Chapter 71: Arrival of the Divine Scholar

Zephyr's pressure on the Star Lion and Alice increased intensely. Alice felt instantly devastated, as if a mountain were pressing down on her soul. She couldn't contribute to this battle, her strength seemingly sapped by the overwhelming presence of Zephyr's soul.

Just as the two were on the brink of defeat, a small figure appeared.

A 12-year-old child wearing a blue robe with golden embroidery stepped forward. The boy was handsome and cute beyond measure, with eyes that sparkled like stars and a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts.

His robe flowed elegantly, and the golden patterns on it seemed to shimmer with every movement. In his hand, he held a golden sword adorned with intricate dragon patterns, the blade gleaming with an ethereal light.

Alice, upon seeing the boy, felt a surge of energy. "Who is this kid?" she muttered to herself, feeling an inexplicable urge to protect him. "He's too cute to be here!" She immediately turned her attention away from the Star Lion to shield the child.

The Star Lion, witnessing this, was both confused and angry. "What is she doing?" it thought, feeling a pang of betrayal. "It's good to save a child, but why does it feel like I'm being abandoned?"

Zephyr, seeing the scene unfold, was frustrated. "A child? In the middle of our battle?" He scowled and decided to attack the boy, his irritation evident in his eyes. The Star Lion roared in anxiety, while Alice felt a deep frustration that she wouldn't be able to reach the child in time.

The boy stood calmly, his eyes never leaving Zephyr. As Zephyr's attack landed, a cloud of smoke erupted around the boy. Zephyr snorted, confident that the child was gone. "One less distraction," he muttered.

Alice's heart sank. "No! I couldn't save him!" She felt a deep anger at herself for failing to protect such a cute and innocent boy. She readied herself to launch an attack on Zephyr, her determination burning like a flame.

Before Alice could make her move, the smoke cleared. The boy stood unharmed, his golden sword raised to deflect Zephyr's attack. "That tickled," he said with a cheeky grin.

Alice's jaw dropped. "What the…?"

Zephyr's eyes widened in disbelief. "Impossible!"

The boy laughed, his voice light and carefree. "You didn't really think you could hurt me, did you?" He twirled his sword with ease, the dragon patterns glowing brightly.

Alice, feeling a mix of relief and astonishment, couldn't help but giggle. "This kid is something else."

The Star Lion, still trying to process the situation, muttered, "I knew it. Humans are strange."

Zephyr's frustration reached a boiling point. "You insolent brat! How dare you mock me!"

The boy shrugged, completely unfazed. "I'm not mocking you. I'm just stating facts. You're not strong enough to harm me." He glanced at Alice and the Star Lion. "Why don't you guys take a break? I've got this."

Alice, regaining her composure, couldn't resist teasing. "Hey, Star Lion, looks like the kid is tougher than both of us."

The Star Lion grumbled. "I never thought I'd be shown up by a child."

Zephyr, his face contorted with rage, launched another attack at the boy. "I'll show you!"

The boy dodged effortlessly, his movements graceful and precise. "You really need to work on your aim," he said with a wink.

The boy dodged effortlessly, his movements graceful and precise. "You really need to work on your aim," he said with a wink.

The Star Lion asked, "Who are you, kid?"

The boy smiled brightly, his golden eyes gleaming. "My name is Shen Sheng."

Upon hearing this, the Star Lion remained unfazed, but Zephyr's reaction was immediate. Sweat poured from Zephyr's forehead, his eyes widening in sheer terror. His soul shivered, whispering urgently to him, "Run."

Alice, after hearing Shen Sheng's name, was equally amazed. Reverence shone in her eyes as she whispered, "Shen Sheng… the Divine Scholar."

The Star Lion, noticing the reactions of the two, was perplexed. "What's the deal with this name? Is he a god or a devil?" The Star Lion had been asleep for 30 years, unaware of the terror that had shaken the world three years ago.

Thirty years ago, the world was a different place. Since then, gods, devils, ghosts, and true spirits had all faced a calamity.

Three years ago, the world witnessed an event that left even the mightiest beings in awe.

A young boy, Shen Sheng, had risen to prominence by slaying enemies with unmatched prowess. He even went as far as kidnapping a princess for a bet, then breaking into the royal palace at midnight to demand an explanation.

The once-arrogant prodigies and proud spirits cowered in fear, locking themselves away upon hearing his name. Those who dared to act against him were never seen again. All the Grand Scholars in the world unanimously named him the "Divine Scholar," a title steeped in grandeur and fear.

Zephyr's soul screamed at him to flee, but it was too late. Shen Sheng's cold gaze locked onto him, and time seemed to stop. Shen Sheng flew up to Zephyr with lightning speed, his expression shifting from innocent curiosity to deadly seriousness. With just a touch on the hilt of his sword, Zephyr's body began to decay rapidly, aging year by year in mere seconds.

Alice and the Star Lion watched in amazement as Zephyr's body disintegrated, leaving only his soul behind. The soul, terrified and trembling, began to beg. "Please, spare me! I'll do anything! Please, don't destroy me!"

Shen Sheng's eyes narrowed as he observed the soul. "So, you're from the Linghun Clan?" He snorted, disdain evident in his voice. With a mere thought, he obliterated the soul, erasing it from existence.

Alice and the Star Lion were speechless. Alice's admiration for Shen Sheng grew even stronger, her eyes filled with awe. The Star Lion, still trying to process everything, muttered, "What just happened?"

Shen Sheng turned to them, his expression softening as he saw Alice's and the Star Lion's confused and impressed faces. "Are you both alright?" His voice was gentle, a stark contrast to the ruthlessness he had just displayed.

Alice nodded slowly, still in a state of shock. "You… you're incredible."

Shen Sheng smiled warmly. "I'm just doing what needs to be done. Now, let's get you both to safety."

The Star Lion, regaining some of his composure, asked, "What are you, really? How can someone so young be so powerful?"

Shen Sheng's smile turned a bit mischievous. "I'm just a boy with a sword, trying to make the world a better place."

Alice chuckled softly, the tension in her shoulders easing. "Well, you certainly have a unique way of doing that."

As they began to leave the battlefield, Shen Sheng glanced back at the remnants of Zephyr. "Let's hope we don't have to deal with more of his kind."

Alice, feeling a new sense of hope, walked beside Shen Sheng. "Thank you, Shen Sheng. You saved us."

Shen Sheng looked at her, his expression softening even more. "You're welcome, Alice. Just doing what's right."

The Star Lion, still puzzled but impressed, nodded. "You have my gratitude as well, Shen Sheng. Your actions today… they were nothing short of miraculous."

Shen Sheng waved off the praise, his innocent smile returning. "No need for thanks. Let's just keep moving and stay safe."

As they moved through the forest, Alice couldn't help but glance at Shen Sheng, a mix of curiosity and admiration in her eyes. "You know, you're quite something, Shen Sheng. Cute, powerful, and kind. It's a rare combination."

Shen Sheng blushed slightly, scratching the back of his head. "Thanks, Alice. I just do my best."

The Star Lion, finally understanding the gravity of the situation, murmured to himself, "The Divine Scholar… what a name to live up to."