Foothold Established

Authors Note: thank you to the people who added this to their library, even though there is only 1 chap, The 1st chap was rushed out in less than a hour, I put more effort into this one so tell me if it's better, worse or just the same.

A few minutes after my vision was clouded by black, I felt the pull of gravity once more. I fumbled around for a sense of direction for a moment until I realized that I WAS IN THE F*CKING SKY!!

I looked downwards and there was a body of water closing in at a rapid speed, I quickly shifted my body so that I would fall feet first. I prepared myself and before I knew it, I was 10ft under the water. My lungs strained as I oriented myself and swam after the air bubbles. After breaking the through the water's surface, I finally took a breath of fresh air.

I swam to the nearest shore of the lake and dragged myself back onto land, exhausted. I didn't even have the energy to curse as I tried to catch my breath. I just laid on my back while panting like a dog for several minutes.

' Damn, I'm out of shape. ' I thought as my breathing stabilized and my heart rate slowed down.

After a while I finally gained enough strength to pull myself up using the support of a tree. I assessed my immediate surroundings as I tried to make up a plan.

I noticed that the lake I fell into was surrounded by a dense forest filled with tall trees that spanned further than my eyes could see. I also noticed a small detail at the bottom of my vision.

" Now that I focused, I saw a UI that looks suspiciously familiar to a certain blocky game. Is this the world I got sent to or is this the cheat? " I asked to nobody but myself.

A perfectly timed panel suddenly appeared in front of me, answering all my questions.

[ Time left in the Minecraft world: 100 Days ]

[ Advice: Get stacked as soon as possible ]

[ Pain is nullified by 2x ]

[ Warning: This is not a normal Minecraft world ]

' Sh*t, I guess I'm in Minecraft now huh? ' I thought with sarcasm laced in my thoughts.

I quickly checked if there is any more UI other than the standard hot bard at the bottom of my vision, information is key if I wanted to survive here. Sure enough, I saw a cartoonish model of my body in the upper right.

There's only one mod I know that type of model and it's not very good if I want to survive. To put it simply, I'm f*cked.

RLcraft is one of the hardest mods in Minecraft's, only being second to Better than Wolves and Blood and Bones. Even breaking grass could spawn a monster that could sweep the floor with you. RLcraft is actually supposed to be realistic which is not true at all. There are Dragons, Sea serpents, F*cking Grue from Despicable Me.

" The good thing is I only have 100 days here. Hopefully the next place I'm going to is tamer than this hellhole, but what if it's not?? " A voice whispered at the back of my head.

The panel told me to prepare as much as possible, that wouldn't happen if I was going to a place filled with sunshine and rainbows.

Shaking myself awake from my train of thought, I was determined to go on the path of getting stacked as soon as possible and so, I started. 

Punching trees for wood was not possible in RLcraft, you needed tools to do that, I could've gotten some free tools if I spawned inside a village but I spawned here so I need to find some flint to make a knife, Gravel was often found near bodies of water in minecraft so I went back near the lake I fell in, prepared to skedaddle if things go south.

I went back to the lake that I fell in and walked along the surface for water, before I could see any gravel though, I heard a sound the made it seem like the air itself was igniting and before I knew it, I was engulfed by high temperature flames.

Turns out I was burned to death by a dragon, I tried again but more carefully. This time chowed on by a sea serpent. Next, I got killed by a f*cking mermaid who singed me to death.

Because of the pain reduction though, I hadn't gone insane yet. And finally after a couple hours of effort, I got my hands on three blocks of gravel. Ecstatic, I rushed back into the safety of the foliage and decided to rub and grind my hands against the rough and coarse gravel until I get flint.

After I finally got my grubby little hands on some flint, I bashed it on a nearby rock, I got some flint shards, broke some sticks and finally got my first weapon, a flint knife. 

Almost 4 hours of effort with bruised hands to top and I got a clumsy tier flint knife. All journeys started with a singe step, I guess?

All of the weapons, tools, trinkets, and accessories in Rlcraft have tiers, The worst tier Trash and the best is Undying. The tier of the tool is randomly selected when you craft it but you can use a reforging table to change the tier of the equipment with a cost, basically gambling.

I used my flint knife to cut some grass and get some plant fibers. I used the plant fibers, another one of my flint shards and a stick to make a flint hatchet, still clumsy tier.

I chopped down my first tree. It didn't work like in minecraft where I just wailed at the air 3 meters away. I actually had to chop it down physically. It was way easier than what it should've been though. I spent a good 3 minutes chopping down the tree.

When the tree fell down, all the items got deposited in my inventory. After I got the items, I set off to find some mobs to slaughter, hopefully the process doesn't have any blood. I've seen animals getting butchered before but I don't think I have the courage to do it myself unless my life is threat-


I was suddenly cut off from my thoughts as I heard a nearby bush rustle, I nervously pulled out my hatchet and knife and inched my way closer to the bush.

Before I knew it though, I was having a staring contest with a Uvaraptor as it growled and showed it's razor sharp teeth and talons.

' I will have to fight. It's faster than me and this is it's turf. The chances of me outmaneuvering it is low. The odds are against me on this one. ' I thought as my heart pumped faster and as adrenaline flowed through my blood.

The silence was finally broken as it lunged at me with it's mouth wide open and with it's talons ready to shred me to ribbons..