The Beginning

Mathews 28 verse 18: "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."

A young voice hesitant and fearful broke the silence"bother… do you think dad will be proud"

There was a pause before a deeper voice responded "Well.. little brother, I am not sure" the voice sighed, then continued with more assurance " But it does not matter, not really anyways".

As soon as the words faded, chaos erupted .Shouts and screams filled the air, voices full of vigor but also anguish thundered. Explosions ring out, followed by outburst of artillery fire and shrilling screams of people being torn apart. The sounds being an orchestra of chaos, of screams of terror and roars of despair....

Silvestor groans, slowly stirring.

A calming voice, full of warmth ,spoke nearby" another bad dream?" .

"yes" Silvestor replied,a bit bewildered "Still no images though,but this time… I think I heard brother's voice" .

"Well, at least it isn't like the last one" the gentle voice responds, " Alright young man, get up, there is much to do".

Silvester turns to the voice only to see a silhouette of black hair exiting a brown oak door. Groaning, silvestor removes his blankets, they are crimson with silver markings at the edge forming an illusion of grass, when the blankets are moved, the silver markings sway like grass being blown by the wind.

Silvester liked the blanket because it reminded him of the country flag, being a crimson flag with canine like markings at the edges, signifying a beast, but his markings are silver, because he likes the colour silver.

Getting up he looks around and sighs in frustration at the mess he would have to clean up. Toys lay on the black carpet floor, to his right, his brown drawer opened wide with clothes sticking out and some on the wooden chair next to his drawer.

His room is not small by any means, it is just to big for him. Luckily beside his drawer and chair,he only had a small work table, where he did all his assignments, a small portable analog radio and a personal portal window. 'A funny little square device, made from some weird metal, that allows users to gaze at other spaces, like gazing into a window, each space is divided into channel and controlled by hand gestures. The nice thing being, when you find something you like, you stick your hand into the device and that thing is in your hand'. Silvestor thinks with a smile as he removes his gaze away from it.

With a start he quickly hops off the bed and walks to the body sized mirror facing him. A light brown skinned kid who looks between 10-12 with silver curly hair with black highlights is the image that greets him from the mirror. His eyes are silver in colour, unique even by his family standard, these eyes look to be full of wonder and mischief, his face is round, a clear sign of his youth.

He removes his star themed onezie, and puts on a simple plain white shirt and brown short, he nods to himself in the mirror and leaves out the door.

As he walks out, he knocks on a door to his left,and hurries through the corridor,down the stairs that leads directly to the dinning room to find a bowl of oatmeal on a round oak table with 4 brown chairs put in a circle. He goes to his chair on the far left of the table, passing a man holding a news paper. As Silvestor passes him by he greets "Good Morning dad" and the man grunts in acknowledgment fully engrossed in his paper.

Silvestor pulls his chair away from the table, before hoping on and eating his meal. For a moment the room is filled with nothing but the sound of slurping coffee, the tinging sound of spoon hitting the bowl and the sound of pages being turned. Silvestor smiles at the silence, so too does his father.

The peace is soon disturbed by the sound of running down the stairs,both parties sigh and resume their activities.

"Morning Silv" a voice calls out.

Silvester turns to the voice and says "Morning Brother".

His brother looks a bit different from him, his skin is light ebony as him, and that is where their similarities stop.

his hair is a deep shade of black with golden highlights, his eyes,a deep brown that looks golden in the right lighting conditions, his face is a bit angular with round chicks, a face that has yet to mature but on the way to do so, he is wearing a black shirt with a pair of dark blue jeans with blue sneakers.

Sitting across from silvestor, Leonardo or Leo, looks to his father and greets him good morning to which he responds with a grunt and he goes back to his paper, with that Leo goes on to eat his meal. The silence again permeates the table and all parties sigh in relaxation and continue their activities.

"Dad" silvestor calls out to his father,with a deep voice his dad responds, "Yes son?""will you take me to school today, I think mom will be busy" silvestor asks.

His dad lowers his news paper and looks at him, his deep golden eyes look into his son's silver, his dark golden hair flowing down to his shoulders, perfectly framing his brown angular face with a golden mustache. Robert,or Rob smiles at his son and simply says " OK" and got back to reading his paper.with that , silvestor gets off the table and take his empty bowl to the kitchen, which is to the right of the dinning room.

When he arrives, he sees a caucasian woman, with long black hair, which has gray highlights wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. Her hair is tied in a pony tail to keep it in position and she is also wearing a blue apron. Her face is a bit round with soft blue eyes and a tiny pointed nose.

She smiles widely when silvestor comes in to put his dish in the sink.

"is your food to you liking, honey" Marry asks silvestor with a smile, he then responds with a nod and says" I asked Dad to take me to school and he agreed" Marry nods in acknowledgement and ruffles his hair, she tells him to hurry up and brush his teeth and take a shower before his father leaves, to which silvestor nods and runs upstairs to take the shower. He comes back fully changed, this time wearing a white high collar shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers. To compliment the look, he has on his silver wolf head necklace,which is a gift to him from his uncle.

He walks to the front door, and waits for his father. Seeing that his son is ready,Rob casually gets up from where he is sitting, folds his news paper and hands it over to Leo.

He grabs a long coat on the rack next to the door and walks out,followed by a silver hair colored blob of excitement .

Leo looks at the door they just exited and calls out to his mom to tell her that they had already left, Marry responds with an ok and resumes her kitchen activities.

He shrugs his shoulder and opens up the news paper his father gave him. On the opening page, the title Read, "Wave of protest over the federation's Bill", he pauses and then continues reading, and as he did he could not help but wonder why his father always left him with news papers to read.

It all started after he turned 10 years old, his dad gave him a news paper to read, folded in such a way that he would always read first, the article that his father wanted him to read and by the time he was done reading, he had to leave for school. He thought it strange at first but eventually got used to it, and now does not even question this habit.

After his mussing, he continues reading, unaware that his mom is looking at him with a small smile before she too continues with her activities.

"Dad" Silvester calls out to his father as they walk out of the house, "yes son" Robberd responds, " Do you think we can ever by an air ship?" silvestor asks as he holds Robberd's hand into his.

Rob ponders for a moment before responding, "well son, I do not think now is the right time to buy one, not with the current economic situation of the country" "why?" silvestor asks, "because, it is important for mommy and daddy to have some leftover money for a rainy day"Robberd responds in an almost neutral tone, to which Silvestor scratches his head in confusion, shakes his head and nods as if what his father said to him made total sense,which it did not.

He really just wanted to be like some of the kids back in school, whose parents own private airships and they do not have to walk from home to school and back to home on foot everyday.

To get his mind off his thoughts he looks around at his neighborhood for any changes.

Silvestor's neighborhood is a typical suburban neighborhood, each house is a 2 story house build from wood, his being the exception, being build from brick. Each house is surrounded by a waist heigh wooden fence, besides his neighbor's Mr Gildard.

His fence is 2 stories in height with barbed wire on top the wall and lava surrounding it. Almost like a castle in a volcano.

Some lawns have snow, some are green with flowers blooming year long, others the trees wear the colouring of brown red, as if ready for autumn. Some house lawns were just green, all these phenomena were due to the personal climate control units installed with every house, making it easier to control a houses climate,like his being set to summer.

They continue walking in complete silence, with Silvestor staring at all the houses around him. His Father abruptly stops, making Silvestor bump into his him, his father looks at him and smiles " We have arrived at the market place, remember to stick by me" Gazing into his Father's eyes, silvestor nods his head and looks forward at the busy bustling market place.

Slowly Robert lets go of Silvestor's hand and prompts him to follow him as he walks into the crowd.

With haste,silvestor quickly follows, just shy 2 steps behind.

He navigates through the ocean of people, careful not to bump into anyone, at the sometime trying to keep up with his father's pace.

To his left merchants are calling out to buyers, and some buyers are also haggling with some sellers. It is in one of these instances where a fight broke out between the two parties and Silvestor's eyes lingered there for a second longer than he should, and he bumps into someone. Realising his mistake he quickly apologies and disappears into the crowd not noticing the look bewilderment from the person he just bumped into nor the frown that married his face soon after.

Silvestor quickly navigates through the crowd looking for the golden hair of his father, his heart beating rapidly .

He slips but before he hits the ground, a hand catches him, and lifts him up. Scared silvestor looks towards his saviour/executioner and sees a man wearing a tarted and worn black robe, his face covered with a black cloth revealing only his dark eyes.

The man gives an eye smile at silvestor and says lowly, "this is not a place you want to fall down, lets get you out of this crowd young man, too many eyes, you see" as he says this, the man walks forward and with no time to get his bearings, silvestor follows after the man, and they quickly walk towards the exit of the sea of people.

Stopping at the edge of the crowd,the man gentle but firmly holds Silvestor's shoulder rooting him firmly into the ground. He leans down to speak, his voice barely a whisper " Remember young man, you did not meet me,we do not know each other, I was never with you". he pause for a second before he continues speaking "let me leave you this parting words, an old wise saying "All power is given unto me In Heaven and On Earth" saying this, he pushes Silvestor out of the crowd.

Silvestor stumbles as he tries to walk forward, he knows that he could not look behind him at the crowd, nor stop for any length of time, and so he keeps walking forward, confused.

Hearing a distressed voice call out ,Silvestor looks to the source. Turning his head left, he sees his dad walking towards him, he looks calm, as if he was not the one who shouted Silvestor's name in distress a few minutes ago, nor does he look like a man who had just momentarily lost his son.

He gives silvestor a hug, ruffles his head and continues to walk forward like all that has just happened was but a dream. Silvestor, 2 steps away from his father , follows suite and they walk forward, never looking back, never looking around, their eyes facing forward, focused and resolute.