Chapter 120: Duty is a commitment to something greater than oneself

Next came the interviews, conducted by senior members of the Mysterious Heaven Palace.

These were no ordinary interviews; each question was designed to probe deep into the candidates' motivations, their understanding of duty, and their mental resilience.

The interviewers were relentless, their piercing gazes seeming to look straight into the soul.

Ruchir sat before the panel, his back straight and his expression calm. The first question came from a stern-faced instructor. "What does duty mean to you, young man? How far are you willing to go to fulfill it?"

Ruchir didn't hesitate. "Duty is a commitment to something greater than oneself," he replied firmly.

"It's the willingness to face any challenge, endure any hardship, and make any sacrifice necessary to protect those who cannot protect themselves. I'm willing to give everything I have to uphold that commitment."

The instructors exchanged glances, their expressions inscrutable. Another instructor leaned forward. "And if that duty requires you to make difficult choices? To decide who lives and who dies?"

Ruchir's gaze didn't waver. "Then I'll make those choices. It's not about what's easy—it's about what's right."

The interview continued, with each question more probing than the last. But Ruchir remained steady, answering with a clarity and conviction that impressed the panel. By the time it was over, he felt a sense of quiet satisfaction—he had given it his all.

Garret's interview, in contrast, was filled with his usual flair and candidness.

When asked what motivated him, he grinned and said, "To be honest? The thrill of it. I like the idea of facing danger head-on, testing my limits. But don't get me wrong—I know what's at stake. I'm in this for the right reasons, even if I enjoy the ride."

His honesty and enthusiasm, combined with his earlier performance, earned him nods of approval from the interviewers.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the selection process concluded. Both Ruchir and Garret had passed, earning their places as catchers.

The official post ceremony was held in the grand hall of the Mysterious Heaven Palace, a vast chamber adorned with tapestries depicting heroic battles and legendary warriors.

The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as the new recruits stood in formation, awaiting their new uniforms. Trainees were called forward first, each receiving a dark black uniform, symbolizing their status within the palace.

Then came the turn of the catchers.

Ruchir stepped forward with the others, his heart pounding with pride as he was handed his uniform—a similar dark black ensemble, but with a single white long stripe on the right sleeve, marking him as a catcher.

The fabric was of the finest quality, sturdy yet comfortable, designed for both combat and long-term wear.

As he donned the uniform, Ruchir felt a surge of accomplishment. This was a symbol of his hard work, his dedication, and his readiness to face the challenges ahead.

Sir Franklin stood before them once more, his voice echoing through the hall as he addressed the new recruits.

"You have earned your place here today, but remember, this is only the beginning. The uniform you wear is not just a piece of clothing—it is a symbol of the responsibility you now carry. The road ahead will be filled with trials, but I have no doubt that each of you has the potential to rise to the occasion."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the assembled recruits. "Wear your uniform with pride, but also with humility. Remember why you are here, and who you are here to protect. Serve with honor, and never forget the values of the Mysterious Heaven Palace."

The recruits stood in silence, the weight of Sir Franklin's words settling over them like a mantle. This was their new reality—a life of service, danger, and duty.

As the ceremony concluded, Ruchir and Garret exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of excitement and determination. They were ready to face whatever came next.

In a secluded room within the Thousand Leaves Academy, Principal Yuan sat across from Grand Scholar Santosh, the air between them heavy with the weight of urgent matters. The room was dimly lit, with only a single lantern casting long shadows across the walls. The two men were deep in conversation, their expressions serious.

"Principal Yuan," Grand Scholar Santosh began, his voice low and measured, "I've received troubling reports about a demon uprising in the western regions of the continent. It seems the situation is escalating faster than we anticipated. Entire villages have been overrun, and even some fortified towns are struggling to hold their ground."

Principal Yuan nodded gravely. "I've heard the same, Grand Scholar. The demons have grown bolder, attacking in greater numbers and with more coordination. This isn't just a random surge—it feels like someone, or something, is orchestrating these attacks."

The Grand Scholar frowned, deep lines etched into his face as he pondered the implications. "If that's true, we could be facing a far more dangerous threat than just a demon uprising. We need to prepare, not just defend. We must figure out who or what is behind this and put an end to it before it spreads further."

The room fell into a tense silence as both men considered the gravity of the situation. Then, the Grand Scholar shifted the conversation. "And what about the internships for your students? How is that proceeding?"

Principal Yuan's demeanor shifted instantly, his serious expression giving way to a broad, proud smile. "Ah, the internships! Let me tell you, Grand Scholar, I handled it with such finesse! The students were bored out of their minds with the monotony of their classes, so I swooped in with the perfect mix of motivation and humor."

"You should have seen their faces—Garret nearly jumped out of his seat in excitement! And Alice, well, she tried to be all serious, but I knew she was secretly pleased. It was a masterclass in leadership if I do say so myself."

As Principal Yuan continued to brag, gesticulating wildly and reenacting parts of his speech with exaggerated enthusiasm, Grand Scholar Santosh's expression turned increasingly stern.

Finally, unable to take any more, he interrupted the principal mid-sentence.

"Yuan, stop with your nonsense!" the Grand Scholar snapped, his patience wearing thin. "I didn't come here to listen to you boast about your so-called 'masterclass.'"

"I need details—what's the status of the internships? How many students have been placed, and in what roles? Speak to the point!"

Principal Yuan blinked, momentarily taken aback by the sharp reprimand. Before he could respond, Grand Scholar Santosh's hand shot out, landing a firm slap on the back of Yuan's head.

"Ow!" Principal Yuan yelped, rubbing the sore spot. "What was that for?"

"To remind you," the Grand Scholar said with a smirk, "that not everything is a joke. Next time you feel like boasting, maybe these bruises will help you remember to stick to the point."

Principal Yuan grumbled under his breath, but the look in his eyes suggested he had gotten the message. "Fine, fine," he muttered, "I'll keep it brief next time. But you have to admit, I did a good job."

The Grand Scholar shook his head, a rare smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Just make sure you do your job, Yuan. There's too much at stake for anything less."

Meanwhile, after the intense day at the Mysterious Heaven Palace, Ruchir finally made his way home, his new uniform folded neatly in his arms.

As he walked through the familiar streets, he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and anticipation. This was a moment he had worked hard for, and now he was eager to share it with his family.

When he entered his home, the warm, comforting scents of home-cooked meals greeted him. His mother, Mira, was the first to notice him.

Her eyes lit up as she saw the uniform in his hands, and she rushed forward, embracing him tightly.

"Ruchir! I'm so proud of you!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with emotion. "You've worked so hard, and now look at you—a catcher!"

His father, Raghav, though blindfolded, smiled broadly, sensing the joy in the room. "Well done, my son," he said, his voice steady and full of pride. "I knew you would achieve great things. Your perseverance and dedication have brought you here."

Leena, his younger sister, danced around him excitedly, her eyes wide with admiration. "You look so cool in that uniform, Ruchir! You're like a real hero now!" she chirped, her excitement contagious.

Ruchir smiled, feeling the warmth of his family's love and pride wash over him. "Thank you, everyone. This is just the beginning, but I'll keep working hard, not just for myself, but for all of you too."

The evening was filled with celebration, laughter, and stories of his day at the palace. As the night drew on, Ruchir felt a deep sense of contentment, knowing that whatever challenges lay ahead, he had the unwavering support and love of his family to keep him going.