Chapter 68: Breakthrough the Domain

Ruchir pondered deeply, trying to decipher the meaning behind the Demonic Scholar's question. His thoughts wandered through various philosophical concepts, contemplating the nature of light, truth, and knowledge.

The idea of illuminating what is hidden kept pulling at his mind, yet no clear answer emerged.

Beside him, Garrett continued offering his nonsensical solutions, throwing out ideas like "Maybe we need to find a magical light switch!" or "What if we just shout really loud until the darkness goes away?"

Senior Brother Kai stood quietly, his determined gaze fixed on the hilt of his sword. Finally, he spoke up. "I might have a way to escape this domain without answering the question."

Everyone turned to him, shocked. "Why didn't you say that earlier?" Garrett exclaimed, his voice filled with exaggerated exasperation. "We only have 10 minutes left, for heaven's sake!"

Flippy tried to comfort him. "It's okay, Garrett. Senior Brother Kai must have his reasons."

Ruchir looked at Kai seriously. "Does your method come with some serious consequences? If it does, then we should forget about it. We can't let you harm yourself just to let us escape."

The others nodded, showing their determination. Senior Kai hesitated, then spoke. "It might be the only way for us to get out. Are we really going to leave it?"

Seeing the resolve in his eyes, Ruchir and the others fell silent. The weight of the decision pressed heavily on them. Just as the tension reached its peak, a sudden clarity struck Ruchir. The answer was there, hidden in the interplay of light and darkness, of truth and concealment.

Ruchir's eyes lit up as the realization dawned on him. "I have it!" he exclaimed. Garrett comically rejoiced, jumping up and down. "Yes! Ruchir, you're a genius!"

Flippy clapped his hands in delight. "Hooray for Ruchir!"

Everyone's mood lifted as Ruchir shared his insight. "The question was about illuminating what is hidden or concealed. The answer is 'knowledge.' Knowledge brings light to the darkness of ignorance. We must focus our minds and project our understanding outward."

They all closed their eyes, concentrating their thoughts on the concept of knowledge, illuminating their minds with the light of understanding. Gradually, the darkness of the domain began to recede, and the walls of the demonic domain started to crumble. They broke free from the grimoire's grip, emerging back into the forest.

The Demonic Scholar watched the scene unfold in his grimoire, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Well done, young ones," he said, acknowledging Ruchir as a scholar. "You have passed my test. But remember, even though I am letting you go this time, if we meet on the battlefield next, there will be no questions, only battle."

Ruchir nodded, understanding the gravity of the Demonic Scholar's words. He turned to his friends, who were beaming with pride and relief. Garrett, unable to contain his excitement, punched the air. "We did it! We really did it!"

Flippy hugged Ruchir, his face glowing with admiration. "You're amazing, Ruchir!"

Senior Brother Kai smiled, placing a hand on Ruchir's shoulder. "You saved us all, Ruchir. Well done."

As they regrouped and prepared to move forward, the weight of their encounter with the Demonic Scholar lingered in their minds. They knew the path ahead would be fraught with dangers and challenges, but their bond had grown stronger through this trial.

They walked together, their spirits high and their hearts united. They had escaped the dark domain, but the journey was far from over. Each step they took brought them closer to their ultimate goal, and they were ready to face whatever came next.

They marched on, knowing that their unity and determination would guide them through the trials ahead.

Garrett couldn't resist one last joke. "So, Ruchir, any more brilliant answers up your sleeve?"

Ruchir laughed, feeling a lightness in his heart. "Let's hope I don't need to come up with another one anytime soon."

Flippy giggled, his eyes shining with admiration. "You're our hero, Ruchir!"

As they continued their journey, the memory of their victory over the Demonic Scholar gave them the strength and courage to face whatever lay ahead. They were ready for the next challenge, whatever it might be, and they would face it together, as friends and comrades.


As the Star Lion fought against the totem's suppression, its fury built up, manifesting in waves of energy that cracked the ground beneath it.

Suddenly, with a mighty roar, it broke free, shattering the totem into shards. The air hummed with power as the Star Lion faced Zephyr, the pale-skinned, white-eyed man who had orchestrated the demonization.

"You dare challenge me, beast?" Zephyr sneered, raising his stick, which transformed into a glowing staff.

The Star Lion's eyes glowed with celestial fury. "Let's see how you handle the wrath of the stars!" It leaped forward, claws slashing through the air, sending out streaks of starlight. "Celestial Claw Strike!"

Zephyr countered, thrusting his staff into the ground. "Dark Abyss Barrier!" A dark, swirling vortex materialized, absorbing the starlight. The ground around them trembled as the two forces clashed.

Meanwhile, Alice found herself surrounded by the demonized students. Their bodies were grotesquely transformed, with black and red mutations that made them appear monstrous. "Demonization," the Star Lion had muttered, his voice tinged with both anger and pity.

The students lunged at her with inhuman speed and strength, but she stood her ground, a determined glint in her eye. "If you want a fight, you'll get one!"

Her first opponent swung a heavy, mutated arm at her. Alice sidestepped gracefully, then countered with a swift kick to the chest. "Wind Blade!" she cried, slashing the air with her hand. A sharp gust of wind cut through her opponent, sending him sprawling.

As she fought, she couldn't help but mock them. "Is this all you've got? Becoming monsters didn't make you any smarter, did it?" But as she landed another blow, she realized they weren't responding to her taunts. Their eyes were blank, filled with an eerie, unnatural rage.

"They're already gone," she thought, a pang of sadness mixed with her determination. She continued to fight, using her agility and wind-based techniques to dodge and strike.

"Gale Force Fist!" she shouted, delivering a punch that sent a student flying into a tree.

The ground around them shook violently as the battle between the Star Lion and Zephyr intensified. "Stellar Roar!" the Star Lion bellowed, unleashing a wave of energy that tore through the landscape, uprooting trees and creating deep fissures.

"Dark Vortex Strike!" Zephyr retaliated, his staff emitting a powerful dark energy that collided with the Star Lion's attack, creating a massive shockwave.

The sheer force of their clash sent ripples through the air, impacting Alice and her opponents. She staggered, feeling the tremors beneath her feet, while the demonized students were knocked off balance.

Realizing the perilous situation, Alice decided she had no other choice. "I have to activate the extra part of my bloodline," she thought, a mix of desperation and resolve in her mind.

She knew it was dangerous and could harm her foundation, but she couldn't afford to hold back any longer. "Curse you all for making me do this!"

She concentrated, summoning the dormant power within her. Her body began to glow, and her hair, once a fiery red, turned a shimmering silver. Her eyes sparkled with an icy blue light, and her entire being seemed to merge with the wind. She had become the embodiment of the legendary Fenrir's power.

The demonized students hesitated, sensing the immense power radiating from her. Alice wasted no time. "Tempest Fang!" she roared, her voice echoing with a primal ferocity.

She moved with blinding speed, slicing through her opponents effortlessly. One by one, they fell, unable to withstand her newfound strength.

Within moments, all the demonized students lay defeated at her feet. Alice stood tall, but the exertion and the backlash from her transformation hit her hard.

She reverted to her normal state, her silver hair fading back to red. Blood trickled from her mouth as she coughed violently, the toll on her body evident.

"Damn it," she cursed, feeling the pain radiate through her. "Zephyr, you and your cursed experiments are going to pay for this!"

She glanced over at the ongoing battle between the Star Lion and Zephyr, feeling a mix of anger and determination.

The terrain around them had changed dramatically. What was once a serene forest clearing was now a battleground of craters, fallen trees, and scorched earth.

The clash between the Star Lion and Zephyr continued, each attack reshaping the landscape. The sky above flickered with the residual energies of their battle, like a celestial storm brewing.

The Star Lion, though battered and bruised, showed no signs of giving up. "I will protect this forest and its secrets!" it declared, its voice booming.

Zephyr, equally determined, responded with a malevolent grin. "You're just a relic of the past, beast. Time for you to be extinguished!"

As Alice watched the titanic struggle, she couldn't help but feel a burning resolve ignite within her. Despite the pain and exhaustion, she knew she had to fight on.

This wasn't just about survival anymore; it was about protecting what was important, and ensuring that those like Zephyr couldn't trample on the lives of others.

Coughing up another spurt of blood, she muttered under her breath, "I'm not done yet."