Chapter 101: 8 heavenly dragon horses

Garret and Alice, both determined to continue their climb up the mountain, found themselves stepping onto the 51st step together.

As soon as their feet touched the step, the world around them twisted and warped, and they were transported into an entirely different realm.

The sky was dark, with swirling clouds that seemed to pulse with energy, and the ground beneath their feet was made of an eerie, glowing substance that hummed with power.

They looked around, confused but alert, realizing they were in the midst of another trial. But this one felt different, more intense. Suddenly, a voice boomed from the heavens, echoing all around them.

"Welcome to the Trial of Wits! In this trial, only one of you will emerge victorious. The rules are simple: outsmart your opponent using any means necessary. The winner will advance, while the loser will remain trapped in this world."

Garret and Alice exchanged glances, a mix of surprise and determination on their faces. They had faced many challenges together, but never one that pitted them against each other directly.

"May the best cultivator win," Alice said with a sly smile, already plotting her first move.

"Don't worry, I will," Garret replied with a smirk, his competitive spirit ignited.

The trial began with a sudden shift in the terrain. The ground beneath them separated, creating a vast chasm that forced them onto two different platforms.

A series of puzzles and obstacles appeared between them, each designed to test their intelligence, strategy, and cunning.

Alice was the first to act. She observed her surroundings carefully, noticing a series of glowing orbs floating above her platform.

Each orb had a different symbol etched into it, and she quickly realized they corresponded to elements—fire, water, earth, and air.

She smiled to herself, knowing Garret's tendency to charge headfirst into things without fully considering all the possibilities.

Meanwhile, Garret was already trying to figure out his own puzzle.

He was standing before a large wall with shifting patterns that seemed to move faster the more he focused on them.

He could tell it was a maze of sorts, but every time he tried to trace the path with his finger, the wall would shift, throwing him off.

"Alright, you tricky wall, let's see what you've got," he muttered to himself.

Alice, on the other hand, was already forming a plan. She knew that Garret would struggle with anything that required patience and subtlety.

So, she decided to distract him. She manipulated the orbs on her side, causing them to light up in a sequence that sent a beam of light toward Garret's platform.

The beam struck the wall he was working on, causing the patterns to shift even more rapidly.

Garret growled in frustration as the maze became increasingly difficult to solve. He shot a glare over at Alice, who pretended to be deeply focused on her own task, though she couldn't hide the smirk on her face.

"Oh, so that's how you want to play it, huh?" Garret grumbled. "Two can play at that game."

He quickly scanned his surroundings and noticed a lever at the far end of his platform. He sprinted toward it, pulling it down with all his strength.

The moment he did, a series of small portals opened up between their platforms, each one randomly transporting objects from his side to Alice's and vice versa.

Alice suddenly found herself dodging small stones, bits of metal, and even a confused squirrel that had somehow been caught in the portal's path.

She ducked and weaved, trying to keep her focus on the orbs while avoiding the random projectiles. "Garret, you idiot!" she shouted, half-laughing, half-annoyed.

"You're welcome!" Garret called back, laughing as he watched her struggle. He knew that if he could keep her distracted long enough, he might have a chance to catch up. But Alice was nothing if not resourceful.

She quickly recalibrated her strategy, realizing that the key to victory was in the orbs. She began manipulating them with rapid precision, creating a series of intricate patterns that formed a protective barrier around her platform.

The random objects from Garret's portals now bounced harmlessly off the barrier, allowing her to focus fully on the task at hand.

Garret, meanwhile, was still struggling with the shifting wall maze. He had finally figured out that the patterns were following a specific rhythm, but just as he was about to solve it, Alice struck again.

This time, she sent a burst of elemental energy from her orbs through the portals, targeting the lever on Garret's side and causing it to malfunction. The portals began to close one by one, cutting off his advantage.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Garret shouted, frantically trying to pull the lever back into place.

"All's fair in trials and tribulations, Garret!" Alice replied, her voice filled with laughter.

Realizing he was running out of options, Garret decided to go for broke. He drew upon his strength, focusing his energy into a powerful burst aimed directly at the wall.

The impact caused the entire maze to shift in his favor, revealing the correct path in a flash of light. But just as he was about to take the final step, Alice made her move.

She had anticipated his final push and prepared a countermeasure.

With a flick of her wrist, she sent the final orb through the portal, which transformed into a small but incredibly dense boulder, landing directly on the platform Garret was about to step onto.

The sudden weight caused the platform to tilt, throwing Garret off balance and sending him sprawling onto the ground.

"Damn it, Alice!" Garret cursed, struggling to get back on his feet.

Alice simply smiled, having already completed her own puzzle. She stepped onto the final platform, and the trial ended with a flash of light, signaling her victory. The dark world around them dissolved, and they were both transported back to the 51st step.

Garret looked around, disoriented and a little bruised, while Alice stood nearby, looking quite pleased with herself.

"Looks like I won," she said, a teasing grin on her face.

Garret sighed, shaking his head with a rueful smile. "You cheated."

Alice laughed. "I outsmarted you, Garret. There's a difference."

He rolled his eyes but couldn't help but chuckle. "Next time, I'm winning. No more fancy tricks."

Alice just smiled knowingly. "We'll see about that."

Meanwhile, at the foot of the mountain, where the lively hustle and bustle of the raven festival was in full swing, a sudden hush fell over the crowd as a magnificent carriage rolled into view.

This wasn't just any carriage; it was a grand, imposing vehicle, crafted from the finest darkwood, inlaid with shimmering silver filigree that reflected the sunlight like a thousand tiny stars.

The carriage was adorned with intricate carvings of mythical beasts, each one more fearsome than the last, and its wheels were gilded in gold, turning smoothly as if they were gliding on air.

But the true spectacle was the team of eight heavenly dragon horses pulling the carriage. These majestic creatures were unlike any horses the crowd had ever seen.

 Their scales gleamed with an iridescent sheen, shifting between deep blues and vibrant greens depending on how the light hit them. Their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, a testament to their divine lineage.

The sight of these beasts was enough to silence even the most boisterous of merchants, and whispers began to ripple through the crowd.

"Look at those horses! They say only royalty can command such creatures."

"That must be a prince! Who else could afford such splendor?"

"I've heard those dragon horses are as strong as a hundred men and as fast as the wind itself!"

The gossip spread like wildfire, and all eyes were on the carriage as it came to a stop. Principal Yuan, standing a little distance away, also took notice.

He gave the carriage a meaningful glance, his sharp eyes narrowing slightly as he recognized the power and influence that such a display represented.

But after a moment of contemplation, he simply nodded to himself, a faint smile playing on his lips, and turned back to his duties. He knew well enough to leave such matters alone, for now.

The door of the carriage swung open, and out stepped Prince Anish Bluefield, a figure of grace and authority.

His attire was impeccable—a flowing robe of deep blue, embroidered with golden dragons that seemed to ripple with life, matching the opulence of his carriage.

His presence commanded respect, and as he descended, his servant quickly placed a stool beneath his feet, ensuring that the prince's descent was as smooth as possible. 

The crowd, which had been murmuring in excitement, fell into an awed silence as the prince's gaze swept over them, his sharp eyes taking in every detail.

Prince Anish smiled faintly, a gesture that seemed to light up his already striking features. He exuded a calm confidence, the kind that came naturally to those born into power.

Without a word, he began to observe the ongoing trial at the mountain's steps, his interest piqued by the spectacle of the participants struggling against the increasing gravity.

He motioned subtly to the guard standing beside him, a man dressed in the finest armor, polished to a mirror-like shine.

The guard understood the silent command and immediately stepped forward. He approached a nearby civilian, a middle-aged man who had been watching the events unfold with keen interest.

The guard reached into his pouch and produced a gleaming silver coin, holding it out for the man to see.

"Good sir," the guard said in a low, respectful tone, "I would like to ask you for some information regarding the trial happening on the mountain. This coin is yours if you can share what you know."

The civilian's eyes widened at the sight of the silver, a rare and precious sum for someone of his station. He took the coin eagerly, his face lighting up with excitement. "Of course, of course! The trial, yes, it's been quite a sight! They say the steps are enchanted, each one heavier than the last. Many have tried, but few have made it past the 50th step. It's a test of endurance, of willpower! The young cultivators, they're pushing themselves to the limit!"

The guard listened carefully, nodding as he took in the information. He then returned to Prince Anish, bowing low as he relayed the details. The prince listened quietly, his expression unreadable, and when the guard finished, he simply nodded.

"Hmm," Prince Anish murmured, his gaze fixed on the mountain, "Interesting." Then, with a faint smile, he added one word, "Ooh."