Chapter 78: Senior Kai's Sacrifice: Regression Sword Technique

Garret's eyes widened as he saw the transformation of Senior Kai. "Whoa, that is so cool!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. "I mean, look at him! He's like a dark knight or something! Absolutely epic!"

Flippy, fluttering nearby, added, "Yeah, totally! That's the kind of power you see in legends!"

Ruchir, however, watched with a more somber expression. "Such power must come at a price," he murmured. "A heavy one at that."

Senior Kai, with his Demon Regression Sword fully unleashed, now exuded an aura that matched the Supernatural realm.

The dark energy swirling around him was almost palpable, casting an eerie glow. With a determined leap, he propelled himself toward the towering sand golem.

As he swung his sword, he called out, "Regression Sword Technique: Lower Heaven!"

The sword slashed through the air with a sinister hiss, connecting with the golem's massive form. In an astonishing display, the golem's height decreased by 50 meters as if it had regressed in size.

Garret's jaw dropped. "Did you see that?" he yelled, his voice filled with a mix of shock and admiration. "That's insane! Kai just made it shrink!"

Jack stood with his mouth agape, unable to articulate his amazement. Flippy fluttered around, echoing Garret's exclamations with equal enthusiasm. "So cool! So epic! So legendary!"

Despite the golem's reduced size, it showed no signs of stopping its destructive rampage. Kai, undeterred, summoned more of his dark power.

"Regression Sword Technique: Intermediate Heaven!" he shouted. This time, his aura intensified, reaching the level of a veteran Supernatural realm powerhouse.

The second strike hit the golem, causing it to shrink further by another 100 meters.

Garret's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. "Holy crap, he did it again!" he exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement.

But as the dust settled, it became clear that the price for such power was steep. Senior Kai coughed up blood, his once vibrant form now pale and weakening.

The group's excitement quickly turned to concern. "Kai!" Ruchir shouted, rushing to his side. The golem, though significantly smaller, continued its relentless path of destruction.

Kai's eyes were filled with terror and despair.

His body was betraying him; he had pushed it beyond its limits, hurting his very foundation in the process.

"I have nothing left," Kai said, his voice tinged with bitterness and regret. "I've exchanged everything for power, and now there's nothing more to give."

Ruchir placed a hand on Kai's shoulder, feeling a surge of righteous energy flow through him. "Don't give up, Senior Kai," he said, his voice firm.

"Even if my righteousness energy hasn't reached the materialization stage, I won't let you fall. We won't let you fall."

Kai shook his head. "Ruchir, it's no use. Your energy can't suppress the demonic power inside me."

Ruchir's eyes blazed with determination. "Never lose hope, Senior Kai. Hope is what drives us, what keeps us moving forward even in the darkest of times. You taught us that. We can't give up now, not when we've come so far."

Garret, Flippy, Alaric, and Jack chimed in with words of encouragement. "Yeah, Kai!" Garret shouted. "You've got this! You've always had our backs, now it's our turn to have yours!"

"We believe in you!" Flippy added, flitting around anxiously. "You're stronger than you think!"

Alaric nodded solemnly. "You've always been our strength, Kai. Now let us be yours."

Jack, still in awe, added, "We're with you, no matter what. We fight together."

Kai looked at the young faces around him, filled with hope and determination. "If these kids haven't given up," he thought, "then why should I?"

A small, grateful smile spread across his face. He turned back to Ruchir, determination renewed. "Thank you," he said softly.

At that moment, something within Kai shifted. An invisible shackle in his heart, one he hadn't known was there, shattered.

A warmth spread through him as he felt a new kind of energy, the prototype of righteousness energy, awaken within him. It wasn't fully materialized, but it was enough.

With a fierce resolve, he raised his sword once more. "My motto," he declared, "is to protect the hope of others. And that's what I'll do."

Kai leaped forward, his sword blazing with dark and righteous energy combined. "Regression Sword Technique: Greater Heaven!" he roared.

The world around them seemed to glow with an ethereal light, the dark energy mingling with the righteous, creating a spectacle of breathtaking beauty and power.

The attack struck the sand golem with a force that seemed to transcend reality. The surroundings were bathed in a radiant glow, as if the heavens themselves had opened up. The golem's form was enveloped in this light, its fate uncertain.

As the light began to fade, Kai's body gave out. He smiled faintly, a look of peace on his face, and blacked out, falling to the ground.

Garret, seeing the aftermath, couldn't help but comment. "That was... that was beyond epic," he said, his voice filled with awe. "But please, for the love of everything, let it be over now."

Meanwhile, the clash between the four principals and Demon Sovereign Red Ox was nothing short of cataclysmic.

Despite their weakened state from being trapped inside the cage, the principals fought with unparalleled tenacity and skill.

Red Ox's mocking laughter echoed through the mountains, blending with the fierce sounds of their battle.

"Is this all you have?" Red Ox sneered, his voice dripping with scorn. "Pathetic! You four are nothing compared to my power!"

Principal Yuan, eyes blazing with determination, retorted, "You underestimate us, demon! We will protect our students, no matter the cost!"

Principal Mei, her hands weaving intricate spells, added, "Your darkness will never prevail against our light!"

Principal Liang, striking with a powerful energy blast, shouted, "We'll show you the strength of our unity!"

Principal Zhang, wielding his weapon with precision, chimed in, "Your arrogance will be your downfall!"

The battle raged on, their combined energies lighting up the mountain. Red Ox's demonic energy clashed with their elemental attacks, each collision causing shockwaves that shook the very ground beneath them.

The mountain trembled, rocks and debris flying in all directions as their powers collided with immense force.

Amid the chaos, Red Ox's expression flickered with anger and frustration. "How can you still stand?" he roared. "You should have been crushed by now!"

Principal Yuan, panting but resolute, replied, "We fight not just for ourselves, but for the future. That gives us strength beyond measure!"

The other principals nodded, their faces reflecting a mix of emotions: anger at Red Ox's audacity, sorrow for the toll the battle was taking, but also happiness and pride in their determination to protect their students. They fought with everything they had, their spirits unwavering.

As the fight continued, they caught glimpses of Senior Kai's transformation. Each principal had their own reaction to the scene unfolding below.

Principal Yuan felt a pang of sorrow for Kai's struggle, but also immense pride in his courage. "He's giving everything," Yuan thought, a tear forming in his eye. "Such a brave soul."

Principal Mei's heart ached, but she was filled with determination. "Hold on, Kai," she whispered to herself, her spells crackling with renewed energy. "We're coming for you."

Principal Liang was torn between anger and hope. "Damn you, Red Ox," he muttered. "You won't win this. Kai, stay strong!"

Principal Zhang's face showed a mix of tension and encouragement. "Fight on, Kai," he thought, his weapon gleaming as he attacked. "We believe in you."

Red Ox, seeing their reactions, let out a bitter laugh. "Look at you, clinging to hope," he taunted. "But in the end, darkness will always prevail!"

His words only fueled the principals' resolve. Principal Yuan, with a fierce determination, replied, "We'll never let that happen. Not as long as we stand."

The mountain was almost obliterated as their battle reached its peak.

The sheer power of their attacks caused massive craters, the landscape around them turning into a battlefield of epic proportions. Red Ox, realizing he was losing ground, let out a furious roar.

"You haven't seen the last of me!" he bellowed, his form beginning to dissipate. "Remember this day, for the darkness will return!"

With one final, enraged curse, Red Ox vanished into the shadows, leaving the battered but victorious principals standing amidst the devastation.

Principal Yuan, catching his breath, turned to the others. "We did it," he said, his voice filled with relief and pride. "But we must hurry to Kai."

Principal Mei nodded, her face reflecting both exhaustion and determination. "He needs us," she said, already moving towards the edge of the mountain.

Principal Liang and Principal Zhang followed, their expressions a mix of concern and urgency. "We have to heal him," Liang said, his voice firm. "He's given everything for this fight."

Together, they flew towards Senior Kai, their energies united once more. As they approached, they saw the young warrior lying unconscious, his body spent from the battle. But the principals' hearts were filled with hope and gratitude.

"Hang on, Kai," Principal Zhang murmured, kneeling beside him. "We're here now."

Principal Mei began to weave her healing spells, her hands glowing with a gentle light. "You've done well," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring.

Principal Yuan and Principal Liang joined in, their combined energies creating a warm, protective aura around Kai. "Rest now," Yuan said, his voice gentle. "We'll take care of you."