Chapter 10: Unforeseen Goodbyes

That night, Tiwa couldn't wait to share the incredible news with her parents. She dialed their number, her heart racing with excitement. As soon as her mother, Simi, picked up the phone, Tiwa could hardly contain herself.

"Mom, Dad, guess what? We won the World Science Competition! Our university is the world champion!" Tiwa exclaimed, her voice bubbling with joy.

Simi gasped, and Tiwa could hear the pride in her father Ade's voice as he came on the line. "Tiwa, that's wonderful news! We are so proud of you," Simi said, her voice trembling with emotion.

"I couldn't have done it without your support," Tiwa replied, tears of joy streaming down her face. "And there's more. The president awarded me a medal, citizenship, a house, a car, and $100,000!"

"My goodness, Tiwa!" Ade exclaimed. "You've made us so proud. We always knew you had greatness in you."

"I'm going to send you some money and buy you a new house. You deserve it for all you've done for me," Tiwa said, her voice filled with gratitude.

"Oh, Tiwa, you don't need to do that. We're fine," Simi said, though her voice cracked with emotion.

"Please, let me do this. It's the least I can do," Tiwa insisted.

"Alright, dear. We are so grateful and proud of you. You've worked so hard," Ade said, his voice filled with pride.

They talked late into the night, sharing stories and memories. Tiwa felt a deep connection to her parents and was overwhelmed with gratitude for their unwavering support.

After hanging up with her parents, Tiwa called her friends to share the news. Her phone buzzed as Vou and Patrick answered, their voices filled with excitement.

"Tiwa! Tell us everything!" Vou exclaimed.

"You won the competition? Na you be this? You dey represent!" Patrick chimed in, his voice full of pride.

"Yes, we won! The university is so proud, and I was given a house, a car, and $100,000!" Tiwa said, her voice full of joy.

"Wow, Tiwa! That's amazing!" Vou said, her voice filled with awe. "We knew you could do it."

"Na you be the Einstein! No be small thing o!" Patrick said in his characteristic Pidgin English.

"I promise to send you guys gifts and money. You've been my rock," Tiwa said, her voice soft with gratitude.

"Tiwa, you're too much!" Vou said, laughing.

"Abeg, just send the gifts. I dey wait o!" Patrick joked, making them all laugh.

They talked for hours, reminiscing and sharing their excitement. Tiwa felt an overwhelming sense of love and support from her friends. It was a night she would never forget.

The next morning, Tiwa woke up early, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. She got ready for school, choosing her outfit carefully and making sure she looked her best. Driving to the university in her new car, she felt a sense of pride and accomplishment.

As soon as she arrived, she was greeted with cheers. "Tiwa! Tiwa!" Her name echoed across the campus. The chancellor approached her with a big smile.

"Congratulations, Tiwa! You've made us all so proud," the chancellor said, shaking her hand warmly.

"Thank you, sir. It's been an incredible journey," Tiwa replied, her heart swelling with pride.

Unbeknownst to her, the university had prepared a surprise celebration. As she walked into the auditorium, she was greeted with balloons, banners, and a large cake. The entire university had come together to celebrate her victory.

"Tiwa, this is for you!" one of her professors announced, leading her to the front.

She was overwhelmed with emotion as she saw the effort everyone had put into the celebration. Students and faculty members took turns congratulating her, and Dapo stood by her side, beaming with pride.

"You did it, Tiwa. You're amazing," he whispered to her.

"Thank you, Dapo. I couldn't have done it without you," she replied, squeezing his hand.

Later that evening, as the celebration wound down, Dapo knew it was time to tell Tiwa about his decision. He approached her, his heart heavy.

"Tiwa, can we talk?" Dapo asked, his voice serious.

"Of course, Dapo. What's going on?" Tiwa replied, sensing the weight of the moment.

Dapo took a deep breath. "I've been offered a deal by Mavin Records. They want me to come to Nigeria and pursue my music career."

"Wow, Dapo, that's amazing! I'm so happy for you," Tiwa said, though a pang of sadness hit her heart.

"But there's more. My father disowned me when I told him about the offer. He doesn't understand my passion for music," Dapo said, his voice breaking.

"Oh, Dapo, I'm so sorry," Tiwa said, tears welling up in her eyes.

"I've decided to leave school and go to Nigeria. Music is my dream, and I have to follow it," Dapo continued, his voice filled with determination.

Tiwa was shocked and devastated. She realized how much she was going to miss him, but she couldn't admit her feelings. "Dapo, I... I'm going to miss you so much," she said, tears streaming down her face.

"I'll miss you too, Tiwa. But I need to do this," Dapo said, his own eyes filling with tears.

"I understand, Dapo. I just wish things were different," Tiwa replied, her heart breaking.

They sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the conversation hanging between them. Finally, Tiwa spoke. "Promise me you'll keep in touch. I want to know how you're doing."

"I promise, Tiwa. I'll never forget you," Dapo said, his voice choked with emotion.

They hugged tightly, both knowing this was a goodbye. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with love and sadness. As Tiwa watched Dapo walk away, she couldn't hold back here ars.

Tiwa couldn't believe herself. She called Dapo's name and ran straight to him, giving him a big hug with tears in her eyes. Dapo couldn't help but cry too. He looked at her, his voice soft and filled with emotion.

"Tiwa, you are so beautiful. I'm going to miss you so much," he said, his voice trembling.

Tiwa held him tightly, her heart aching. "I'll miss you too, Dapo. More than you know."

Dapo pulled back slightly to look at her. "I wish things could be different. You mean so much to me."

Tiwa wiped her tears, trying to be strong. "You have to follow your dream, Dapo. I understand. But it's hard to say goodbye."

He nodded, his eyes wet with tears. "I know. I'll never forget you, Tiwa. Promise me you'll stay in touch?"

"Of course, I will. Promise me you'll do the same?" she asked, her voice breaking.

"Promise," Dapo said, pulling her into another hug. They stood there for a long moment, holding each other, both knowing this was their last time together.

The next morning, Dapo left for Nigeria.