Extra Humour Fact I

Meanwhile, Garret was still processing the gravity-enhanced steps when he suddenly thought about Flippy. He muttered to himself, "How on earth did Flippy manage to pass that trial so easily? I bet it was some kind of trick. If I knew how he did it, I'd probably faint from coughing blood."

Unbeknownst to Garret, the way Flippy passed the trial was indeed quite unique. When given the same task to break a stone as large as Mount Tai in two, Flippy had approached the challenge with a different mindset. Instead of brute force, he utilized his transformation technique. He transformed the stone into something small enough to fit into the palm of his hand and then broke it with ease.

The old Daoist overseeing the trial had been utterly dumbfounded. "What... what just happened?" he stammered as he watched the enormous stone shrink to the size of a pebble and then crack in two. "Is this allowed? Did I miss something in the rules?"

If Garret were to hear about this, his reaction would be nothing short of explosive. He'd likely pull on the old Daoist's beard, yelling, "See this? What is this if it isn't fraud? What is this if it isn't a scam? You should ban him! How is this fair? Twenty-five years I spent breaking that stone, and this little critter just shrinks it down! I'm calling shenanigans!"

In his mind racing with these thoughts. He would have imagined the scene vividly in his head, practically seeing himself confronting the old Daoist with all the righteous indignation he could muster. "Flippy, you little cheat!" he would have muttered under his breath, shaking his head with a mix of frustration and amusement.

Garret's mind couldn't had helped but concoct more scenarios. "What if he had a transformation technique? He'd transform this whole mountain into a molehill and be done with it. No sweat, no stress. Just a nice, easy climb to the top. But no, He did not have to do it the easy way. Always the hard way."

"Maybe he should write a complaint letter to the Daoist Association. 'Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to formally protest the methods employed in your trials. Specifically, the blatant favoritism shown towards small, adorable creatures with transformation abilities. Sincerely, A very disgruntled cultivator.' Yeah, that'd go over well."

Garret would shook his head, still laughing at his own thoughts. "Flippy probably doesn't even realize how unfair it all seems. He's just doing his thing, breaking stones like it's no big deal. Meanwhile, I'm here, sweating bullets and fighting gravity every step of the way."

He paused for a moment, wiping sweat from his brow. "But seriously, if I ever see that old Daoist again, I'm giving him a piece of my mind. 'Hey, you! Yeah, you with the beard! How about a fair trial next time? Something that doesn't involve spending decades on one task while others get to breeze through with a wave of their paw.'"

He pushed on, determined to make the most of his situation. "Alright, Garret. Enough joking around. Time to get serious and show this mountain what you're made of. If Flippy can break a stone with a trick, then I can conquer these steps with sheer determination."