Chapter 74: Star Essence

In the heart of the Stardust Forest, the atmosphere was tense. Alice stood alongside the Divine Scholar and the Star Lion, their gazes fixed on the majestic Star Tree towering above them.

The tree's shimmering leaves glowed with an ethereal light, casting an enchanting luminescence across the forest floor. It was a sight both beautiful and ominous, for around the tree, a fierce battle raged.

The Divine Scholar, an old man with a wise and discerning gaze, turned to the Star Lion. "Why are these creatures attacking the Star Tree?" he asked, his voice calm yet commanding.

Alice, her curiosity piqued, looked intently at the Star Lion, waiting for an explanation.

The Star Lion, a magnificent beast with a mane that glowed like the night sky, narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. "I am not entirely sure," he began, his voice deep and resonant. "But I have some suspicions."

Alice leaned in, her attention fully captured by the conversation.

The Star Lion continued, "They must have come for the Star Essence of the Star Tree."

"Star Essence?" Alice echoed, her eyes widening with intrigue.

The Star Lion nodded. "Indeed. The Star Tree is an ancient entity, approximately 100,000 years old. It awakens only once every hundred years to bear a single, precious Star Fruit. The true power of the Star Fruit lies in the Star Essence contained within it."

The Divine Scholar stroked his beard, contemplating this revelation. "What makes this Star Essence so valuable?" he inquired.

The Star Lion's gaze grew distant as he recounted the tree's legend. "The Star Essence is a magical treasure of Heaven and Earth. It possesses the extraordinary ability to significantly enhance one's aptitude. For those who consume it, their potential for cultivation increases dramatically. Moreover, for those who have not yet reached the Phenomenal Realm, the Star Essence provides the potential to achieve that powerful state."

Alice gasped, the implications of the Star Lion's words sinking in. She had heard of the Phenomenal Realm, a level of power so immense that those who reached it were considered legends. The thought of attaining such strength was awe-inspiring.

"The Phenomenal Realm..." Alice whispered, her voice filled with reverence. "Experts of that realm are unimaginably powerful."

The Star Lion nodded solemnly. "Exactly. That is why so many are willing to risk their lives to obtain the Star Fruit. The potential it offers is too great to ignore."

As the gravity of the situation dawned on them, the sounds of battle grew louder. Alice turned her attention back to the fray, watching as various beasts and cultivators clashed violently around the Star Tree. The air was thick with the scent of blood and the sounds of ferocious roars and clashing weapons.

"How do we protect the Star Tree?" Alice asked, determination burning in her eyes.

The Divine Scholar looked at the Star Lion, seeking his guidance. "What is our course of action?"

The Star Lion's eyes gleamed with resolve. "We must prevent any of these intruders from reaching the Star Fruit. If the Star Essence falls into the wrong hands, it could spell disaster."

Alice nodded, her mind racing with thoughts of the immense responsibility that lay before them. Protecting the Star Tree and its precious Star Essence was paramount. She steeled herself for the battle ahead, knowing that failure was not an option.

Atop the mountain, the Demon Sovereign Red Ox stood brooding, his eyes blazing with a mix of rage and disbelief. The wind howled around him, carrying the faint scent of blood from the battle below. He had just received the unsettling news: Zephyr, one of his most formidable lieutenants, was dead. Red Ox's mind raced, struggling to comprehend how such a powerful being could have been killed.

"How is it possible for that guy to die there?" Red Ox muttered to himself, his voice a low rumble. "Even if those powerful existences took action, he could have at least escaped. But he was killed."

Nearby, within the confines of a shimmering white cage, Principal Yuan overheard Red Ox's lament and couldn't contain his excitement. "Hah! I knew it! I knew someone would take him down!" he exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Principal Zhang and Principal Liang exchanged gratified glances, their spirits lifted by the news. Principal Mei, however, remained focused on the task at hand, her eyes darting across the cage as she continued to search for a way to break free.

Red Ox's anger simmered beneath the surface, but he maintained a façade of calm. He turned to face the principals, his expression a mask of indifference. "It seems you're all quite pleased with yourselves," he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "But don't think for a moment that this changes anything."

Principal Yuan, unable to resist the opportunity to taunt Red Ox, smirked. "Oh, we're just enjoying the moment, Red Ox. After all, it's not every day that one of your lackeys gets what they deserve."

Red Ox's eyes narrowed, but he kept his composure. "Enjoy it while you can, Yuan. You're still trapped, and your situation hasn't improved."

Principal Zhang chimed in, a note of amusement in his voice. "You know, Red Ox, it's funny how your minions always seem to meet their end when they go up against real fighters. Maybe you should reconsider your recruitment strategy."

Principal Liang chuckled, adding, "Or maybe offer them some better training. Zephyr didn't exactly put up much of a fight, did he?"

Red Ox's lips curled into a snarl, but he quickly masked it with a cold smile. "Laugh all you want. Your fate is sealed. This cage is unbreakable, and soon, you'll see the true power of the Demon Sovereign Red Ox."

Principal Mei, who had been silently examining the cage, finally spoke up. "Unbreakable, you say?" She tapped a finger against her chin thoughtfully. "We'll see about that."

Red Ox's facade of calm began to crack. He clenched his fists, his anger threatening to boil over. "Your efforts are futile, Mei. This cage was crafted by the White Immortal. It cannot be broken."

Principal Yuan couldn't resist one more jab. "Sounds like someone is getting nervous. What's the matter, Red Ox? Afraid we'll find a way out and come after you next?"

Red Ox's eyes blazed with fury, but he forced himself to remain composed. "You talk too much, Yuan. Perhaps it's time to remind you of your place."

Principal Zhang leaned back against the cage's shimmering bars, feigning relaxation. "Oh, please do. We could use some entertainment while we wait for Mei to crack this thing open."

Principal Liang nodded in agreement. "Yes, do go on. Your threats are always so... inspiring."

Red Ox's calm exterior shattered. He took a step closer to the cage, his voice low and menacing. "You may mock me now, but when this is over, you'll beg for mercy."

Principal Yuan raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, we're counting on it. In fact, we might even take turns."

Principal Mei, her attention still focused on the cage, let out a triumphant laugh. "Got it! There's a weak point right here!" She pointed to a small, barely noticeable flaw in the cage's structure.

Red Ox's eyes widened in disbelief. "Impossible!"

Principal Yuan grinned widely. "Looks like your unbreakable cage isn't so unbreakable after all."

Principal Zhang and Principal Liang shared a look of triumph. "Time to get out of here and show Red Ox what real power looks like," Principal Zhang said.

Principal Liang cracked his knuckles. "Can't wait to see the look on his face when we do."

As Mei began to work on the weak point, Red Ox could only stand and watch, his anger and frustration boiling over. "This isn't over," he growled. "I'll make sure you regret this."

Principal Yuan gave Red Ox a mock salute. "We'll be waiting, Red Ox. Until then, try not to lose any more of your minions. It's getting embarrassing."

Red Ox gazed into the distance, a sinister smile creeping across his face before he erupted into maniacal laughter. The sound echoed across the mountain, sending a shiver down the spines of the four principals trapped within the cage.

"What's so funny, Red Ox?" Principal Yuan demanded, trying to mask his unease.

Red Ox's laughter continued, growing louder and more unhinged. Finally, he stopped, his eyes glinting with malevolence as he fixed his gaze on a distant point in the horizon. The principals followed his line of sight, their expressions shifting from determination to disbelief.

"No... it can't be..." Principal Zhang muttered, his voice tinged with shock.

"What is that?" Principal Liang's eyes widened, unable to comprehend the scene unfolding before them.

Principal Mei's heart sank as she saw what Red Ox was looking at. "This... this is bad," she whispered.

Red Ox sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "By the time you manage to escape, let's see if your precious students can survive that!"