Chapter 84: Garret: The Motivational Speaker

As dusk settled over the foot of Blackwood Mountain, Ruchir, Garret, and Alice set up their camp for the night. The air was cool and filled with the sounds of the forest—rustling leaves, distant animal calls, and the soft murmur of a nearby stream. Their small campfire crackled, casting flickering shadows across their faces as they sat around it, deep in discussion.

Ruchir spread out a map of the area, tracing routes and marking potential ambush points. "We need a solid strategy if we're going to take down these bandits," he said, his voice steady and determined.

Alice nodded, her eyes focused on the map. "We know their leader is a 5th Limiter of the Mortal Realm, and they have ten more who've broken their limits. The rest are still dangerous in numbers. We need to catch them off guard."

Garret leaned back, balancing a stick across his nose, trying to lighten the serious mood. "I say we just walk right up to their hideout and ask them to surrender. Maybe bring a cake. Everyone loves cake."

Alice sighed, rolling her eyes. "Garret, can you be serious for just one minute? We're planning an attack on a group of dangerous bandits, not a surprise party."

Garret chuckled, removing the stick. "I'm just saying, a little humor might make this whole ordeal less grim. Besides, what's life without a few jokes?"

Ruchir smiled slightly, appreciating Garret's attempts to keep their spirits up, even if it wasn't always helpful. "We need a plan that allows us to get close without raising suspicion. Any ideas?"

Alice tapped her chin thoughtfully. "What if we disguise ourselves as a low-level merchant caravan? We could lure them into a trap."

Ruchir's eyes lit up. "That's a great idea. My family has been in the merchant business for generations. I can make the arrangements and get us the supplies we need. We can pose as a caravan carrying valuable goods. The bandits won't be able to resist."

Garret grinned, leaning forward. "Now we're talking! And while we're at it, we can throw in some booby traps. Maybe a cake with a surprise inside—like, I don't know, a bunch of bees?"

Alice groaned. "Garret, no bees. But traps aren't a bad idea. We can use fake goods to lure them in and then strike when they least expect it."

Ruchir nodded, already forming a plan in his mind. "We'll need to act quickly. The sooner we set this up, the better our chances of catching them off guard. I'll handle the arrangements. Garret, Alice, can you gather the supplies and prepare the traps?"

Alice gave a firm nod. "Absolutely. We'll get everything ready by morning."

Garret saluted playfully. "Aye, aye, captain. Just remember, if we do throw in a cake, I get the first slice."

Ruchir laughed, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Deal. Now let's get some rest. We'll need all our energy for tomorrow."

As the fire burned down to embers, they settled into their makeshift beds, the night sounds of the forest surrounding them. Ruchir lay awake for a while, his mind racing with plans and strategies. Despite the danger ahead, he felt a sense of reassurance knowing he had such loyal friends by his side.

Garret, already half-asleep, mumbled, "Remember, no bees."

Alice, on the verge of drifting off, replied, "No bees, Garret. Just focus on the mission."

Ruchir closed his eyes, a small smile on his lips. The journey ahead was fraught with peril, but together, they could face anything. As sleep finally claimed him, he dreamed of the day when the bandits would be brought to justice, and his family could find peace once more.

The next morning, they rose with the sun, ready to put their plan into action. Ruchir quickly arranged the supplies, transforming their small camp into a convincing merchant caravan. With Garret's usual banter and Alice's sharp focus, they worked seamlessly, preparing for the challenge that lay ahead.

The sun was climbing higher in the sky as Ruchir, Garret, and Alice traveled along the winding mountain road in their cleverly disguised caravan. Garret, with his usual exuberance, had taken up the role of driver. As they moved steadily along the rocky path, he sang a terribly off-key tune that echoed through the mountains.

"Garret, could you please stop?" Alice's voice came from inside the caravan, laden with frustration. She was trying her best to stay focused on the mission, but Garret's singing was testing her patience.

Garret grinned, undeterred. "Come on, Alice, it's the travel song! Keeps the spirits up!"

Alice sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Just focus on the road, will you? We have a mission to complete."

As the cart began to climb a particularly steep incline, five figures emerged from the thick foliage lining the road. Dressed in rugged mountain clothes, they blocked the path with a menacing air. Their leader, a burly man with a scruffy beard, stepped forward, shouting in a booming voice.

"Hold it right there! This road belongs to us, the Blackwood Bandits! If you want to pass, you need to pay the toll!"

The other bandits echoed his words, brandishing their weapons and glaring at the caravan.

Garret, always quick on his feet, saw an opportunity to turn the situation to their advantage. With a wide, confident smile, he leaned forward and addressed the bandits.

"Good day, gentlemen! What a fine establishment you've got here! But tell me, how much is this toll you're talking about?"

The bandit leader looked taken aback by Garret's cheerful demeanor. "Uh, well, it depends on what you're carrying. What's in the caravan?"

Garret tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Interesting question. But before we get into that, let me ask you something. Have you ever thought about why you're doing this?"

The bandits exchanged confused glances. "What do you mean?" one of them asked.

Garret continued, his tone serious now. "I mean, why choose the life of a bandit? There's so much more to life. Do you really want to spend your days threatening travelers and extorting money? Have you ever considered a different path? Maybe one that doesn't involve robbing people?"

The bandits, caught off guard by Garret's unexpected line of questioning, began to murmur among themselves. "He's got a point," one of them muttered. "I never really thought about it that way."

"Yeah, me neither," another added, scratching his head. "I always wanted to be a baker."

The leader of the bandits, looking increasingly unsure, tried to regain control. "Enough of this nonsense! We're bandits, and we need to—"

"Need to what?" Garret interrupted, his voice calm but persuasive. "Need to keep living this way? Isn't there something more fulfilling you could be doing with your lives? Think about it. What if you could wake up every morning with a sense of purpose, knowing you're making the world a better place?"

The bandits fell silent, pondering Garret's words. One of them, a young man with a scar across his cheek, suddenly dropped his weapon. "You know what? He's right. I'm done with this. I quit."

The leader, now visibly flustered, watched in disbelief as another bandit nodded in agreement. "Me too. I never wanted to be a bandit. I just didn't know what else to do."

As more of the bandits began to question their life choices, Ruchir and Alice, peeking out from inside the caravan, were utterly dumbfounded. They exchanged incredulous looks as the scene unfolded before them.

Garret, seeing his strategy working, pressed on. "Look at that, two of you have already made the decision to leave this life behind. The rest of you can do the same. Go home, find something you're passionate about, and pursue it. You'll be much happier, I guarantee it."

The bandits, now thoroughly confused and introspective, slowly began to disperse. The leader, seeing his crew disband, sighed heavily. "I guess... I guess I should rethink my choices too. Maybe I'll become a farmer."

With that, the bandits departed, leaving the caravan unharmed and the road clear. Ruchir and Alice stepped out of the caravan, their expressions a mix of shock and amazement.

Garret turned to them, a smug grin plastered on his face. "See? Told you I had it under control. Who needs to fight when you can use the power of persuasion? I just turned those bandits into productive members of society."

Alice, still processing what had just happened, shook her head in disbelief. "Garret, our plan was to get captured by the bandits, not to make them quit their jobs!"

Garret shrugged, still grinning. "Details, details. The important thing is, we're safe, and those guys are off to live better lives. I'm practically a hero."

Ruchir, unable to contain his laughter, clapped Garret on the back. "Well, you certainly have a way with words, Garret. But Alice is right. We needed them to take us to their hideout."

Alice, hands on her hips, glared at Garret. "Now we have to come up with a new plan, thanks to you. Next time, stick to the plan and leave the philosophical debates out of it."

Garret raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. But you have to admit, that was pretty impressive."

Alice groaned, rubbing her temples. "Impressive, maybe. Useful, not so much."

As they continued their journey, Garret couldn't resist one last comment. "I guess I just have a gift for changing lives. Maybe I should open a motivational speaking business."

Alice rolled her eyes. "Garret, if you start a motivational speaking business, I'm sure it would be the end of civilization as we know it."

Garret laughed, unabashed. "Come on, Alice, admit it. You were impressed."

Ruchir chuckled, shaking his head. "Let's just focus on the mission, alright? We still need to find those bandits' hideout."