Chapter 106: Raven Classics: Lower Heaven

The Raven Master's gaze was sharp and discerning as he observed the two figures before him—Ruchir and Flippy.

The mountain's trials had ended, leaving these two as the only ones who had surpassed the immense challenges. The Raven Master, draped in his enigmatic black robes, nodded with a sense of approval.

"Only two of you have passed the trial," he remarked, his voice low but resonant. "I see potential in both of you. However, the next trial is quite simple. If you wish to become my disciples, you must prove yourselves once more."

Ruchir and Flippy exchanged glances, a mixture of enthusiasm and determination gleaming in their eyes. The chance to become disciples of the Raven Master was a rare and precious opportunity, one that they were both eager to seize.

The Raven Master waved his sleeves, and from the void appeared a black book, its cover embossed with silver letters that read, "Raven Classics: Lower Heaven." The book seemed to hum with an ancient power, its pages vibrating with the weight of countless secrets.

"Your task is to read and comprehend this book," the Raven Master instructed. "If you manage to comprehend anything less than ten percent, you will fail. Comprehending up to thirty percent will make you a nominee disciple. Beyond thirty percent, you will become a registered disciple. And if you can comprehend beyond sixty percent, you will become an official disciple directly."

Ruchir's breath caught in his throat as he absorbed the magnitude of the task before him.

The book exuded an aura of mystery and challenge, its pages seeming to pulse with the weight of knowledge that few could grasp. He steeled himself, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart.

The Raven Master's words echoed in his mind: the rate of completion would determine their status. The pressure was immense, but so was the potential reward.

"And don't worry," the Raven Master added, a hint of reassurance in his tone.

"Even if you end up as a nominee disciple or a registered disciple, there is room for growth. As long as your contribution is high, you can become an official disciple in the future."

Ruchir nodded, his resolve hardening. He had come too far to falter now. Meanwhile, Flippy stood by his side, as carefree as ever, a lighthearted smile on his face.

"One hour," the Raven Master concluded. "That is all the time you have."

As the Raven Master's words faded into the air, Ruchir immediately dived into the task. He opened the book with a sense of reverence, his eyes scanning the ancient text.

The language was dense and convoluted, filled with cryptic symbols and esoteric terminology that twisted his mind in knots.

But Ruchir was undeterred. He knew that the key to success lay in focus and perseverance.

His brow furrowed in concentration as he poured over the text, his mind racing to decode the intricate patterns and hidden meanings.

Every line seemed to contain layers of complexity, each one more challenging than the last.

He could feel the weight of the book pressing down on his spirit, but he refused to let it overwhelm him.

Ruchir's approach was methodical and intense.

He analyzed every word, breaking down the sentences into their most basic components and reconstructing them to uncover the hidden truths within.

His mind was a whirlwind of activity, piecing together clues and connecting the dots in a relentless pursuit of understanding.

His focus was so absolute that the world around him seemed to fade away. The only thing that existed in that moment was the book and the knowledge it contained.

Ruchir's breathing grew shallow, his heartbeat steady and rhythmic as he delved deeper into the text.

He was aware of the time ticking away, but he didn't let it distract him. Every second counted, and he intended to use each one to its fullest.

As he worked, sweat began to bead on his forehead, his muscles tensing with the strain of maintaining such intense concentration.

But Ruchir welcomed the challenge.

He knew that this was a test not just of his intellect, but of his willpower and determination. He had faced countless trials before, and this was just another mountain to climb.

Meanwhile, Flippy was also working on the task, but in a manner that was entirely his own.

Unlike Ruchir, who was diving headfirst into the complexities of the text, Flippy took a more laid-back approach.

He opened the book casually, flipping through the pages with an air of nonchalance. His expression remained as carefree as ever, as if he were simply enjoying a leisurely read.

Flippy's method was straightforward and simple.

He didn't bother trying to decode every intricate detail or unravel the layers of hidden meanings. Instead, he read through the text at a steady pace, absorbing the information as it came.

He wasn't particularly concerned with comprehending every nuance; he was more focused on getting the gist of the content and storing it in his memory.

To anyone watching, Flippy's approach might have seemed lackadaisical, even lazy. But in reality, it was a reflection of his unique mindset.

Flippy wasn't one to get bogged down in complexities or overthink things. He preferred to keep things simple, to take life as it came and make the best of it. And this approach, while unconventional, had served him well in the past.

As Flippy continued to read, his mind drifted to thoughts of Garret. He could just imagine the look on Garret's face if he saw Flippy now—sitting there with his usual carefree grin, breezing through a task that would have made most people sweat bullets.

Garret would probably shake his head in disbelief, a mix of frustration and amusement in his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me!" he'd say, his voice tinged with exasperation.

"Here I am, busting my chops to figure this stuff out, and you're just sitting there, reading like it's a bedtime story!"

Flippy chuckled at the thought, his grin widening. He could almost hear Garret's voice in his head, complaining about how unfair it was that Flippy always seemed to find the easiest way out of any situation.

"That's not fair, Flippy! You're supposed to struggle like the rest of us!" Garret would grumble, throwing his hands up in defeat. "But no, you just waltz right through it all, like it's no big deal!"

And of course, Flippy would just shrug, that ever-present smile on his face. "Hey, it's not my fault I'm just that good," he'd reply, his tone light and teasing.

"Maybe you should try relaxing a bit more, Garret. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you're not stressing out all the time."

Garret's reaction would be priceless—a mix of disbelief and grudging admiration. "Relaxing? During a trial like this? You're unbelievable, Flippy."

Flippy's smile never wavered as he continued reading the book, his mind half-focused on the task at hand and half-amused by the imaginary conversation with Garret.

It was moments like these that reminded him of why he enjoyed challenges—because they gave him a chance to show that sometimes, the simplest approach was the best one.

As the minutes ticked by, Ruchir and Flippy remained immersed in their respective methods of comprehension.

Ruchir's mind raced with intricate calculations and analyses, his every thought honed to a razor's edge.

Flippy, on the other hand, took everything in stride, his thoughts flowing smoothly as he absorbed the material with ease.

In the end, both approaches were a reflection of their personalities—Ruchir, the diligent and focused scholar, and Flippy, the laid-back and resourceful free spirit.

Each had their own strengths, and each was determined to succeed in their own way.

As the hour drew to a close, both Ruchir and Flippy felt the weight of the task they had undertaken.

The Raven Master's challenge was no ordinary test; it was a measure of their potential, their adaptability, and their ability to think outside the box.

And though their methods differed greatly, both were united in their desire to prove themselves worthy.

But as the final seconds ticked away, the question remained: who would succeed in comprehending the Raven Classics?

And would their approaches be enough to secure their place as disciples of the Raven Master?

Only time would tell.