Chapter 100: Trials of Shadows

Ruchir braced himself as he stepped onto the 51st step, expecting the gravity to increase once more.

Instead, he was enveloped in darkness.

The mountain and his fellow climbers vanished, replaced by an eerie, silent world cloaked in a starless night.

"What is this place?" Ruchir muttered, scanning his surroundings. The air was thick with a sense of foreboding, and a chill ran down his spine.

He took a cautious step forward, his footfall echoing loudly in the oppressive silence.

Suddenly, a booming voice filled the air. "Welcome, challenger. You have entered the Trial of Shadows.

To pass, you must navigate the darkness and find the light. Beware, for this realm is filled with illusions and traps."

Ruchir frowned. "Great, another test," he said sarcastically. "And here I thought gravity was bad."

He began to walk, his hands outstretched to feel his way through the pitch-black world.

Every few steps, he encountered strange obstacles: invisible walls that shifted and twisted, bottomless pits that appeared out of nowhere, and ghostly whispers that tried to lead him astray.

At one point, Ruchir stumbled upon a glowing figure standing in his path. It resembled an old friend, smiling warmly. "Ruchir, it's been so long! Come, follow me to the exit."

Ruchir narrowed his eyes. "Nice try, illusion," he said. "But my friend would never wear socks with sandals."

The figure hissed and dissolved into the darkness, and Ruchir chuckled. "Honestly, who designed these illusions? They need to step up their game."

He pressed on, using his keen senses and wits to navigate the maze of shadows. At one point, he heard the faint sound of running water and followed it, hoping it might lead him to the exit. Instead, he found himself at the edge of a vast, dark lake.

Ruchir knelt down, dipping his fingers into the water. It was icy cold, sending a shiver through his body. "This must be part of the trial," he mused. "Maybe I need to cross it."

As he pondered his next move, a small, mischievous voice spoke up from the darkness. "Hey there, looking for the light?"

Ruchir turned to see a tiny, shadowy creature perched on a rock. It had bright, gleaming eyes and a mischievous grin. "And who might you be?" Ruchir asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm Flicker, the trickster spirit," the creature replied. "I can help you find the light, but it'll cost you."

"Cost me what?" Ruchir asked, suspicious.

"Just a bit of your sanity," Flicker said with a cackle.

Ruchir sighed. "Of course. Well, I'm not in the mood to lose my mind today, so I'll pass."

Flicker pouted. "Suit yourself. But remember, the light isn't always what it seems."

With that cryptic advice, Flicker vanished, leaving Ruchir alone once more. He took a deep breath and decided to trust his instincts. "If the light isn't what it seems, maybe I need to embrace the darkness instead."

He stepped into the lake, the cold water biting at his legs. With each step, the water grew deeper, until he was swimming. He focused on staying calm, letting the dark water guide him. After what felt like an eternity, he saw a faint glow ahead.

Ruchir swam toward the light, his heart pounding. As he neared it, the glow intensified, revealing a doorway made of shimmering light. "This must be it," he thought, swimming faster.

He reached the doorway and pulled himself through, emerging onto a solid surface. The darkness receded, and he found himself standing in a sunlit meadow, the oppressive night world behind him.

"Congratulations, Ruchir," the booming voice said. "You have passed the Trial of Shadows."

Ruchir grinned. "Well, that was... enlightening," he said with a chuckle. "Guess I outsmarted the darkness."

Ruchir took a deep breath as he emerged from the trial of the 51st step, only to find himself standing on the 75th step.

The sudden realization made his head spin.

"Did I really just skip 24 steps?" he muttered, looking around in disbelief. But there was no time to celebrate.

As soon as he steadied himself, he felt the gravity beginning to increase again.

With each step, the weight pressing down on him grew more intense. By the time he reached the 80th step, he was already panting heavily.

His legs felt like they were made of lead, and each movement required a tremendous effort. Sweat poured down his face, and his vision blurred. The once steady climb had turned into an agonizing ordeal.

"This is insane," Ruchir thought, gritting his teeth. "How am I supposed to make it to the top like this?"

The gravity was relentless, sapping his strength with every step. His muscles screamed in protest, and his bones felt like they might snap under the pressure.

At the 90th step, Ruchir paused, gasping for air. His whole body trembled, and he could barely stand. The sheer force of the gravity was crushing, threatening to bring him to his knees.

Despair started to creep in, but he shook it off, focusing on his goal. "I can't give up now," he told himself. "I've come too far."

Summoning all his inner strength, Ruchir called upon his righteousness energy. The warm, golden light filled him, spreading through his body like a soothing balm.

The energy stabilized him, temporarily alleviating the crushing weight. His breathing steadied, and his muscles relaxed just enough to allow him to continue.

Step by step, he pushed forward, the righteousness energy acting as a buffer against the overwhelming gravity. His mind cleared, and he regained his focus.

"I can do this," he chanted silently, using the energy to bolster his resolve. "I will make it."

By the time he reached the 120th step, the gravity had intensified to an unbearable degree. Each step felt like lifting a mountain.

Ruchir's vision darkened around the edges, and every breath was a struggle. But he kept moving, driven by sheer determination and the support of his righteousness energy.

At the 140th step, he faltered, nearly collapsing under the weight. "Come on, Ruchir, just a few more," he whispered to himself, using every ounce of his willpower to stay upright.

The energy flickered, wavering as his strength waned. But he refused to let it extinguish, holding onto it with desperate tenacity.

Finally, he reached the 150th step. The gravity here was a staggering 70 times normal, an almost unimaginable force pressing down on him.

Ruchir's vision swam, and his body screamed in agony. But he stood tall, his righteousness energy glowing brightly, a beacon of hope in the crushing darkness.

Panting and drenched in sweat, Ruchir took a moment to catch his breath. His entire body ached, and he could feel the strain of the climb in every fiber of his being.

But he had made it. Against all odds, he had reached the 150th step. The climb was far from over, but this victory filled him with a renewed sense of purpose.

"Alright," he said, straightening up and wiping the sweat from his brow. "Let's see what the next challenge is."

With his righteousness energy still coursing through him, Ruchir prepared to face whatever awaited him next. He knew the path ahead would be even more difficult, but he was ready. Nothing would stop him from reaching the top.

Meanwhile, on the 50th step, Garret was struggling against the relentless force of gravity. Each step felt like moving through molasses, and the weight pressing down on him was almost unbearable. But amidst the challenge, he felt a surge of energy within him, and he realized he was on the verge of breaking through his third limiter.

With a final, determined push, Garret let out a roar, channeling all his energy into overcoming the pressure. Suddenly, he felt a release, a burst of power that spread through his entire body. He had done it—he had broken through the third limiter.

Garret was overjoyed. "Yes! I did it!" he shouted, punching the air triumphantly. He felt stronger, more powerful than ever before. The gravity that had been crushing him now felt manageable, even invigorating. He couldn't contain his excitement and began to brag aloud.

"Ha! Look at me now! Breaking through limiters like it's nothing!" Garret exclaimed, strutting around on the step. "This is what true power feels like! Who needs gravity when you've got me on your side? I'm unstoppable!"

He looked around, expecting to see his friends impressed by his feat. But to his embarrassment, he realized there was no one there to hear his boasts. The other students were far below, struggling with their own challenges, and Ruchir and Alice were nowhere in sight.

Garret's face turned red, and he scratched his head awkwardly. "Well, that's a bit anticlimactic," he muttered to himself. "Here I am, the mighty Garret, showing off my incredible strength, and there's no one around to witness it. Typical."

He chuckled at his own predicament, trying to brush off the embarrassment. "Guess I'll just have to save the bragging for later," he said with a grin. "Maybe I'll get a chance to show off when everyone's watching."

Despite the solitude, Garret couldn't help but feel proud of his accomplishment. Breaking through the third limiter was a significant milestone, and it filled him with a renewed sense of confidence. He flexed his muscles, feeling the increased strength coursing through him.

"Alright, Garret, enough talking to yourself," he said with a laugh. "Time to focus on the task at hand. Let's see how far this newfound power can take us."

Garret kept his spirits high with his characteristic humor. "I should write a book: 'How to Break Through Limiters and Impress Absolutely No One,'" he joked. "Maybe it'll be a bestseller in the cultivation world."

Despite the lack of an audience, Garret found joy in his own progress. He knew the journey was far from over, but with his newfound strength, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. And who knew? Maybe the next step would bring another opportunity to show off his abilities—this time, with an audience to appreciate it.