Chapter 83: Prince Anish Bluefield

The three friends made their way through the bustling academy grounds towards the mission center, their expressions set with determination.

Ruchir, Garret, and Alice knew that this would be no ordinary mission. They were seeking justice for Ruchir's father, and they wouldn't rest until the mountain bandits were brought to account.

The mission center was a busy place, filled with students and adventurers alike, all eager to take on quests and earn contribution points.

As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of a young, thin girl behind the reception desk.

She had above-average looks with brown hair tied back in a neat ponytail. Her bright eyes and friendly demeanor made her seem approachable, despite the gravity of the missions she managed.

"Excuse me," Ruchir began, stepping forward. "We're looking for information about the mountain bandits. We heard there's a mission related to them?"

The receptionist looked up from her ledger, her expression curious. "Yes, we do have a mission concerning the mountain bandits. They've been causing quite a lot of trouble lately. Are you interested in taking it on?"

Garret couldn't help but grin. "Absolutely. Sounds like a good way to kill two birds with one stone."

Alice rolled her eyes and smacked Garret lightly on the shoulder. "Can you be serious for once? This is important."

The receptionist smiled faintly at their banter before turning her attention back to Ruchir. "The mission is to capture or slay the bandits. You'll earn a significant amount of contribution points if you succeed."

"Can you tell us more about the bandits and their strength?" Alice asked, her voice steady.

The receptionist nodded and began to detail the information. "Their leader is a formidable opponent, a 5th Limiter of the Mortal Realm. He's not to be underestimated. "

"Along with him, there are about ten more who have broken their limits, making them quite dangerous. In addition to these, there are approximately a hundred bandits who have not yet reached the limiter stage but are still a considerable threat due to their numbers."

Ruchir listened intently, taking diligent notes. "What about their atrocities and activities? We need to know everything."

The receptionist's expression darkened slightly as she continued. "The bandits have been terrorizing the surrounding areas, attacking merchant caravans, kidnapping women, and looting villages."

"They're known for their cruelty and have left a trail of devastation in their wake. "

"Their hideout is believed to be deep within the Blackwood Mountains, a heavily forested area with numerous caves and hidden paths. They're cunning and use the terrain to their advantage, making it difficult for anyone to track them down."

"What about their habits?" Ruchir asked, looking up from his notes.

"They tend to operate in small groups when attacking, using hit-and-run tactics to avoid being caught. "

"They're also known to be heavy drinkers, often getting drunk after a successful raid. This might be your best chance to catch them off guard, but it's still risky. "

"They're always on high alert and have lookouts posted around their hideout."

Garret leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Sounds like a tough nut to crack, but nothing we can't handle."

Alice shot him a stern look. "This isn't a joke, Garret. We need to be prepared."

Garret raised his hands in mock surrender. "I know, I know. I'll be serious when it counts."

Ruchir finished taking notes and looked up at the receptionist. "Thank you for the information. We'll take on the mission."

The receptionist handed them the mission scroll. "Good luck. And be careful out there."

With the mission details in hand, the trio left the mission center, heading towards the path that led down from the academy mountain. The air was crisp, and the sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the landscape.

Garret couldn't resist breaking the silence. "You know, this is the kind of mission that legends are made of. Three friends, setting out to defeat a horde of bandits and bring justice to the land. Sounds pretty epic, don't you think?"

Alice sighed but couldn't suppress a small smile. "Just remember, Garret, this isn't a story. It's real life, and there are real dangers."

Ruchir walked ahead, the weight of his determination palpable. "Thank you, both of you. For helping me with this. It means more than you know."

Garret clapped a hand on Ruchir's shoulder. "We're with you all the way, Ruchir. These bandits won't know what hit them."

Alice nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with resolve. "We'll make sure they pay for what they've done. Together."

As they descended the mountain path, the atmosphere grew quieter, the sounds of the academy fading into the distance. The forest loomed ahead, dark and foreboding, but the three friends pressed on, their hearts united by a common goal.

Ruchir felt a surge of gratitude towards Garret and Alice. Their unwavering support in this difficult time was a testament to the strength of their friendship. As they journeyed towards the Blackwood Mountains, Ruchir's thoughts turned to his father. He vowed silently that he would not let his family's suffering go unanswered.

Garret's voice broke through his thoughts. "Hey, Ruchir, don't go getting all emotional on us now. We need you focused and ready to kick some bandit butt."

Alice smirked, joining in the teasing. "Yeah, can't have our leader falling apart before the battle even starts."

Ruchir chuckled, wiping away a tear that had threatened to escape. "You two really know how to lighten the mood. Thank you."

They continued on their way, their camaraderie and determination shining through the gathering dusk. As the first stars began to twinkle in the night sky, the three friends knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their bond stronger than ever.

Meanwhile, in the Imperial Palace of the Four Spirit Empire stood as a majestic symbol of power and grandeur, its towering spires and expansive courtyards reflecting the might and sophistication of the realm it governed.

Surrounded by lush gardens and intricate water features, the palace was an architectural marvel, blending elements of ancient tradition with contemporary elegance.

Its walls were adorned with intricate carvings and golden inlays, depicting the rich history and legendary tales of the empire's founding.

Within the palace, one of the most opulent rooms was a grand study, filled with an air of intellectual wealth and refinement.

The room was spacious, with high ceilings and walls lined with tall bookshelves overflowing with scrolls and bound volumes.

Elegant tapestries depicting scenes of heroism and wisdom hung between the shelves, their vibrant colors adding to the room's regal atmosphere.

A large, ornate desk dominated the center of the room, its polished surface cluttered with documents, maps, and various curiosities that spoke of the vast responsibilities and interests of its occupant.

Seated at this desk was a young man of around twenty years, Prince Anish Bluefield.

His bright blue hair framed a handsome face, his light blue eyes calm and calculating, betraying a sharp intellect and a composed demeanor.

He wore princely robes of deep red, the color contrasting sharply with his cool-toned features, and a symbol of his high status within the empire.

Prince Anish exuded an air of quiet authority, his every movement measured and deliberate, a testament to his disciplined nature and the powerful presence he commanded.

As he sipped his tea, savoring the delicate aroma, the door to the study opened silently, and a black-cloaked man entered. The man moved with a shadow-like grace, bowing deeply as he approached the prince.

"Long live Your Highness, Prince Anish," he greeted, his voice respectful and tinged with reverence.

Prince Anish acknowledged the greeting with a slight nod, his eyes fixed on the man as he straightened and presented a sealed paper.

Taking the paper, Prince Anish broke the seal and began to read, his expression remaining inscrutable as he absorbed the information. After a moment, his lips curled into a mischievous, almost sinister smile.

"Anna Sayy, Alice, Jack, Kai, and Ruchir… interesting," he muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing slightly as he considered the implications of the names listed.

Without another word, he held the paper over a nearby candle flame, watching with a detached interest as the edges blackened and curled.

The fire consumed the document quickly, reducing it to ashes. Prince Anish's smile widened, the flicker of flames reflected in his eyes, adding a hint of malevolence to his otherwise composed features.

As the last of the paper turned to ash, he let the remnants fall into an ornate dish. The black-cloaked man watched in silence, understanding the prince's intentions without needing to ask.

With a gentle breath, Prince Anish blew the ashes into the air, watching as they swirled and were carried away by an invisible breeze.

The scene was symbolically powerful—the names, now mere particles of ash, drifting away into nothingness, a representation of the fleeting nature of those who opposed him or piqued his interest.

The wind that carried the ashes away seemed to whisper of secrets and plans yet to unfold, leaving an ominous sense of foreboding in the air.

Prince Anish leaned back in his chair, the mischievous smile never leaving his face. He sipped his tea once more, his thoughts already racing ahead, plotting his next move.

The room, with all its wealth and splendor, seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the machinations of the young prince to come to fruition.

The black-cloaked man remained still, a silent sentinel in the presence of one of the empire's most formidable figures.

In the quiet of the grand study, the future of many hung in the balance, swayed by the whims and ambitions of Prince Anish Bluefield.

The ashes of the burned paper continued to drift, a silent testament to the power and peril that lay within the walls of the Four Spirit Empire's palace.