Labyrinth City Orario

I felt a familiar feeling of weightlessness as black covered my vision.

" Ah shit, here we go again "

I was in the void for a what seemed like a few minutes before a bright light appeared, it pulled me through and I felt the powerful pull of gravity once more.

That fucking God dropped me off in the sky again. Was this necessary?

I oriented myself once more and looked below me. There were only trees below me to break my fall. I made sure to fall feet first as the ground rapidly approached,

The tree branches took turns trying to impale me as I rolled and tumbled. After three or so direct hits on my body, I hit the ground with a loud thud.

I stood up with a grunt of effort and inspected myself, absolute no damage done whatsoever. After I was done inspecting myself, I checked my surroundings, There were dead trees spanning further than the eye could see, no signs of civilization.

After I was done inspecting myself, a blue, transparent panel appeared in front of my vision. 

[ Welcome! You have transmigrated into the world of Danmachi!! ]

[ Any questions? ]

" Why was it necessary to drop me off in the sky you sick fuck?? " I asked with sarcasm in my voice.

[ I have no idea, don't ask me. I'm just the messenger. ]

" Anyways, what in the name of God is Danmachi?? " I asked with confusion laced into my tone. " I wasn't that much of a weeb in my past life, the only anime I watched back then was One Piece and One Punch Man. "

[ Danmachi or Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon is a Anime where the premise is about a city called Orario, This city contains a Dungeon that goes deep into the Earth itself. ]

[ To explore this Dungeon and milk it of it's profit, normal humans can receive blessings from Gods called Falna, in return, you must join their Familia ]

[ Falna is basically a Status Screen in RPG games. You can increase you're stats by getting Excelia from fighting monsters, you can also level up if you get enough stats. If you level up, you can choose one skill. ]

[ Magic here is also different. Normally, you can only have three magic slots but some people have the ability to bypass that through the use of a skill ]

[ The God has also given you some advice: He says that you should change your name, also, choose your name wisely.

[ Anyways, that's all you need to know about this world. You will be given hidden quests to that you can complete in the near future for rewards. See you at the next World Warp!! ]

[ Amount of time before World Warp: 100 days ]



And the weird panel thing finally disappeared.

So this is a lot to take in. First of all, that's a long ass fucking name. Second of all, what now??

My entire goal was to get stacked as soon as possible. For all I knew at that time, I was gonna get sent to Warhammer 40,000, even surviving would be a challenge in that place.

After a long time contemplating my next goal. I decided to get stronger, it was all that I had at this point. Maybe I'll make some friends, create a strong Familia, and explore the Dungeon on the side.

I get some dopamine anyways when I accomplish something or when I discover something new.

After my slight identity crisis, I trekked through the woods with my Atlas in hand and eyes peeled. Rlcraft has taught me that you should never let you guard down. I didn't have any info about the monsters of this world yet so it was better to be careful,

How disappointed I was though when I stumbled accross my first " monster ", a Goblin.

" What is this, A joke?? " I thought as I punted the sorry excuse of a monster like a soccer ball, splattering it against a tree. 

My strength seems to have increased when I left the Minecraft world. This was expected because I watched a theory back on my time on Earth about Minecraft's increased gravity.

Surprisingly, my increased strength shocked me more than the gore I experienced. My multiple, painful deaths might have hardened me more than I thought it would.

After the slight skirmish, I continued my trek until I reached a muddy, dirt road. let's hope I reach a village soon enough where I can ask for directions.

I summoned my horse using the Soulstone, using it to travel more efficiently in this rough terrain. I gave my horse a drip inspection during my last days in the Minecraft world and gave it some Iron Horse Armor to protect it better when I ride it into battle.

The horse also seemed to develop testicles when it or rather, HE entered this world via the Soulstone. It seems that real world physics apply to whatever I bring out of the Minecraft world. He also seemed to develop a rather snarky personality, kicking me off it's back until I give it what it wants.

Because of his rapidly developing personality and his gender reveal. I decided to name him Cow which was reminiscent of the meme where people name their dog Cat and their cat Dog.

" C'mon mate! Stop doing this to me!! " I yelled as Cow kept throwing me off in retaliation of his name.

" Okay fine!! " I relented as I decided to change Cow's name " Thunder, your name shall be Thunder, happy?? " The Horse finally let me ride his back and let out a snort of satisfaction.

I whispered under my breath " Thunder, what a corny ass name. "

Finally continuing my journey, I spotted a village in the far distance which I entered.

I didn't forget to remove my armor and tie Thunder to a tree, I didn't want to cause a commotion. I entered the village and bought some wheat and apples from a farmer named Joe, he was pretty chill. He gave me some advice about monsters and told me where Orario was located.

I thanked him, paid him with a gold nugget which was apparently worth a lot which means I'm loaded.

I untied Thunder and for the first time, rode him at top speed because I knew where I was going. He was really fast. He was probably double the speed of my car in my past life.

In no time, I stumbled across Orario. The city was huge on the outside, towering stone walls, soldiers patrolling around the perimeter. The Tower of Babel still visible, piercing through the clouds.

I approached the gates and waited in line until it was my turn to be questioned.

" Name, Affiliation, and Purpose " A Guard asked with apprehension as he eyed Thunder.

I responded calmly, trying to ease the Guard's doubts " John Wick, I have no affiliation, I'm here to explore the Dungeon. "

" I see, pay a fee of five hundred valis and you're good to go. " The guard said with his tension easing up a bit.

Good thing I exchanged one of my Gold Ingots for valis in the village I discovered earlier.

I paid him the fee and finally entered the Labyrinth City Orario after a week of travelling.

Authors Note: Thanks you to those who added this to their collections, thank you to those who donated powerstones. Please leave a review so that our average review can be seen from outside the fic, thank you and have a nice day!!