Anubis Familia

Orario was breathtaking.

There were Beastkin, Dwarves, Elves, and many more races wandering through the streets. Vendors were tying to advertise their unique products. The Tower of Babel towered over everything in the area. 

This was it, this was where my adventure will begin. Even though I felt pain whenever I got hurt in the Minecraft world, due to everything being blocks, I didn't take it that seriously.

This was different though. The humans here were sentient unlike the villagers that I encountered in Rlcraft which made me take this as real rather than a mere game.

Anyways, I needed to sign up as a Adventurer so I went to the Guild. I asked some locals for the direction and the Guild Building and pinpointed it's location without complications.

Before long, I manage to find the Guild Building. The Guild Building was extremely decorated on the outside, it has flags hanging in front of the entrance and multiple layers of colors that covered the outside. Overall appraisal, very fancy.

I promptly entered the building and lined up in front of the shortest line that I saw. I didn't stand out too much in the crowd of people, the only thing that was unique about me was my height and how messy my beard was.

Even when I was in the short line, it took me three hours which made me pretty impatient, not gonna lie.

The person that registered me as a Adventurer was called Phil. He wore a black vest and pants with a white collared long sleeve shirt underneath and a grey bow tie, he emitted a chill and reliable vibe.

He was also kind enough to give me some tips for the lower floors of the Dungeon while he registered me as a Adventurer.

I also got handed a list of all the Available Familias that I could join. I wanted to join a Familia that was empty so that my achievements stand out more. If you join a top rated familia and do something special then it's just written off as normal because there are so many talented people in that Familia.

I also wanted to build it from the ground up myself so that I can control which direction it goes to in the future. 

Crossing off all the Familias that were popular or had a lot of members, I was left with a select few. The optimal choice if I wanted a loving god/goddess was Hestia.

You know, because she was the Goddess of Heart and Home. I didn't want to be coddled too much however because I would probably risk my life everyday in the Dungeon. I wanted someone that cares but not overprotective.

After a scrolling for other options, I stumbled across the Anubis Familia. Last time I checked, he was pretty chill you know. Protecting and guiding souls and making sure they are judged fairly and punishing those who desecrated the tombs of the dead.

Because of that, I chose Anubis and went to visit him in the western side of Orario. I wore my armor and rode on top of Thunder, I wanted to make a good first impression on my first God.

___ _

So this is the place huh?

The House was relatively clean and looked sturdy. The walls were made out of a sort of blackish brick and the windows were made of wood, reinforced with iron locks.

The door made out of Dark Oak and Strengthened with what seems like Dark Iron.

The House itself was in a pretty secluded location, surrounded with a wooden fence and away from any prying eyes.

I knocked three times, making sure that each knock was loud and audible.

After a while of waiting, I head some footsteps approaching the door, I made sure to remove my helmet, I didn't want to make it look like I was about to wage war.

The door got opened and what greeted me on the other side was quite surprising.

It was Anubis in all his glory but he didn't have any dog-like features. He wore a black skintight suit and was adorned with multiple golden accessories, he had long, black hair which accentuated his sharp facial features.

" What do you want? " He asked with a eyebrow raised in confusion and annoyance.

" I want to join your Familia " I stated firmly and with confidence.

No need to beat around the bush with a God who can tell if you're lying or not.

He seemed almost confused for a moment before responding " Sure, I guess. Let's slap a Falna on you once we get inside, we can introduce ourselves on the way. "

I'm liking this god already, serious and straight to the point. I would've lost my mind if I was stuck with the more childish gods like Hestia or Loki.

" So why me, you seem like a capable mortal that could get into a good Familia " Anubis asked while leading me through a corridor.

The House was way bigger on the inside. I could practically smell the magic that went into this place. The house was fairly decorated on the inside, The most noteworthy decorations though were the paintings of what I assumed to be the Underworld.

There were Pits of Lava, Souls of the damned, Giant giga demons that were probably bigger than the skyscrapers in my past life. This guy was the real deal.

" I'm the ambitious type, I want to build up a Familia from the ground up with my own efforts rather than piggy-backing on a established Familia's net worth. " I said with conviction in my tone.

" Well... I respect that. " The Egyptian God said as I entered a room with him.

" Anyways, I need you to lie down on this contraption right here and take of your shirt. " The God of Death pointed towards a metal bed that seemed like a bed in a massage parlor.

" Oh well, no homo I guess " I thought as I lied down and removed my shirt.

" This shouldn't feel to painful, at worst you will feel a prickling sensation on your back " The God explained as immediately after, I felt that same sensation he described.

After a minute or so, He told me to get up and showed my status sheet.

" I'm pretty new to this Familia thing but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't get a skill at level one. " He whistled as I read the what was on the paper he gave me.

John Wick ( The ROB masked his real name )


STR: I-0

END: 1-0

DEX: 1-0

AGI: 1-0

MAG: 1-0



The gaining of Stats is exponentially increased

Slow and Steady

There will be no bottleneck between levels

Boogeyman ( His new name that he picked gave him this skill )

Willpower is increased exponentially, Gives immunity to mind reading, memory changing, or anything related to tampering with the mind. You are also given resistance against negative status effects such as Poison, Weakness, Fatigue, and many others.

Baba Yaga

Skills with all ranged weapons are increased







Authors Note: What do you guys think of his skills. Is it a bit much that he stole John Wick's name for you guys and his titles??