Chapter 72: Pranks and Punches: The Sandworm King Showdown

Meanwhile, Ruchir and his group faced the two sandworm kings with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The sandworm kings were colossal creatures, each segment of their bodies covered in iridescent, armored scales.

Their massive, toothed maws could swallow a man whole, and their eyes glowed with a malevolent intelligence. The battle commenced with Senior Kai leading the charge, his sword flashing through the air as he deftly evaded the snapping jaws of one of the sandworm kings.

"Stay focused!" Ruchir shouted, hurling a blast of energy at the other sandworm king, which roared in fury as the attack struck its side.

Garret, despite his fear, attempted to be useful. "Take this, you overgrown earthworm!" he yelled, throwing a small explosive device that landed near the sandworm's tail. The explosion caused minimal damage, but it did make the creature flinch momentarily.

Flippy, ever innocent, observed the chaos with wide eyes. "Are we winning?" he asked, tilting his head in curiosity.

The battle was frenetic, with everyone dodging and striking in a dance of survival. Ruchir's spells illuminated the dark cavern, while Alaric and Jack supported with their own techniques, each attack adding to the cacophony of the battle. Senior Kai's blade cut deep into the sandworm's flesh, his movements precise and deadly.

Suddenly, in the midst of the chaos, the two sandworm kings turned on each other. Their massive bodies clashed, sending shockwaves through the ground. The group paused, stunned by the unexpected turn of events.

Garret blinked in surprise. "Are they... fighting each other?"

Flippy clapped his hands. "Yay! Maybe they'll leave us alone now!"

Senior Kai's eyes widened in realization. "Of course! How could I have forgotten? When sandworms split into two, they often fight and devour each other."

"By doing so, they increase their strength. If one completely swallows the other, it will evolve its bloodline and become immensely powerful."

Garret's face turned pale. "These guys are already half-step into the supernatural realm. If they take a step forward, wouldn't it be..."

"Supernatural realm," the rest of the group echoed in fear.

The two sandworm kings roared and clashed, their bodies twisting and writhing as they attempted to overpower each other.

The ground shook with each impact, and debris fell from the cavern ceiling. The group's initial relief at not being the primary target was quickly replaced by a sense of impending doom.

Ruchir, always quick to strategize, tried to assess the situation. "We can't let them evolve. If one of them reaches the supernatural realm, we'll be in serious trouble."

Senior Kai nodded. "We need to interfere and prevent them from devouring each other completely."

Garret, still visibly shaken, managed a nervous laugh. "Great, just great. We have to stop two giant worms from having a snack. How do we do that?"

Flippy, ever optimistic, piped up. "Maybe we can trick them into thinking we're tastier?"

Everyone shot him a look, and he quickly added, "Or not. Just a thought."

Ruchir took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "Alright, we need to focus. We attack both of them simultaneously and keep them distracted. If we can weaken them enough, they might retreat instead of fighting each other."

Senior Kai raised his sword. "Let's do this. For now, we fight to survive. Remember, together we stand, divided we fall."

The battle against the two sandworm kings was intense, each member of Ruchir's group displaying their unique abilities and strategies in a coordinated effort to defeat the monstrous creatures.

The cavern echoed with the sounds of combat, a testament to their determination and teamwork.

Senior Kai led the charge, his swordsmanship precise and powerful. "Focus on one at a time!" he shouted, his blade slicing through the air and connecting with the sandworm's armored hide. "Ruchir, flank it from the left!"

Ruchir nodded, summoning his ink painting techniques to create illusions that disoriented the sandworm. With a swift motion, he combined his illusions with his swordsmanship, delivering a series of quick, precise strikes. "Alaric, now!"

Alaric stepped forward, flames swirling around his hands. "Firestorm Barrage!" he yelled, unleashing a torrent of fireballs that pelted the sandworm, causing it to writhe in pain.

Jack, with his Tiger Fist technique, moved in next. His fists glowed with a fierce energy as he pummeled the sandworm's underbelly. "Take this, you overgrown worm!" he roared, each punch landing with a resounding thud.

Garret, though typically the comic relief, had a role to play as well. His body strengthening and rock techniques allowed him to withstand the sandworm's attacks and retaliate with powerful blows.

"Rock Avalanche!" he bellowed, slamming his fists into the ground and causing a cascade of boulders to rain down on the creature.

Flippy, though lacking in combat prowess, cheered them on from the sidelines. "You can do it! Keep going!"

The first sandworm king, weakened by their relentless assault, began to falter.

Sensing an opportunity, Senior Kai delivered a powerful strike to its head, driving his sword deep into its skull.

The sandworm let out a final, ear-splitting screech before collapsing to the ground.

The group's victory was short-lived, however, as the second sandworm king, now stronger from devouring part of the first, renewed its attack with a ferocity that took them by surprise. Its movements were faster, more aggressive, and its scales seemed almost impenetrable.

"We need a new strategy!" Ruchir called out, dodging a swipe from the sandworm's tail. "We have to combine our attacks more effectively!"

Alaric conjured up another burst of fire, aiming for the sandworm's eyes. "Blind it! If it can't see us, it can't attack us as accurately!"

Jack and Senior Kai followed suit, coordinating their strikes to target the creature's vulnerable spots. Jack's Tiger Fist pummeled the sandworm's joints, while Senior Kai's swordsmanship focused on precise, debilitating cuts.

Ruchir, using his ink painting technique, created a massive illusion of a rockslide, distracting the sandworm long enough for Garret to move in. "Garret, now's your chance!"

Garret, summoning all his strength, launched himself at the sandworm's exposed side. "Body Strengthening! Rock Punch!" His fist, hardened like a boulder, connected with the sandworm's flesh, causing it to recoil in pain.

The sandworm, now visibly weakened, thrashed about, its movements growing more erratic. Sensing the end was near, Senior Kai shouted, "One final push! Together!"

Alaric's flames, Jack's Tiger Fist, Ruchir's swordsmanship, and Garret's rock techniques converged on the sandworm in a flurry of powerful attacks. The creature roared in agony, its body convulsing as it struggled to withstand their combined assault.

Just when it seemed the sandworm might have one last burst of strength, Garret saw an opening. With a determined look on his face, he charged forward. "This is for all the trouble you've caused!" he yelled, delivering a final, powerful punch to the sandworm's head.

The sandworm let out a final, defeated screech before collapsing to the ground, its body twitching before finally going still. The group stood around the fallen creature, panting and covered in sweat, but victorious.

Garret, standing atop the sandworm's carcass, couldn't help but grin. "Who knew I'd be the one to land the final blow? This guy must be worth lots of points!" He started searching the carcass for its core. "Where's the core? It's gotta be here somewhere."

"You'd think he'd learn," Alaric sighed, shaking his head.

Jack chuckled, wiping sweat from his brow. "Some things never change. Garret and his obsession with points."

Ruchir, an idea forming in his mind, couldn't help but smirk. "Guys, I think it's time we teach Garret a lesson about being too eager. Let's pull a little prank on him."

Flippy's innocent eyes sparkled with mischief. "What kind of prank, Ruchir?"

Ruchir leaned in, whispering his plan to the group. They all nodded, their faces lighting up with anticipation.

Garret, oblivious to the scheme, continued his search. "Where's that core? It's gotta be here somewhere! Come on, big guy, don't let me down now."

Ruchir approached Garret, putting on a serious face. "Garret, I think I saw something glowing inside the mouth. Maybe that's where the core is."

Garret's eyes widened with excitement. "Inside the mouth? Perfect! Thanks, Ruchir!" He hurried over to the gaping maw of the sandworm king, peering inside.

As Garret stuck his head into the mouth, Ruchir motioned to Alaric. Alaric, trying to suppress his laughter, created a small fireball and tossed it into the sandworm's mouth, making it glow ominously.

Garret's voice echoed from inside. "I think I see it! It's glowing! This is gonna be worth a fortune!" He reached in deeper, his body halfway into the sandworm's mouth.

Jack and Senior Kai exchanged amused glances. "You think we should let him in on it?" Jack asked.

"Not just yet," Senior Kai replied with a grin. "Let's see how far he goes."

Garret, oblivious to the laughter behind him, stretched further into the mouth, his voice echoing. "Almost got it... just a little bit more..."

At that moment, Ruchir signaled to Jack, who used his Tiger Fist technique to create a low rumbling sound, mimicking the sandworm's growl.

Garret froze, his eyes wide with terror. "Oh no... it's still alive! It's gonna eat me! Help! HELP!"

The group burst into laughter, unable to hold back any longer. Garret scrambled out of the sandworm's mouth, tripping over his own feet and landing in a heap on the ground.

"Gotcha, Garret!" Ruchir said, laughing so hard he could barely speak.

Garret's face turned beet red as he realized he'd been tricked. "You guys... you guys are the worst!" he exclaimed, trying to hide his embarrassment with a grin.

Flippy, ever the innocent one, giggled. "You should've seen your face, Garret! It was priceless!"

Even Senior Kai chuckled, shaking his head. "Maybe next time, Garret, you'll think twice before diving headfirst into a monster's mouth."

Garret sighed, but he couldn't help but laugh along with them. "Alright, alright, you got me. But just you wait, I'll find that core and it'll be worth it!"

Ruchir clapped Garret on the back. "Just make sure you check twice before you dive in. You never know what might be lurking in there."