Chapter 73: Sayy Family's Reputation

Meanwhile, Anna Sayy and Yao Xuan's battle had reached a tense standstill. In the shadows of a dense forest, Anna remained hidden, her breath shallow and controlled, listening intently to the faint sounds of Yao Xuan's mocking voice echoing through the trees.

The scene flashed back to the desperate moment when Anna, facing imminent defeat against the formidable Sickle Prince, had used a Thousand Mile Talisman to escape, teleporting herself to a distant, secluded cave to recuperate.

Inside the cave, Anna leaned against the cool, damp wall, her body aching from the wounds inflicted by the Sickle Prince.

Her hands trembled as she retrieved an elixir from her pouch, uncorking the vial with a practiced motion. The liquid glowed with a soft, golden light, a potent healing concoction she had been saving for emergencies.

She swallowed it in one gulp, feeling the warm energy spread through her body, knitting her wounds and replenishing her strength.

Outside, Yao Xuan prowled the forest, his frustration growing. He knew Anna was nearby, but she was exceptionally skilled at concealing her presence.

"Come out, Anna," he called, his voice laced with a mixture of irritation and amusement. "Hiding won't save you. Face me like the warrior you pretend to be."

He paused, listening for any sign of movement, but the forest remained silent. Yao Xuan clenched his jaw, his patience wearing thin. "Still playing hide and seek, are we?" he muttered under his breath. "Alright then, let's see how long you can keep this up."

Anna, deep within the cave, focused on her breathing, trying to remain calm and composed.

She knew Yao Xuan was dangerous, but she needed more time to recover fully.

The elixir was working, but the process was slow. She couldn't afford to reveal her location prematurely.

Yao Xuan's mind raced for a way to flush her out. Simple provocations were proving ineffective. His eyes narrowed as a malicious thought crossed his mind.

"If I can't lure you out," he said aloud, his voice dripping with venom, "perhaps tarnishing your family's honor will do the trick."

He began to speak loudly, his words carrying through the forest. "Anna Sayy, the daughter of a coward! Your father, hiding behind his reputation, never had the courage to face his enemies head-on. And your mother, what a disgrace she was, always clinging to false pride."

Anna's fists clenched as she heard his words, anger bubbling up inside her. She closed her eyes, trying to block out the insults, but they cut deep, each one a knife twisting in her heart.

She thought of her parents, their sacrifices, and the honor they had upheld. Yao Xuan's vile words were a desecration of their memory.

"And let's not forget your dear old grandmother," Yao Xuan continued, his tone mocking. "A dangerous old woman, nut barely able to stand aginst the corrupt officials, let alone fight with them for justice. What a pathetic excuse for a family."

Anna's breathing grew ragged as she struggled to maintain her composure. Her anger was a wildfire, threatening to consume her.

She knew she had to stay hidden, to recover fully before confronting Yao Xuan, but his words were tearing at her self-control.

"Is this what your family legacy amounts to, Anna? Hiding in caves, running from fights? Your ancestors must be ashamed of you."

Despite her best efforts, a small amount of her aura slipped out, a brief flare of her energy fueled by her rage.

Yao Xuan's eyes lit up with satisfaction.

He had her. He focused on the location where he had sensed her aura, a triumphant smile spreading across his face.

"There you are," he said, his voice low and menacing. He moved swiftly, navigating through the forest with lethal grace, heading straight for the cave where Anna was hiding.

Anna felt a surge of panic as she sensed Yao Xuan approaching. She had to make a decision—stay hidden and risk being caught off guard, or confront him now, even though she wasn't fully healed. Her mind raced, weighing her options.

Yao Xuan reached the cave entrance, his senses honed on the faint energy he had detected. "Did you really think you could hide from me forever, Anna?" he called out, his voice echoing off the cave walls.

Anna stood, her resolve hardening. She could feel the elixir still working, but it would have to be enough. She couldn't let him defile her family's honor any longer. Stepping into the open, she faced Yao Xuan, her eyes blazing with defiance.

"There you are," Yao Xuan said, his smile widening. "I was beginning to think you'd never show yourself."

Anna's expression was steely. "You've said enough, Yao Xuan. This ends now."

Yao Xuan laughed, a harsh, grating sound. "Brave words for someone in your condition. Do you really think you can defeat me?"

Anna didn't respond with words. Instead, she gathered her energy, preparing for the battle to come. She would fight with everything she had, not just for her own survival, but to defend the honor of her family.

Yao Xuan lunged forward, his movements a blur as he struck at Anna with deadly precision. Anna dodged, her reflexes sharpened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She countered with a flurry of attacks, each one aimed at exploiting a weakness in Yao Xuan's defense.

The cave became a battleground, the clash of their energies sending shockwaves through the air. Anna's determination fueled her, driving her to push past her limits. She couldn't afford to lose. Not here, not now.

Just as the intensity of their battle reached its peak, a sudden gust of wind blew through the cave, followed by a powerful presence that made both combatants pause. Elder Tian, the revered warrior who had just defeated the Quadrapet Demons, stepped into the cave, his eyes cold and calculating.

"Enough," Elder Tian's voice echoed, filled with authority. "This fight ends now."

Yao Xuan turned, recognizing the imposing figure. "Elder Tian," he sneered, masking his surprise with bravado. "What brings you here? This is none of your concern."

Elder Tian's expression remained stern. "When students of the academy are involved, it becomes my concern."

With a swift, almost casual movement, Elder Tian drew his sword. The blade glowed with a brilliant light, radiating an aura of immense power. He made a single slash in Yao Xuan's direction, the energy from the strike causing the cave walls to tremble.

Yao Xuan barely managed to dodge the attack, his eyes wide with shock at the sheer force behind it. "You're interfering in matters beyond your jurisdiction, old man," he spat, though his tone was less confident.

Elder Tian didn't respond. Instead, he took a step forward, his gaze unwavering. "Leave, Yao Xuan, before I make you."

Yao Xuan hesitated, weighing his options. He knew he was outmatched. With a bitter scowl, he decided on a tactical retreat. "This isn't over, Anna," he called out, his voice dripping with venom. "You can't hide behind your elders forever. Your time will come."

Anna, still catching her breath from the intense battle, glared at Yao Xuan. "I don't need anyone to hide behind. The next time we meet, it will be different."

Yao Xuan smirked, retreating further into the shadows. "We'll see about that. Until next time."

With that, Yao Xuan vanished into the forest, leaving Anna and Elder Tian alone in the cave. The tension in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a heavy silence.

Elder Tian sheathed his sword, turning to Anna with a concerned expression. "Are you alright?"

Anna nodded, though she still felt the weight of the recent battle on her shoulders. "I will be, thanks to you. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."

Elder Tian studied her for a moment, his gaze softening. "You fought well, but you must learn to control your emotions. They can be a powerful weapon, but also a dangerous weakness."

Anna looked down, processing his words. "I know. It's just… his words about my family…"

Elder Tian placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Your family's honor is not something that can be tarnished by the likes of Yao Xuan. Remember their strength, and let it guide you. You have a long way to go, but I see great potential in you."

Anna met his gaze, determination burning in her eyes. "I won't let you down, Elder Tian. I'll become stronger."

Elder Tian nodded approvingly. "Good. Now, let's get you back to the academy. You need rest and more training."