Chapter 67: Demonization and Soulbinder

Just as Alice was about to start freeing the Star Lion, the students she had scared off earlier unexpectedly returned. However, they were not the same.

Their bodies had undergone a grotesque transformation, with red and black mutations spreading across their skin.

Their eyes glowed with an eerie, malevolent light, and their once-human faces had become twisted and unsightly.

The Star Lion muttered, "Demonization."

Alice's heart skipped a beat. Demonization was a dreaded term. It referred to the horrific transformation of non-demons into demonic entities through dark and forbidden means. Those who underwent demonization gained immense power instantly.

Their physical strength, healing abilities, and overall capabilities were magnified to terrifying levels. However, this immense power came at a great cost.

She recalled the philosophical teachings she had learned about demonization. The power granted through demonization was a double-edged sword. While it bestowed extraordinary abilities, it also stripped away rationality and sanity.

Those who were demonized became slaves to their newfound power, driven by an insatiable hunger for destruction and chaos. They lost their sense of self, becoming mere puppets controlled by those of higher bloodlines or special means.

The cost of this power was the very essence of their humanity, replaced by an unquenchable thirst for power and a mind bound to madness.

As the demonized students approached, a figure emerged from behind them.

He had an unsettling presence, with girlish features that contrasted starkly with his pale skin and white, lifeless eyes.

His hair was long and silvery, cascading down his back in a way that made him seem ethereal and ghostly.

He carried a stick adorned with dark symbols and intricate carvings, which pulsed with a sinister energy.

His movements were fluid and graceful, but there was an undeniable air of malevolence about him.

Alice's expression turned to one of horror and unease. There was something profoundly unsettling about this man. She could feel a creeping dread seeping into her bones, making her skin crawl.

The Star Lion, sensing the same ominous presence, growled lowly. "That aura... it stirs my soul. He is no ordinary being."

Alice nodded, her body tense and alert. "I feel it too," she whispered, her eyes never leaving the strange man.

The man's gaze swept over the scene, his pale eyes landing on Alice and the Star Lion. A slow, chilling smile spread across his lips, sending a shiver down Alice's spine.

He raised his stick, and the demonic energy around the students seemed to pulse in response, amplifying their already formidable power.

"You've done well," the man said in a soft, almost feminine voice that belied the dark power he wielded. "Now, finish what you started."

The demonized students, driven by an unnatural hunger for violence, charged toward Alice and the Star Lion. Their movements were wild and erratic, but their power was undeniable.

Alice quickly assessed the situation. She knew she had to act fast. "Stay behind me," she ordered the Star Lion, who was still trapped by the totem. "I'll handle this."

The Star Lion, though powerful, was at a disadvantage in his current state. He nodded, trusting Alice to protect him.

Alice took a deep breath, centering herself. She focused on her training and the lessons she had learned. "Remember, they are strong but irrational. Use that against them," she told herself.

As the first demonized student lunged at her, Alice sidestepped gracefully, using the student's own momentum against him. He crashed into a nearby tree, dazed.

Another came at her with a wild swing, but Alice ducked and delivered a swift kick to his midsection, sending him sprawling.

Despite her efforts, Alice knew she couldn't keep this up forever. The demonized students were relentless, their strength and healing abilities making them difficult to subdue. She needed a plan, and fast.

The man with the girlish features watched with interest, his smile never faltering. "Impressive," he murmured. "But how long can you last?"

Alice didn't respond. She was too focused on the fight. She needed to find a way to break the totem's hold on the Star Lion. If she could free him, they might stand a chance.

Dodging another attack, Alice's mind raced. She noticed that the totem's energy seemed to fluctuate, as if it were drawing power from the surrounding area.

"There must be a weak point," she thought. "Something I can exploit."

Just then, the Star Lion roared, its eyes locking onto the strange man. "You... who are you?" the lion demanded, its voice filled with both anger and curiosity.

The man's smile widened. "I am known as Zephyr, the Soulbinder. And you, my majestic friend, are about to witness the true extent of my power."

Alice's eyes narrowed. "Soulbinder? What kind of twisted magic is this?" She knew she couldn't let her guard down, not for a second.

Zephyr's presence alone was enough to send chills down her spine, and the demonized students were a constant threat.

As the battle raged on, Alice could feel the weight of the situation bearing down on her. She had to find a way to turn the tide. "Think, Alice, think!" she urged herself. "There has to be a way to disrupt the totem."

In a flash of inspiration, she remembered a technique she had learned, one that could potentially disrupt the flow of dark energy. It was risky, but she had no other choice.

Gathering her strength, Alice began to channel her energy, focusing it into a concentrated burst. She aimed at the totem, hoping to destabilize it enough to weaken its hold on the Star Lion.

With a determined cry, she released the energy, sending a shockwave toward the totem. The totem flickered and sparked, its power momentarily disrupted.

The Star Lion felt the change and roared triumphantly. "Now, Girl! I can break free!"

Alice didn't need to be told twice. She moved swiftly, her attacks more precise and focused. The demonized students, though powerful, were disoriented by the sudden disruption of the totem's energy.

Zephyr watched with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Clever girl," he muttered. "But this is far from over."

Meanwhile, inside the domain of the Demonic Scholar, the oppressive darkness had lifted, but the situation was still dire.

Ruchir and his group were now illuminated by the power of their inner minds, a faint glow surrounding each of them. Despite this, they were still trapped, unable to find a way out of the demonic domain. The eerie, otherworldly energy of the place seemed to mock their every effort.

Outside the domain, the Demonic Scholar, known as Bookworm, watched the scene unfold in his grimoire with a look of relish on his face.

The intricate patterns on the book's cover glowed ominously, reflecting the twisted delight he took in their predicament. His eyes gleamed with a sinister satisfaction as he observed their struggles.

Inside, Garrett and Flippy were up to their usual antics. Garrett, ever the comedian, was making light of the situation, much to the annoyance of the others.

"Hey, Flippy," Garrett said with a grin, "I guess you could say we're in a pretty 'lit' situation, huh?" He chuckled at his own joke, but it fell flat among the group.

Flippy, ever the innocent one, giggled along with Garrett, not fully grasping the gravity of their predicament. "Yeah, Garrett, it's like a glow party in here!"

Jack and Alaric, however, were not amused. "Garrett, would you shut up for once?" Jack snapped, his frustration evident. "This isn't the time for jokes."

"Yeah," Alaric added, his voice tense. "We're stuck in here, and you're just making things worse."

Garrett raised his hands defensively. "Hey, I'm just trying to lighten the mood. No need to get all worked up."

Senior Brother Kai, always the voice of reason, sighed heavily. "This situation isn't going anywhere," he said, his tone laced with worry. "We need to figure out a way to escape, and fast."

Ruchir, deep in thought, was pondering the Demonic Scholar's question. How do you illuminate the things usually hidden or concealed?

The answer had to be the key to their escape, but what could it be? He racked his brain, thinking back to his studies and training.

Light could reveal hidden truths, but in this context, it had to mean something more.

Garrett, ever the source of comic relief, interrupted Ruchir's thoughts with another quip. "Maybe we just need a bigger flashlight," he said with a grin.

Jack rolled his eyes. "Garrett, this isn't a camping trip. We need serious solutions."

Suddenly, the voice of the Demonic Scholar echoed through the domain, sending a shiver down their spines. "You only have 15 minutes to crack the domain," he said, his tone dripping with malice.

Fear gripped the group. The time limit added a new layer of urgency to their situation. Ruchir's mind raced. What could it be? What was hidden that needed to be illuminated?

Garrett, sensing the rising tension, tried to lighten the mood again. "Hey, Ruchir, maybe it's like one of those escape rooms. You know, find the hidden clues and all that."

Flippy nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Ruchir! Maybe we just need to look harder."

Despite their antics, Ruchir found a kernel of truth in their words.

Perhaps the answer was right in front of them, hidden in plain sight.

He glanced around, trying to see beyond the obvious. What was he missing?