Chapter 79: Grand Scholar's Might & Sky Demon General

Meanwhile, outside the forest wood covering that protected the academy, the Grand Scholar Santosh stood firm, even in his weakened state.

His presence was imposing, a beacon of calm amidst the chaos. Facing him were five Demon Kings, each exuding a dark, malevolent aura.

Their eyes glinted with desperation and rage as they realized the power of the man standing before them.

The Demon Kings attacked with wild abandon, their strikes fueled by the knowledge that their lives depended on this battle.

The air crackled with their dark energy, but the Grand Scholar remained unperturbed. With a serene smile, he watched their movements, a seasoned warrior prepared for the onslaught.

"Such a fuss," Grand Scholar Santosh mused aloud, his voice calm and almost amused. "Children's business seems to be over, so how could I, as an adult, be left behind?"

With a swift, fluid motion, he raised his hands. The ground beneath him responded instantly, nature itself bending to his will.

Vines as thick as tree trunks erupted from the earth, weaving together to form a shield that blocked the Demon Kings' initial attacks. The Demon Kings snarled in frustration, their dark energies clashing futilely against the living barrier.

One of the Demon Kings, a towering figure with horns and a jagged blade, roared in frustration. "You cannot stop us, old man! We will tear this place apart!"

The Grand Scholar chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Old man, you say? Perhaps. But I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

With a flick of his wrist, the vines transformed, lashing out like serpents.

The first technique, "Serpent's Embrace," ensnared the horned Demon King, the vines tightening around him with crushing force.

The Demon King struggled, but the more he fought, the tighter the grip became. With a final, desperate scream, the vines constricted fully, shattering his bones and silencing him forever.

The remaining Demon Kings hesitated, their confidence shaken. Sensing their unease, Grand Scholar Santosh decided to press his advantage.

He extended his arms, and the earth trembled in response. "Nature's Fury," he intoned, his voice resonating with power.

Trees uprooted themselves, their roots twisting and forming into massive, animated guardians. The wooden titans lumbered towards the Demon Kings, their footsteps shaking the ground.

The demons fought back, their dark magic clashing with the raw power of nature. One Demon King, wielding flames, set a guardian ablaze, but the Grand Scholar merely smiled.

"Flame against wood? How predictable," he said, almost bored. With a gentle wave, the burning guardian crumbled, and from its ashes, a new guardian sprouted, larger and more fearsome. "Regrowth," he explained with a shrug.

The Demon Kings were frantic now, their attacks becoming more erratic.

Another technique, "Verdant Spear," saw razor-sharp leaves and thorns hurtling towards the demons, slicing through their defenses.

The air was filled with the sounds of battle, punctuated by the Grand Scholar's calm commentary.

"You're doing quite well," he remarked, almost conversationally, as he dodged a dark energy blast. "But I think it's time to end this."

Drawing upon the full extent of his power, he called forth his most devastating technique. "Elderwood Cataclysm," he declared, his voice echoing through the battlefield. From the depths of the earth, ancient trees, their trunks massive and gnarled, surged upwards. Their branches intertwined, creating an impenetrable wall that advanced towards the remaining Demon Kings.

Desperation set in as the demons realized their doom. They launched their final attacks, but it was futile.

The Elderwood Cataclysm consumed them, the ancient wood crushing their bodies and absorbing their dark energy. The battlefield fell silent as the last of the Demon Kings was vanquished.

Grand Scholar Santosh exhaled, the vines and trees receding at his command. The forest wood covering the academy shimmered and then disappeared, revealing the intact structure within.

He looked around, satisfied, and then, with a chuckle, dusted off his hands.

"Well, that was refreshing," he said to himself. "I suppose I should check on the children."

As he walked away, a slight spring in his step, the remnants of the battlefield bore witness to the phenomenal and destructive power he had unleashed.

His techniques had not only defeated the Demon Kings but also showcased the incredible harmony between nature and his will.

The academy was safe once more, thanks to the Grand Scholar's mastery of wood and nature techniques. The comedic contrast of his casual demeanor with the sheer devastation he wrought made the scene both awe-inspiring and amusing.

The students who witnessed even a glimpse of his power would have stories to tell for generations, a testament to the incredible strength and wisdom of the Grand Scholar Santosh.

Outside the city outskirts, Demon Sovereign Red Ox eho had fled from the capital, had his fury barely contained as he sped through the wilderness.

His escape had been ignominious, and his mind seethed with curses aimed at the academy principals and their accursed students.

"Those damned bastards!" he snarled, clenching his fists in rage.

He was, however, thankful that he still had the artifact cage of the White Ancestor with him—a small consolation in the face of his defeat.

As he crossed into a desolate region beyond the reach of the capital, a chilling sensation crept over him.

The air around him grew heavy and oppressive, and a sense of impending doom settled in his gut. Just as he was about to quicken his pace, a dark, demonic, human-like figure manifested before him.

Clad in a black cloak that seemed to absorb the light around it, the figure exuded an aura of malevolence that made Red Ox's blood run cold.

Red Ox's eyes widened in terror. He immediately recognized the figure and dropped to his knees, bowing his head low.

"Greetings, Sky Demon General," he stammered, his voice trembling with fear. His mind raced, trying to comprehend why this fearsome man was here and what it meant for his own survival.

The black-cloaked figure laughed, a sound that was both chilling and filled with derision. Red Ox's heart pounded in his chest, the grim laughter echoing in his ears like a death knell. The Sky Demon General's presence alone was enough to instill a profound dread in him.

The figure spoke in a grim voice, each word dripping with contempt. "Do you know what you have done?"

Red Ox's fear reached a fever pitch. He could barely breathe, his thoughts a chaotic jumble of panic. He threw himself forward, pressing his forehead to the ground in a desperate plea.

"Please, Sky Demon General, have mercy! I beg of you, think of my previous deeds, my contributions to the Sky Demon Sect. Please, give me a chance to redeem myself."

The Sky Demon General's eyes glinted with a malevolent light, and he stepped closer, his presence looming over the prostrate Red Ox. He extended a hand, and the artifact cage of the White Ancestor, which Red Ox had clung to so desperately, was wrenched from his grasp by an unseen force.

"Redemption?" the General sneered. "You speak of redemption while you bring shame to our sect. You failed, Red Ox. Your incompetence has brought nothing but disgrace."

Red Ox trembled, his mind scrambling for anything that might save him from the General's wrath. "Please, Sky Demon General, I will do better! I will find a way to make amends. Just grant me one more chance. I swear, I will not fail again."

The General stared at him for a long, terrifying moment, the silence thick with menace. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and dangerous. "This is your last chance, Red Ox. Fail again, and there will be no mercy."

With a wave of his hand, the Sky Demon General turned, the artifact cage now in his possession. The dark figure began to fade, his form dissolving into the shadows from whence he came.

Red Ox remained kneeling, his body shaking with fear and relief. He had been spared, but the warning was clear. His life hung by the thinnest of threads, and any further failure would seal his doom.

As the Sky Demon General disappeared into the darkness, Red Ox let out a shuddering breath. The encounter had left him drained, his mind and body exhausted by the sheer terror of it.

He knew he had to return to the sect, to find a way to redeem himself, but the path ahead seemed fraught with peril. The specter of his failure loomed large, and the knowledge that he was now on his last chance weighed heavily on him.

For now, he would retreat, gather his strength, and plan his next move. The Sky Demon Sect was unforgiving, and he knew he could not afford to make another mistake.

With a final, lingering glance at the spot where the Sky Demon General had stood, Red Ox rose to his feet and began his journey back, his thoughts consumed by the fear of what the future might hold.