Chapter 108: Flippy Defies Millions of Cultivators

The Raven Master shifted his attention to Flippy, who had been quietly working throughout the entire process.

Unlike Ruchir, who had shown signs of deep concentration and effort, Flippy appeared as carefree as ever, his expression as serene as a still lake.

"Child, how much of the technique have you comprehended?" The Raven Master asked, his voice tinged with both curiosity and a hint of confusion.

This was the same student who had breezed through trials with unorthodox methods, and the Raven Master had mentally prepared himself for a modest result. He would be truly surprised if Flippy had managed to comprehend even a small portion of the complex technique.

Flippy looked up at the Raven Master with his usual innocent expression and casually replied, "About 75 percent, I think."

For a moment, there was complete silence in the nest. The Raven Master blinked, his mind struggling to process what he had just heard.

"Did you say… 75 percent?" he asked, his voice faltering slightly.

His initial instinct was to console Flippy, to offer some words of encouragement despite what he had assumed would be minimal comprehension. But now, he found himself questioning his own hearing.

Ruchir, who was standing nearby, also widened his eyes in disbelief. He knew firsthand how challenging the technique was, having poured every ounce of his concentration into understanding just over 30 percent of it. He waited for the Raven Master to respond, half-expecting some kind of correction.

The Raven Master, still reeling from the shock, managed to regain some of his composure.

He was itching to ask, "Are you sure you weren't just memorizing the technique rather than comprehending it?" But the innocent look on Flippy's face made him hesitate.

Asking such a question felt almost shameful, as if he were doubting the boy's sincerity.

After a moment of pondering, the Raven Master finally spoke, though his tone was laced with reluctance. "Show me what you've comprehended, Flippy."

Flippy nodded cheerfully, as if this were the simplest thing in the world.

He took a deep breath, much like Ruchir had done earlier, but instead of the serious and focused expression Ruchir had worn, Flippy's face remained as carefree as ever.

The next moment, his entire body began to change.

Before their eyes, Flippy transformed into a black raven, his form melding seamlessly with the shadows around him.

A black mist-like breath exhaled from his beak, and his eyes glowed with an eerie light. The transformation was astonishingly thorough, with every feather, every detail, exuding an aura of darkness and mystery.

Ruchir, still in shock, finally found his voice. "Flippy, that wasn't the transformation technique! Master wanted us to comprehend the technique he gave us."

But before he could say more, the Raven Master held up a hand to stop him.

His eyes, hidden behind the raven mask, were fixed on Flippy with a mixture of astonishment and disbelief.

"No, Ruchir," the Raven Master said, his voice heavy with realization. "It's not just a transformation technique. Look closer."

Ruchir frowned and observed Flippy's raven form more carefully. As he did, he began to notice something strange. This raven wasn't just a mere imitation; it had an almost tangible presence, a certain depth that was more than just skin-deep.

It was as if Flippy had somehow integrated the essence of the technique into his transformation, resulting in a raven that possessed 75 percent of the technique's characteristics.

The Raven Master shook his head, utterly dumbfounded. "That raven… it's not just a simple transformation. It's almost as if the raven is embodying the essence of the technique. This child has managed to manifest 75 percent of the raven's characteristics by just… memorizing the technique?"

He couldn't help but question everything he knew about cultivation.

For the first time in his long life, he found himself genuinely stumped.

How did this boy, who seemed so carefree and unorthodox, manage to comprehend such a profound technique to this degree by merely memorizing it?

"If this child memorized the technique completely," the Raven Master muttered to himself, "does that mean he would have mastered it in its entirety?"

Heavens are playing with my old heart, he thought, a sense of resignation washing over him.

It was as if the universe itself had decided to toy with him, placing before him a disciple who defied all logic and convention.

He could feel his age in that moment, the weight of centuries pressing down on him as he tried to reconcile the impossible with the reality before him.

Flippy, still in his raven form, looked at the Raven Master with his bright, innocent eyes, completely unaware of the turmoil he had caused. He reverted back to his human form with a small hop, grinning from ear to ear. "So, did I do good?"

The Raven Master stared at him, utterly speechless for a moment before finally nodding slowly. "Yes, Flippy… you did very well."

Ruchir stood to the side, his mouth slightly open in disbelief. He couldn't help but wonder how someone could be so nonchalant about something so profound.

It was as if Flippy was blessed—or cursed—with a kind of ignorance that somehow led to miraculous results.

Flippy, oblivious to the confusion he had sown, patted Ruchir on the back. "Don't worry, Ruchir! I'm sure you'll get the hang of it too!"

Ruchir could only nod, still processing everything that had just happened. He glanced at the Raven Master, who seemed lost in his own thoughts, and then back at Flippy, who was as carefree as ever. 

The Raven Master, meanwhile, was mentally recalculating everything he knew about cultivation and techniques. He had encountered many prodigies in his time, but Flippy was something else entirely—a puzzle that didn't quite fit any known mold. 

Finally, the Raven Master sighed, a deep, resigned sound. "It seems," he murmured, "that I have much to learn from you, my young disciple. The heavens truly have a sense of humor." 

As Flippy beamed, completely unaware of the magnitude of his achievement, the Raven Master could only shake his head in wonder. Indeed, the heavens were playing with him, and he could only imagine what surprises lay ahead with a disciple like Flippy in his care.

Ruchir's mind raced as he processed what he'd just witnessed.

Flippy, the carefree and seemingly simple-minded kid, had effortlessly comprehended 75 percent of a technique that had taken him every ounce of his focus and energy to reach just over 30 percent.

It didn't make any sense. Ruchir had devoted his entire being to this path, meticulously following the wisdom passed down through generations of cultivators. And yet, here was Flippy, who had breezed through it all with a nonchalant attitude.

Could it be… Ruchir thought, his heart pounding, …that learning these techniques is so easy? Have I been doing it wrong this entire time? The idea seemed absurd, but the evidence was right in front of him. Flippy's success had been effortless—almost accidental. Was my approach wrong from the start? he wondered, panic beginning to set in.

He replayed everything he had been taught.

The grueling hours of meditation, the intense focus on understanding each nuance, the belief that only through hardship could one truly master a technique.

But what if all of that was misguided? 

What if Flippy's carefree approach was the key to transcending to new heights? Could it be that millions of practitioners, including myself, have been wrong all this time?

Ruchir's breath quickened.

His heart raced faster.

No, he told himself, it can't be.

He felt a surge of desperation as he fought to keep his composure.

Flippy is the weird one, not me. Not the millions of cultivators who have followed the traditional path for centuries.

"Yes, yes," he mumbled to himself, "that's it. Flippy is just… different. A one-off anomaly."

He closed his eyes, forcing himself to breathe deeply. Uph, uph, he inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to regain his composure.

He had to calm his young, anxious heart. The traditional methods have stood the test of time for a reason. They can't all be wrong.

Ruchir opened his eyes, feeling slightly more grounded. He glanced over at Flippy, who was still beaming with pride, oblivious to the turmoil he had caused in Ruchir's mind.

It's just Flippy being Flippy, Ruchir thought, nodding to himself as if to affirm his conclusions. I'll stick to what I know. I can't let myself be bewitched by this madness.

Even as he reassured himself, though, a small, nagging doubt lingered in the back of his mind. But for now, he chose to ignore it.

He wasn't about to let Flippy's bizarre success undermine his confidence. Ruchir clenched his fists, took one more deep breath, and allowed his heart to finally calm down. Yes, everything is as it should be,*he told himself. Everything is fine…