

When the dust settled, they lay on the ground, exhausted but alive. The Mayor was gone, his overwhelming power finally defeated. They had won.

Breathless and battered, Ruchir, Alice, and Garrett looked at each other, relief and exhaustion etched on their faces.

They had faced an insurmountable foe and emerged victorious, their determination and unity carrying them through.

Ruchir's thoughts turned to Scholar Dwayne, hoping that their mentor had also survived his battle.