Fangs and Talons

POV: John

The beating of my heart intensified as adrenaline flowed through my veins. The silence was deafening as the Raptor slowly stalked around me, looking for a sign of weakness, a chance to strike, And it saw one.

It leaped at me with it's maw wide open and talons ready to rip me to ribbons. I dodged and immediately circled around to it's backside. I let my hatchet loose as it cut through the air, aimed at the beast's backside. The Raptor dodge the spinning hatchet and retreated, making some distance between us.

Being unharmed and down a hatchet, I used more materials to craft another one while I aimed my knife at the Raptor, hoping that it wouldn't pounce on me while I was down a weapon.

" The agility of this beast won't allow me to hit it with ranged weapons with how skilled I am currently so I have no choice but to go melee. " I thought as I finished crafting my flint hatchet.

It leaped towards me and I dodged for the second time.

I kept dodging and it kept lunging, I slowly got more tired while the Raptor was still in pristine condition. Eventually, I was hit one time when I circled to it's backside once again, it flicked me with it's tail, sending me flying and making me hit a tree and fall down on my knees.

The metallic taste of blood slowly filled my mouth as my chest throbbed in pain, I think I broke a rib or two.

" I'm gonna die if I keep this up. Good thing I have a plan. " I smirked as the feathered beast lunged at me once again to finish me off while I was down.

I placed a crafting table at the last second causing it to stun itself because of the impact, I then used the crafting table to craft a proper weapon, a stone katana.

Placing blocks and crafting was thought activated so I did all of this in a instant, the Raptor was still stunned so I used the chance to wield the katana in my right hand and pierce the feathered beast's skull, turning it to nothing but dust and experience points.

I then walked out of my first battle ever, bloodied and worn but victorious.

You might ask how I've crafted this stone katana, well turns out, stone tools are enabled in this apparent version of RLcraft I was playing. You see, Stone tools were disabled in the later versions of RL craft which was why I didn't craft stone tools earlier. I noticed some stones on the ground and picked them up which I used to craft stone blocks during the battle with the Raptor.

I then took a gamble and placed the crafting table. I just hoped that stone tools were enabled and they were, which saved my life. Thankfully, the guy that put me in this place had mercy on my soul.

( Small stones > Stone blocks > Stone katana )

I got two feathers, some bones, a Uvaraptor skull and roughly 4 levels from that battle. I didn't escape the battle without consequences though. I suffered 2 and a half hearts of damage on my body which would've been a scratch if it was vanilla due to the difference in the regeneration mechanics.

" Rlcraft has locational damage though which gives 3 hearts of health to each body part that you have which means that I'm half a heart away from death. I also need bandages to heal, you can't eat to heal like in normal minecraft so I needed to craft bandages which needs wool. " I thought as I rubbed my temples.

Problems just keep sprouting up like weeds, I've just got out of a life and death battle and another problem presents itself. I need to keep moving, find some sheep and maybe a village.

I continued my trek through the forest, running away or digging down immediately after spotting a hint of danger. I was one shot if I was hit in the body so I wasn't taking any risks. I didn't want to lose my progress.

I also decided to put my experience points into attack, as a result, I gained knowledge about fighting which surprised me, it seemed like my body was changed on a fundamental level, information about stances and footwork got sent into my mind, giving me a migraine.

You see, there are areas where you can pout your experience points to other than enchanting. These are Attack, Farming, Defense, Gathering, you name it. You need to put levels in a certain area if you want to be able to use a tool corresponding to that area.

For Example: level 4 in attack would allow you to wield iron weapons, level twelve or something in attack would allow you to wield diamond weapons, honestly I forgot the requirements so I'm gonna learn on the job. Most of my knowledge comes from one hundred days videos I w-

My thoughts were interrupted as I finally got out of the forest I was dropped in. Turns out it was also just starting to get dark, in my panic, I blocked up and started checking my surroundings for something, anything that would help me survive.

" I'm already hungry so staying in a hole the entire night will get me killed by starvation. " I thought as I scanned the field until I found something.

Torches, Light. I could also make out the silhouettes of a few houses in the distance, ecstatic I got down and started sprinting towards the village. It was already dark so mobs started to spawn around me. Spiders, Creepers, Zombies. I even saw some blight versions spawning.

" F*ck! not good. " I thought as I renewed my efforts in trying to reach the village. There was already a entire mob of well... mobs that chased me closely from behind. 

I sprinted for what seemed like a eternity until I could finally see the figures of the guardian of the village, a Aegis.

The Aegis had a blue upper body and sported a white lower one, it's main mode of transportation was levitation because it didn't have legs, it wore a blue knight's helmet and boasted two, thick, circular shields.

I ran straight past it leading the group of mobs into their doom, the Aegis tossed and smashed it's two, blue shields around it's body against the crowd of mobs, shattering bones and tearing muscles.

I looked on at the side like a cheerleader, watching the Aegis break house.

I'm finally safe, well at least from the grunt mobs. I found a sizable house in the village, broke into it, blocked off the entrance and crashed onto the bed, entering the land of dreams, exhausted from everything.

Authors Note: Please leave a review or a comment that gives suggestions on how to better this story. I accept constructive criticism so go ahead and bash me in the comments. Thank you for reading this fic and have a good day!