Chapter 107: The Great Era

The Raven Master stood to the side, his eyes fixed on Ruchir and Flippy as they worked through the challenge he had set before them. His gaze was soft yet piercing, and the faint smile that curved his lips carried a depth of understanding that came from centuries of wisdom and experience.

As he observed the two potential disciples, the Raven Master's thoughts drifted to the era they were living in—an era unlike any other, marked by turbulence and transformation. He murmured softly to himself, a quiet reflection on the nature of the times.

"In these turbulent days," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "where demonic cultivators rampage across the land, spreading chaos and destruction, we stand at the precipice of a great change. The world is in flux, and with it, so too are the fates of all who dwell within it."

He paused, his gaze lingering on the ancient mountains that surrounded them, their peaks shrouded in mist. "Prodigies are sprouting everywhere," he continued, "like wildflowers after a storm. It's as if the very heavens have opened their gates, allowing an unprecedented surge of talent and potential to flood the earth. These young cultivators—Ruchir and Flippy among them—are the seeds of a new generation, one that will shape the destiny of the Four Spirit Empire."

The Raven Master's smile deepened, though it was tinged with a sense of gravity. "Treasure troves and secret lands are opening, as if the earth itself is awakening from a long slumber, revealing its hidden riches to those bold enough to seek them out. The Great Era is upon us, and with it comes profound significance."

He sighed, a sound both wistful and knowing. "This era will usher in an age where heaven and earth will align in a grand and magnificent manner. Spiritual energy will surge through the world like never before, empowering cultivators to reach heights previously thought unattainable. Breakthroughs that once required decades of painstaking effort will occur in mere moments, as the very fabric of reality bends to accommodate the will of those who strive to master it."

The Raven Master's gaze shifted to the distant horizon, where the sun was beginning its slow descent, casting a golden hue over the landscape. "But with this great power comes great peril. The ease with which breakthroughs can be achieved will also breed more violent tendencies, as ambition and greed drive men to take risks they might otherwise have avoided. Conflicts will erupt, and the world will be bathed in the blood of those who seek to claim their place in this new order."

He shook his head slowly, his expression one of contemplation. "The Great Era is both a blessing and a curse. It will bring forth heroes and villains, saints and tyrants, all vying for supremacy in a world where the stakes have never been higher. Those who can navigate these treacherous waters will rise to unimaginable heights, while those who falter will be swept away in the tide."

The Raven Master turned his attention back to Ruchir and Flippy, who were still engrossed in their task. "These two," he mused, "they have the potential to become something truly remarkable. But whether they will emerge as heroes or be consumed by the trials ahead remains to be seen. The path of cultivation is fraught with danger, but it is also the path to greatness."

His smile returned, this time with a hint of pride. "In this Great Era, only the strongest and the most resilient will survive. But for those who do, the rewards will be beyond measure."

"This is a time of extraordinary opportunity, where legends will be born and history will be written in the blood and sweat of those who dare to dream."

With that, the Raven Master fell silent, his thoughts once again focused on the present.

The Great Era was upon them, and it would be up to Ruchir, Flippy, and countless others like them to determine what kind of world would emerge from the crucible of this turbulent age.

After an hour passed, the atmosphere within the nest seemed to thrum with the anticipation of the two young cultivators. The Raven Master, still as a statue, finally spoke, his voice resonating with authority. "Time is up. Open your eyes and show me your progress."

Ruchir, feeling the weight of the moment, was the first to step forward. He took a deep breath, centering himself, and then spoke with determination, "Let me go first, Master."

The Raven Master gave a slight nod, his masked face revealing nothing but silent approval.

Ruchir closed his eyes once more, inhaling deeply as he focused on the technique he had been comprehending for the past hour. He could feel the energy coursing through him, the power of the Raven Classics resonating within his very soul. As he exhaled, he channeled that energy, his focus unwavering.

Slowly, a faint black cloak began to materialize around Ruchir's clothing. It was as if the shadows themselves were wrapping around him, a dark aura that seemed to blend seamlessly with the dim light of the nest. His eyes, once warm and determined, turned jet black, reflecting a ferocity and aloofness that hadn't been there before. The change in his presence was palpable; it was as if he was becoming one with the shadows, a specter of the night.

The Raven Master observed this transformation with a critical eye. The way Ruchir's presence seemed to wane, like a shadow in the night, was a clear indication of his progress in the technique. The Raven Master's thoughts turned to the depth of understanding required to manifest such a transformation in such a short time. When Ruchir finally stood still, his shadowed aura settling around him, the Raven Master couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

"Well done, Ruchir," the Raven Master said, his voice holding a note of genuine approval. "It seems you have crossed the 30 percent mark, which means you are qualified to be my registered disciple."

Ruchir's heart swelled with pride and relief. He had given everything he had to comprehend the technique, and hearing the Raven Master's praise was more than he had hoped for. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he turned to face Flippy, who was watching with a wide grin.

"Congratulations, Ruchir!" Flippy exclaimed, clapping his hands together in genuine joy for his friend. His innocent enthusiasm was infectious, and Ruchir couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's boundless energy.

But the weight of the moment soon returned, and Ruchir felt the significance of what had just transpired. He dropped to his knees, bowing his head three times in a show of deep respect and gratitude. "Disciple Ruchir greets the Master," he said, his voice filled with solemnity.

The Raven Master, though still hidden behind his mask, allowed a smile to form. This young man had shown not only potential but also a humility that was becoming rare in such times. "No need for formalities, disciple," the Raven Master replied, his tone gentle yet firm. "From today onwards, you are my registered disciple. Remember, before you, I had taken three official disciples and two registered disciples over the span of 200 years."

Ruchir looked up, meeting the Raven Master's gaze. Though he couldn't see the man's face, he could feel the weight of those words. The lineage he was now part of was steeped in history and tradition, and the responsibility that came with it was immense.

"I understand, Master," Ruchir responded, his voice steady. "I will strive to honor this legacy and learn everything I can under your guidance."

The Raven Master gave a slow, approving nod. "Good. The path of cultivation is long and arduous, but with determination and perseverance, you will carve your own place in history."

Ruchir bowed his head again, this time with a sense of deep commitment. As he rose to his feet, he felt the weight of his new status as a registered disciple. It was a significant step on his journey, but he knew it was only the beginning.

Behind him, Flippy watched with a curious smile, his thoughts wandering to his own upcoming turn. As carefree as he seemed, there was a spark in his eyes that suggested he was more than ready for whatever challenge lay ahead. But for now, the moment belonged to Ruchir, and Flippy was more than happy to let his friend bask in it.

The Raven Master, satisfied with what he had seen so far, turned his attention to Flippy, ready to see what this unorthodox cultivator had managed to achieve in the past hour.