Chapter 82: Ruchir's Outrage

It had been a month since the invasion of demon cultivators in the Stardust Forest. The memories of that harrowing event still haunted Ruchir as he made his way back to his home.

He had been away for another month, training and preparing for future threats, but now he longed for the comfort of his family.

However, as he approached the familiar building, a sense of foreboding crept over him. The atmosphere was dull and sad, a stark contrast to the warmth and liveliness he usually associated with home.

The house was unusually quiet, and the air was thick with an unspoken sorrow. The curtains were drawn, casting shadows that danced eerily across the walls.

The usual sounds of laughter and conversation were absent, replaced by a heavy silence that pressed down on Ruchir's heart. He could hear faint, muffled sobs coming from his parents' bedroom.

Ruchir's pulse quickened as he rushed towards the sound. He burst into the room to find his mother, Mira, sobbing beside the bed.

His younger sister, Leena, was also crying, her face buried in their mother's lap. Mira was trying to comfort her, but her own tears betrayed her despair.

"Mama, what's happened?" Ruchir's voice trembled as he took in the scene.

Mira looked up, her eyes red and swollen from crying. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, she gestured towards the bed. Ruchir's eyes followed her hand, and what he saw made his blood run cold.

His father, Raghav, lay on the bed, his face a grotesque mask of suffering. Where his eyes had once been, there were now empty, bloodied sockets.

It was as if someone had cruelly gouged them out, leaving only a horrific reminder of the brutality that had been inflicted upon him.

Ruchir felt his legs give way, and he collapsed to his knees beside the bed.

"Father... no..." He reached out with a trembling hand but stopped short, unable to comprehend the full extent of the horror before him.

Shock turned to devastation, and then, slowly, to a burning rage.

"Who did this?" Ruchir demanded, his voice breaking. "Who did this to Father?"

Mira, still sobbing, pulled Ruchir into a tight embrace. "It happened when they were returning from the merchant caravan business," she began, her voice choked with tears.

"They were in the forest outside the capital when they were ambushed by bandits."

She paused, her body shaking with sobs. "Raghav was willing to give them money, anything they wanted, but they… they wanted more. They insisted on taking the women from the caravan. Raghav… he couldn't let that happen. He tried to protect them, to save his colleagues, but they… they showed no mercy."

Leena, still clinging to her mother, cried even harder. Ruchir felt his anger intensify, his fists clenching so tightly that his knuckles turned white. "Tell me everything, Mama. I need to know."

Mira took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "There were five of them, heavily armed and cruel. They laughed as they demanded the women, saying terrible things, taunting everyone. When Raghav refused to hand over his colleagues, they beat him, but he still fought back. He told them to take him instead, but they… they didn't stop. They dragged him to the ground and… and gouged out his eyes as punishment, saying that a blind man wouldn't be able to see their faces to identify them later."

Ruchir's heart pounded in his chest. He could barely contain his rage. "And the others? What happened to them?"

Mira's face crumpled with grief. "The women… they were taken. They screamed for help, but there was nothing anyone could do. The bandits… they... they did unspeakable things to them, and when they were done, they left them for dead. Raghav… he was left there, blind and broken, until another caravan found him and brought him home."

Ruchir's mind raced with thoughts of revenge. He wanted to hunt down the bandits, to make them pay for what they had done. But as he looked at his mother and sister, their pain palpable, he knew that he needed to be here for his family first.

"I'm so sorry, Mama," he whispered, hugging her tightly. "I should have been here. I should have protected you all."

Mira shook her head, her tears falling onto his shoulder. "It's not your fault, Ruchir. You couldn't have known. But now… now we need to be strong, for your father's sake."

Ruchir pulled away slightly, looking into his mother's eyes. "We'll get through this, Mama. I promise. And those who did this… they'll pay."

He turned his attention back to his father, who lay silently on the bed. Ruchir gently took his hand, feeling the roughness of his skin, the strength that had once been there now reduced to fragility. "Father, I swear to you, I'll find the ones responsible. They won't get away with this."

Raghav, though unable to see, seemed to sense his son's presence. He turned his head slightly towards Ruchir, his lips parting in a weak attempt to speak. "Ruchir… my son…"

Ruchir leaned in closer, tears streaming down his face. "I'm here, Father. I'm here."

"Protect… your mother… and sister," Raghav whispered, his voice barely audible. "Don't… let… hatred consume you…"

Ruchir nodded, his throat tight with emotion. "I promise, Father. I'll protect them. I'll protect our family."

Mira and Leena joined them, their hands intertwined in a show of unity and strength. Despite the overwhelming sorrow, there was a flicker of hope, a belief that together, they could overcome this tragedy.

For the next few days, the house remained cloaked in a somber silence. Ruchir spent his time tending to his father, helping his mother, and comforting his sister. He knew that they needed each other more than ever.

In the quiet moments, Ruchir's mind often wandered back to the tales of the bandits. He would find them, he vowed to himself, but he also remembered his father's words. Hatred could consume a man, and he had to be careful not to let it take over his heart.

One evening, as Ruchir sat by his father's bedside, Raghav spoke again, his voice stronger than before. "Ruchir… you must focus… on your training… become stronger… not just for revenge… but for the future."

Ruchir nodded, understanding the wisdom in his father's words. "I will, Father. I'll become stronger. I'll protect our family and make sure no one else suffers like this."

Ruchir's determination grew, fueled by the love and support of his mother and sister. He trained harder than ever, his resolve unwavering.

One morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow over their home, Ruchir stood outside, his heart filled with a renewed sense of purpose. He would honor his father's legacy, protect his family, and one day, bring justice to those who had caused them so much pain.

With a final glance back at his home, Ruchir set out, his path clear. He would become the warrior his father always believed he could be, and he would make sure that their family's suffering was not in vain. 

Ruchir arrived at the academy, his heart heavy with the recent events but also filled with a newfound determination. As he entered the familiar grounds, he spotted Garret and Alice waiting for him near the training field. Their faces lit up when they saw him, but their expressions quickly turned to concern as they took in his somber demeanor.

"Ruchir! Where have you been?" Garret called out, rushing over. "You just disappeared on us."

Alice followed closely, her eyes filled with worry. "Are you okay? You look like you've been through hell."

Ruchir took a deep breath, steadying himself. "I need to tell you both something. It's... it's about my family."

Garret and Alice exchanged a quick glance before nodding, urging him to continue. Ruchir led them to a quieter spot under a large oak tree, where they could talk without interruption. Flippy, ever curious, scampered over and settled beside Ruchir, his innocent eyes reflecting concern.

Ruchir began to recount the horrific events that had unfolded over the past month. "It happened when my father was returning from the merchant caravan business," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "They were ambushed by bandits in the forest outside the capital. My father... he tried to protect his colleagues, but the bandits were merciless. They gouged out his eyes as punishment for resisting them."

Garret's fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. "Those bastards! How could they do something so cruel?"

Alice's face darkened, her usual calm shattered by anger. "Those monsters deserve to pay for what they've done. We can't let them get away with this."

Flippy, who had been quietly listening, let out a soft, sympathetic chirp. His small, furry face was a picture of earnest resolve, as if he too understood the gravity of the situation and the need for justice.

Ruchir looked at his friends, his heart swelling with gratitude for their immediate support. "I need your help. I can't do this alone. Those bandits need to be stopped, and my father needs justice. Will you help me?"

Garret didn't hesitate for a second. "Of course, we will. You're like a brother to us, Ruchir. We're in this together."

Alice nodded firmly, her eyes blazing with determination. "Count me in. We'll make sure those bandits pay for what they did."

Flippy chirped again, nodding enthusiastically as if to say he was ready to stand by Ruchir's side no matter what.

Ruchir felt a wave of relief and happiness wash over him. Despite the darkness that had overshadowed his life recently, the unwavering loyalty of his friends brought a glimmer of hope. "Thank you," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you all."

Seeing Ruchir on the verge of tears, Garret tried to lighten the mood. "Hey now, no need to get all mushy on us. You know we're here for you. Besides, who else is going to keep me out of trouble?"

Alice smirked, playfully nudging Ruchir. "And who else is going to put up with Garret's awful jokes? We're a team, remember?"

Ruchir chuckled, the tension easing slightly. "You're right. We are a team."

Garret wrapped an arm around Ruchir's shoulders. "And as a team, we'll get through this together. We'll find those bandits and make sure they never hurt anyone else."

Alice nodded in agreement. "We've faced worse together. This is just another challenge we'll overcome."

Ruchir smiled, a sense of warmth and gratitude filling his heart. He had faced unimaginable sorrow, but the strength of his friendship with Garret, Alice, and even Flippy gave him the courage to move forward. Together, they would seek justice and restore peace to his family.

As they walked back towards the academy, Garret and Alice continued to tease Ruchir, their laughter mingling with the hopeful chirps of Flippy. Despite the trials that lay ahead, Ruchir knew that with his friends by his side, they could face anything.