Chapter 119: Selection Process

The atmosphere was thick with anticipation as the muscular figure finally spoke, his voice deep and commanding, cutting through the morning air like a well-honed blade.

"Good morning, everyone," he began, his tone leaving no room for anything but rapt attention. "My name is Sir Franklin, and I am the Deputy Master of the Mysterious Heaven Palace."

His words carried weight, and the crowd hung on every syllable, eager to hear what this imposing figure had to say. Sir Franklin continued, his expression as serious as ever.

"As members of the Mysterious Heaven Palace, our duty is to protect this city and its people. We are tasked with eradicating demons, subduing criminals, and investigating cases sent to us by the higher-ups. These duties are not for the faint of heart, nor for the unprepared. Our work is dangerous, relentless, and often thankless—but it is also the highest honor one can achieve in service to the empire."

He paused for a moment, letting the gravity of his words sink in before continuing. "Our department has a long and proud history. "

"We have eliminated countless demons that threatened the capital, brought to justice criminals who believed themselves untouchable, and solved cases that others deemed impossible."

"Our achievements are carved into the very walls of this city, and our honor is woven into the fabric of the empire itself."

A murmur of approval rippled through the crowd, the assembled hopefuls standing a little straighter, their chests swelling with pride.

Some whispered amongst themselves, their voices low but filled with admiration and respect.

"That's Sir Franklin… I've heard about him. They say he's a legend in the field of demon eradication."

"Can you believe we're standing in front of someone like him? This is the chance of a lifetime."

Ruchir, too, felt a surge of pride welling up within him. "This is where I want to be, he thought to himself, his resolve hardening. To be part of something greater, to protect and serve—this is the path I've chosen."

Sir Franklin's voice brought him back to the present. "Today, you have come here for the recruitment of catchers or trainees. "

"Catchers are those who have proven themselves capable, who possess the strength and skill to face our most dangerous foes head-on. "

"Trainees, on the other hand, will undergo rigorous training to hone their abilities and, one day, may rise to the rank of catcher themselves."

He gestured to a large orb that had been placed on a pedestal nearby.

The orb pulsed with a faint, ethereal light, its surface shimmering with an otherworldly glow.

"We will begin with a simple test—your cultivation level. It will determine where you stand in this selection process."

There was a slight rustle as everyone adjusted themselves, preparing for what was to come.

"It's quite simple," Sir Franklin explained. "You will each place your hand on this orb. If you are at the Limiter level or above, you will proceed to the catcher selection. "

"If not, you will be placed in the trainee selection. Understand that being a Limiter is rare at this stage, so do not be disheartened if you fall into the trainee category. Many great catchers started their journey as trainees."

A sense of nervousness mingled with anticipation spread through the crowd. The reality of the test was sinking in—this was their first hurdle, the first step on a path that could define their future.

"Step forward," Sir Franklin commanded, "and let's begin."

The first person in line, a young man with a determined expression, approached the orb. He placed his hand on its surface, and the orb glowed brightly for a moment before dimming. Sir Franklin nodded. "Not a limiter. You will join the trainee selection."

The young man bowed slightly and stepped aside, joining the group that had been designated for trainees.

One by one, the hopefuls stepped forward, each placing their hand on the orb.

Most of them ended up in the trainee category, their expressions a mix of relief and slight disappointment.

The Limiter level, as Sir Franklin had mentioned, was not easily achieved.

Finally, it was Garret's turn. He approached the orb with his usual bravado, giving Ruchir a wink before placing his hand on the glowing surface. The orb flickered for a moment before glowing with a slightly stronger light.

"Third-tier Limiter," Sir Franklin announced. Garret gave a small fist pump, not overly impressed, but satisfied nonetheless.

Next up was the green-haired young man who had quarreled with Garret earlier.

He stepped forward with a serious expression, his spectacles glinting in the morning light. As he placed his hand on the orb, it glowed briefly before dimming again.

"Second-Tier Limiter," Sir Franklin said, his tone neutral. The young man adjusted his glasses, nodded to himself, and joined the trainee group.

Finally, it was Ruchir's turn. He took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment. This was it—the first real test of his cultivation, the first measure of how far he had come. He approached the orb, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he placed his hand on the orb, he felt a strange sensation, as if the orb were assessing him, probing his inner strength.

The orb began to glow, brighter and brighter, until it shone with a brilliant light that caused a few murmurs to ripple through the crowd.

Sir Franklin's eyes narrowed slightly as he examined the orb's response. "Fourth-tier Limiter," he announced, his voice carrying a note of approval.

Ruchir felt a surge of pride as he removed his hand from the orb. Fourth-tier Limiter—it was a solid achievement, one that placed him firmly in the catcher category.

He joined the small group of Limiters, glancing back at the larger group of trainees. The ratio was stark—one catcher for every twenty trainees.

Sir Franklin observed the gathered hopefuls with a critical eye, his expression unreadable. "As you can see, the number of catchers is few.

This is not because the rest of you lack potential, but because the Limiter level is rare, and difficult to attain.

Those who have reached it have already demonstrated significant strength and discipline."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "For those of you who are catchers, your path will be rigorous and demanding, but it will also be rewarding. "

"For those of you who are trainees, your journey is just beginning. The road ahead is long, but with perseverance, you too may reach the ranks of the catchers."

Sir Franklin's voice cut through the silence once more. "The real selection process is now going to start. Those who have been chosen for catchers selecction, follow me."

"Trainees, you will be directed to your assigned mentors selection shortly. Remember, this is just the start of your journey. Make the most of it."

With that, Sir Franklin turned and began leading the newly selected catchers away, his presence as commanding as ever. Ruchir glanced back at the crowd one last time, spotting Garret among the trainees. Their eyes met, and Garret gave him a thumbs-up, his usual grin back in place.

The selection process continued with a series of rigorous interviews and physical fitness tests, each designed to assess not just the physical prowess of the candidates, but also their mental fortitude, decision-making skills, and adaptability.

These tests were grueling, pushing the limits of everyone who had made it this far.

The first stage of the fitness test involved an endurance trial. Candidates were required to run a course through the dense forest that surrounded the Mysterious Heaven Palace, carrying a weighted pack on their backs.

The terrain was treacherous, filled with uneven ground, twisting roots, and hidden obstacles. The goal was not just to complete the course, but to do so while conserving enough energy to fight off simulated attacks by various demon-constructs conjured by the palace's instructors.

Ruchir moved with precision and focus, his training kicking in as he navigated the difficult terrain. His breaths were controlled, his steps light yet firm.

Each time a demon-construct leaped out at him, he dispatched it with calculated efficiency, his movements honed from years of practice. He could feel the eyes of the instructors on him, gauging his every move.

Garret, not far behind, was also holding his own. Despite his earlier complaints about the monotony of academy life, he was in his element here.

His natural agility and sharp reflexes allowed him to dodge and weave through the obstacles, and he took down the demon-constructs with a mix of brute force and quick thinking.

Though less disciplined than Ruchir, Garret's raw talent and determination were undeniable.

As they neared the end of the course, a final challenge awaited—a steep cliff that needed to be scaled using only their bare hands and the strength they had left.

Ruchir paused for a moment, assessing the climb.

He could feel the burn in his muscles, the weight of the pack dragging him down, but he pushed those thoughts aside.

Gritting his teeth, he began the ascent, using every ounce of strength and willpower he had.

Hand over hand, he climbed steadily, refusing to let fatigue take over.

Garret, panting heavily, arrived at the base of the cliff just as Ruchir was halfway up.

He let out a low whistle, impressed by the challenge.

"Who knew they'd make us climb a mountain on top of everything else?" he muttered to himself.

But there was no time to complain. With a grunt, he started up the cliff, his mind focused on the goal above.

Both of them reached the top, breathless but triumphant. The instructors nodded approvingly as they passed the final checkpoint, acknowledging their successful completion of the endurance trial.

But the trial was not over yet.